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Kat Hicky
There's a stray cat that is dying to stay inside my house,what should I do?
So I'm only 17 years old. Where I live there's like 5 "neighborhood" cats that just stay close to my house. Well the other day a sweet little cat came running to me meowing for me to pet her. I love animals so I was petting her for a long time.
Well anywho. Yesterday I was like hey let me pick her up and carry her inside. I wanted to saw my mom how sweet she was. I never put her down because I have 2 other cats and if she has something I don't want her to pass it to my other cats.
Well all night long the cat was crying at the door to come back inside. I was so sad to just keep her out there.
I would like to know how much it would cost to take her to the vet. We can only put her inside if we know she doesn't have anything.
3 AnswersCats6 years agoI'm driving my self crazy. Please help with my social anxiety issue.?
Ok so this is going to sound very very stupid for most of you. But if you have social anxiety like me then you'd understand.
Ok so my social anxiety is so bad that I have a panic attack if I have to walk out the class room. Like everyone sitting down and then I get called to the office.
Well, I walked awkwardly as hell in front of everyone and went to the office. The worst part was when I walked back in. When I walked back in and opened the door I turned completely around to close the door. And when I was walking to my seat I ******* of course pretended to be on my phone so I would feel better.
Can you please just tell me that I'm over thinking wayyyy to much. All I think about is how others receive me and my actions.
1 AnswerPsychology6 years agoEveryday at school I've stayed in the bathroom during lunch. I can't take this loneliness anymore.?
So I'm in the 10th grade. I started staying in the bathroom the 2nd week of school because I didn't have any friends at that lunch.
I know everyone's got to know I stay in the bathroom. People seem so different around me now. I want to soo badly go somewhere else but I've goten so used to the bathroom.
Honestly I just feel like ****. Because my life is so ******* lonely. I have absolute no close friends. I do have social anxiety which causes this.
I just want my "reputation" changed. I'm so paranoid that people are secretly talking about me staying in the bathroom. Which they probably are. I just need ******* friends.
3 AnswersMental Health6 years agoWill my medicine always make me not want to have sex?
Ok so this may sound werid. I'm not gonna lie before I took Celxa I was a horny person and thought about sex a lot. Which is normal for teens. So Celxa is the med I take which is for depression and anxiety. I look at all these people say that after they started taking it they never had desire for sex.
I've been on the med for around 3 months now. I never feel that sexual way or anything. It's not like I wanna **** everybody but I don't want to be a 30 year old women still thinking like this.
Any help
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhat to do when the guy I like has a girlfriend?
I'm 16. I like this guy so much he's all I think about. This sounds so cheesy. We're both on the same sports team and he would always look at me and try to get close to me. I of course tried to act like he didn't exist.
But my feeling for him got so strong. But I think on Monday I say him holding hands with a girl. I almost cried.
I just want to know how to stop liking him. I want my feeling Togo for someone ******* single.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhat to say when an old friend comments you're pretty on your picture?
Lol this may be stupid but I over think everything.
I don't know what to say back. Like "aw thanks gurrl,you too".
2 AnswersFriends7 years agoFirst time driving alone and I made a huge mistake. PLEASE help?
Ok so I was planning to just pick up one thing. But when I got there I didn't have enough money. So I was like hey I'll just get a coffee. We'll I lied to my mom saying I was all most home when I was still on my way to get coffee.
On my way to get coffee I didn't know that the lane I was in merged in to the next one. So I pulled right in front of an old lady. She beeped her horn for ever. There was a red light and I look back and she was writing my license plate number down. The thing is the cars my step grandmas. I don't know what happens when people wright your number down.
2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years agoIs online schooling beneficial for someone with Social Aniety?
Hi so I'm 16.
I've hinted to my mom that I'd love to do online schooling. My mom doesn't understand my feelings. She just doesn't want me to become even more antisocial.
The thing is while in school since I'm so scared to be social or whatever I do as little as I can. I skip the days I know we're gonna have partner work. I just know I'm so smart but school just scary for me.
I just don't want to become locked in my room. I was thinking to convince my mom I could get a job? Even though getting a job will be nerve racking Id at least be somewhat social.
2 AnswersPsychology7 years agoHave you ever met a celebrity?
11 AnswersCelebrities7 years agoHow to not become anxious about my driving class.?
Ok so on Sunday I have to go to this class that's every new driver had to go to. I just go to a classroom and I guess watch videos and maybe answer questions.
I have social anxiety. I'm just so scared because I'll more then likely want know anyone in the class. And I'm so ******* scared that I'll have to talk in front of people.
How can I become calm and not anxious about going to this class?
1 AnswerMental Health7 years agoWhat's your thoughts on online schooling?
So I'm going into the 10th grade. I believe I suffer from social phobia. I really badly want to do online schooling. But I don't wanna feel isolated. You know?
Like I have so much fear with socializing. But I know that if I do online schooling I will end up depressed cause I'll have no one to talk to.
Also there's another option. Maybe going to a private school?
5 AnswersHome Schooling7 years agoHow to ask my mom to take me to doctor for social anxiety.?
So I'm 16 years old.
I feel trapped in my body.
I've been in therapy but I don't feel like it's worked. I honestly think my mom thinks I'm just shy now and it'll be over with.
But it's so different from being shy. I want help. I feel like it's gotten so worse over the years. I just don't want to end up not leaving my house when I grow up.
So the thing is. My brother,sister and mom all take medicine for anxiety but not social anxiety. Like I'm scared that my mom will think I'm just trying to get pill or something. I dunno this ******* social anxiety makes me think completely different then normal people.
How do I ask her.
3 AnswersPsychology7 years agoHow to respond to text saying"why'd you stop talking to me"?
So I starting "talking" to this guy around 2 months ago. I felt like things were going to fast and I completly stoped talking to him. Yes I know it's wrong I felt like a total ***** for ignoring him.
So he messaged me again. Asking me why I stop talking to him. I personally don't even know.
I mean I do kinda like him. I just push myself away from people.
What should I say. I don't wanna be straight up.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoDo you think I have an anxiety disorder?
Hello!! I'm Sara a 16 year old girl.
So this could easly be a long story but imma try my best to keep it short.
All my life I've been shy and quite. I've been in therapy for it and recently just got out simply because I hated it.
The thing is. I fear so much. Like Ice recety gotten my permit and all I can think about while driving is me dying by another car. I know it's bad. I will get so paranoid that I literally go crazy.
I have feelings I'm going to die almost everyday. I mean I don't want to but yea.
My OCD is also terriable. Like it's just gotten bad. I've found that OCD ties in with anxiety.
Also my social anxiety. I feel like that's why I'm quite around others because I want to talk but I feel so scared..
I want to take medicine for it. My mom,brother,AND sister all have ******* anxiety problems. I don't know why my mom doesn't think I don't have it. Like I don't know how to ask her.
I just don't want to get to the point were I'm scared to go outside.
2 AnswersMental Health7 years agoWhat's your review on Loreal True Match foundation?
Thinking about buying it. Is it good for dry skin?
3 AnswersMakeup7 years agoHow to respond to this guys message?
So ok there's this guy. Like 2 months ago we started "talking" and I felt like things were going too fast so I just totally ignored him. I've felt like **** ever since. Well he messaged me again a few days ago on kik saying "why haven't you talked to me :(". I felt really bad but don't know what to say.
6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoCould I have an anxiety disorder? If so what to do?
So I'm 16 year old girl.
Honestly I don't know how to write all I have to say so please just stick with me.
So I'll begin to say that I believe I have social anxiety. I just can't explain what my body does when I even think about being with people. I'm even in therapy for it. I do feel like my social anxiety is getting better. But I feel like I'm developing other types of anxiety.
Ok so since I was little I be been scared of stickers. I have know clue why. I just thought when I grow up that Itll go away. But no, it's gotten worse. Ive even become really germaphobic and OCD.
And I wasn't like this when I was younger.
I've googled a lot for like a year and found out that sometimes people develope anxiety/OCD at an older age like around 14-16. And that's the age I was.
Oh and not to mention my brother,sister, and even mom have anxiety problems. I feel like since I don't show my anxiety like they did that my mom doesn't think I have a problem.
I'm wondering since they all take medicine for anxiety if I ask my mom to see if I need to get on the medicine. Yes I know medicine isn't the answer. But I need help with this.
1 AnswerMental Health7 years agoBest AFFORDABLE foundation for discoloration?
Hi so my face is extremely splotchy. I've got some skin problem that got passed down from my dad but it's worse then it's ever been. Since I've gotten a lot of sun my face is really dark but the big splotches were it's much lighter.
I would like to get a foundation that will make my whole face 1 even color. So I guess I need a full coverage foundation?
But anyways thanks for your help.
7 AnswersMakeup7 years agoWhy/is it bad that I like every guy that is nice to me or gives me random compliments.?
So this question may be confusing.
So I'm a 16 year old girl.
The thing is when a guy is remotely nice or whatever I get feeling for him. Like it's different though cause I can tell if a guys flirting. But I'm to awkward to flirt back and yea it never works out most the time.
So yea is it weird? How can I change it?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHow to ask my mom to take me to see a doctor for social anxiety?
So I'm a 16 year old girl. I've had my ups and downs with my social anxiety. The thing is my mom took me to therapy for a while but I just didn't think it helped.
I feel it inside like just something weird with the thought of interacting with others. I want to live life.
The thing is my sister and brother both have anxiety problems. My brother has a little bit of social anxiety. And they both take medicine for it. I feel like my mom just thinks it's a phase for me and I'll just change fast. But I feel like I need to take medicine for it. I don't know.
1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago