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I'm a loving first time mommy to my wonderful, cute as a button son, Christopher. I love life and my family and I can't wait to experience life with my new family of my son and boyfriend!

  • Tips for breastfeeding our second baby?

    I breast fed our first son for 9 nine months but I ALWAYS had trouble with my milk supply. I don't know if that's just because I was doing it wrong or because little man was a snacker and wanted a little bit every 1-1.5 hours. I have the opportunity to buy a pump this time around. Would that help? Any general tips. I'm due in about 8 weeks and freaking out lol!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • I feel sick until I drink water?

    For the past few days I've noticed that if I'm not constantly drinking water, I feel sick even if it's only been a half hour since I had some. I start trembling, I feel nauseous, and my head hurts. Once I've had a glass of water I feel immensely better. I don't drink alcohol and limit my caffeine to one cup of coffee (no chocolate or tea) and I barely drink soda. I'm in my first trimester of pregnancy if that counts. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • I can't raise my shoulder with bent arm?

    The past 3-4 weeks I've had shoulder pain that's getting progressively worse. Starting a couple of days ago, I can't raise my arm past a 45 degree angle when my elbow is bent even slightly. Neither to the side nor in front of me and there's only minimal pain when elbow is extended. Of course I'm going to see a doctor soon but I was wondering if maybe anyone had any ideas or where I can search for ideas lol!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • 8 weeks pregnant and no one to talk to?

    This is pregnancy #2 and I'm so excited! Too bad this time around I feel so sick. It's okay though because I know that I'll feel better soon and because it's so worth it. My major problem is that I have no one to talk to. My fiance is in denial and refuses to speak about it (also father of our 2 year old DS). My family is in another country and I don't have any friends in town. I guess I just wanted to hear (read) what women in similar situations did. Please no offensive answers please, I feel horrible already.

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Pregnant and my job is making me physically sick?

    I got a job driving a school bus at the end of August. I didn't know that I was going to suffer very bad motion sickness or that I would conceive a few days later. I'm about to enter my eighth week. The hours are brutal but I could live with that for awhile but every time I step off the bus, it takes every fiber of my being to not pass out plus our 2 year old son comes to work with me. We aren't allowed to eat or drink while driving but I manage to sneak in a couple of sips of Gatorade at stop lights. I've signed a 3 month contract and they don't care how sick I get. I tried Ginger, gum, sea bands. Nothing works. I'm so stressed about it that I can't breath sometimes. I also take care of our DS 24 hours a day. I don't know what to do and I'm worried that I'm harming our unborn child. Just thinking about the fact that I have to drive for 6 hours tomorrow makes me want to throw up. What to I do?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Our 2 year has been refusing food.?

    For the past couple of days our 2 year old DS has been refusing anything solid. He doesn't even want applesauce or his favorite candy. I even tried McDonald's but it was a no go. He went from 2 bottles to wanting 4-5 a day. He doesn't seem sick just cranky from not eating and I guess he's energetic enough. I'm just really worried. Any ideas?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How long before tooth nerve dies?

    I was visiting my folks in Greece, like every year, but instead of visiting my regular dentist there I went to a new one. I wanted to see if he could temporarily fix my last wisdom tooth or if he needed to pull it. It had a hole in it but didn't hurt. It's 2 weeks later back in the States and my filled tooth hurts non stop. He cleaned it for 30 minutes really close to the nerve and kept talking about root canals. Dentists here are way too expensive and right now I can barely afford ramen noodles. There are no dental schools in the area. How long before it stops hurting? I'm trying to save for a visit but it's going to take 2-3 months.

    Dental9 years ago
  • Should I get second opinion about my thyroid?

    I went to my ob gyn because my periods were just a bit tad wacky. She sent me for some thyroid blood tests and when they came in she told me to visit an endocrinologist. I had a tad high T3, normal TSH (2.15), normal T4 and elevated ANTI-TPO. I made a checklist of all my symptoms, which I've been meaning to see a doctor about anyway, and I was getting excited to finally figure out what's going on. The doctor took one look at the test results, didn't ask me about my symptoms or even let me talk about them, and sent me home. Am I just worrying about nothing or should I get a second opinion?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Trying to concieve. Should I try this?

    We've been TTC for a year and a half now. I talked to my OB-Gyn but he brushed the subject aside. I get a heavy period either 4-5 days early or 4-5 days late (sometimes sooner or sometimes later) but only every other month. It's on a regular 28 days cycle every other month so I don't know if I should consider my periods as irregular. An ultrasound shows that I have normal ovaries and no cysts or fibroids. I was wondering if I should try Vitex or Fertilaid first along with a basal thermometer before putting my hand deep in my pocket for further fertility tests. We already have a 2 year DS.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Should I try fertility supplement?

    We've been TTC for a year and a half now. I talked to my OB-Gyn but he brushed the subject aside. I get a heavy period either 4-5 days early or 4-5 days late (sometimes sooner or sometimes later) but only every other month. It's on a regular 28 days cycle every other month so I don't know if I should consider my periods as irregular. An ultrasound shows that I have normal ovaries and no cysts or fibroids. I was wondering if I should try Vitex or Fertilaid first along with a basal thermometer before putting my hand deep in my pocket for further fertility tests. We already have a 2 year DS

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • What do you when you're in an un-happy relationship?

    Goodness knows that I love him but he has no ambition but likes to moan and groan about every little thing. I try to encourage him and be understanding and I know he probably suffers from depression, but so do I. He's a kind person but he's selfish at the same time if that makes sense. I wouldn't mind all that but we have a 2 year old together and I value family. He's distant as a father even though I know he loves our son to bits. I'm tired of trying extra hard to be extra cheery every day, because I'll be damned if our son suffers the effects of depression from both his parents, but it's always ALL about him. He keeps saying that when our money worries are gone, in other words when I'm done with school and get an awesome job, things will be better but I just don't know anymore. Not a lot of people to associate with where I live so I guess I'm just ranting on here. Feel welcome to leave your 2 cents if you'd like!!

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How can I get my 18 month old to eat more meat?

    He has a genetic condition and he needs a supplement called carnitine. Carnitine is also found in meat, with the greatest percentage found in beef and then pork, but it's not found in vegetables. His specialist has told us that among other foods he needs to eat meat regularly but the little guy just refuses. I've tried cooking it every way I can think of but with no luck. I was wondering if someone might have some ideas that maybe I haven't thought of. He has all his teeth except for his last 4 molars so chewing isn't really a problem. He really needs to be eating meat or I wouldn't worry yet.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How to register to be a bone marrow donor?

    I read up on the qualifications and I seem to be able to do it. Are there any national bone marrow donor places (for a lack of better words)? Would I have to pay to get tested or donated? I really want to do this but I don't know how to go about it.

    2 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • New smartphone or tablet?

    Well I'm a stay-at-home mom and I don't do much but find ways to entertain my son and me! I'm getting ready to buy a new smartphone but I started thinking about whether I should get a tablet instead. My phone is pretty good smartphone and the only reason I wanted to upgrade was because I want one with a bigger screen (4.5 or bigger). If I do decide on a tablet, I was thinking more of an 8 inch with wifi like the CRUZ. I don't need a data plan with it since it's mainly going to stay indoors. Could any of you that have both tell me the pros and cons? I'm banging my head on the wall lol!

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • How do I show my toddler how to hold my hand?

    We have a very rambunctious 17 month old son who doesn't want to understand the concept of holding my hand when we're in public! Of course he does the usual get me out of this cart now or the whole supermarket will hear me but the moment I let him down, he's off like a fox! I thought maybe it's because he was uncomfortable but he already reaches my waist since I'm only 5 feet even! A leash is out of the question as money needs to go to other things plus I'm sure it would bug the heck out of him! Any ideas on how I can make him comfortable holding my hand?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Exercising with a high demand baby?

    Hi all! For a while now I've been trying to work out to some new work out DVD's that I bought. Our baby is 10 months old now so I don't have any excuses left for not losing the last 10lbs lol! Here's the problem: baby takes 2-3 naps in the day but he refuses to go to sleep unless I'm holding him or sleeping next to him in bed (we're working on this but it's harder than I thought it would be). my fiancee is at work all day and by the time he comes home, I'm just too tired to workout. I walk him in his stroller when the weather permits but now that it's getting hot, it happens less often. I also try to do things while I'm holding baby but he gets antsy quick and I'm definitely ready for some more hard core exercise lol! Any ideas on how to keep him satisfied during my workouts? He's a very demanding baby and only manages to keep himself occupied for about 20-25 minutes (an improvement from just a couple of months ago) and he's also teething so he's cranky about 24/7 lol! We have NO ONE to watch him and going to the gym is financially impossible right now. I was just wondering if any other mothers or fathers have any advice on how to incorporate an exercise routine in my day with a baby that gets mad at the drop of a hat! Thanks all!!!!!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Another question about breastmilk drying up :) ?

    I'm so sad! My 9 month old son started weaning himself around 8 months old and as of 4 days ago just simply refuses to nurse. BOOHOO!!!! Oh well! My breasts aren't hurting or overflowing or leaking because it was a very gradual weaning. I was just wondering how long will it take for my milk to dry up and for my breasts to start changing (who knows what they'll look like now lol!). Has it ALREADY dried up? I'm so upset that he doesn't want to nurse anymore.... This is a repost. I just wanted a couple of more answers :)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Another question about breastmilk drying up :) ?

    I'm so sad! My 9 month old son started weaning himself around 8 months old and as of 4 days ago just simply refuses to nurse. BOOHOO!!!! Oh well! My breasts aren't hurting or overflowing or leaking because it was a very gradual weaning. I was just wondering how long will it take for my milk to dry up and for my breasts to start changing (who knows what they'll look like now lol!). Has it ALREADY dried up? I'm so upset that he doesn't want to nurse anymore....

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Question about infant teeth?

    My 8 month old son started teething around 3 months old and it lasted for about 2 months when he all of sudden stopped. No teeth popped up or anything. He's showing all the symptoms of teething again (about time lol) and I just had a silly question. I know it takes some time but is it like you put your little one to sleep and the next morning you've noticed that a tooth has cut through. Is it so gradual that you never even notice it? What should I kind of expect? I have all the tools to help him through it but any advise is welcome! Thanks in advance!

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Are these feelings normal?

    Is it normal that even though I'm a stay at home mom, I feel like I'm not spending enough time with our 8 month old son? We're together 24/7and I love nothing more than spending every minute of the day with him whether we're playing or just snuggling. I don't even bother with the house work right now because he's at that stage where you can't leave him alone for a second and hubby is always gone. Is it normal to feel like I'm not spending enough time with him or is it just extreme attachment?????

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago