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ATTENTION --- I respond to all emails! If you email me and haven't received a response within a few days, send me a reminder as the original email may have just got lost in the shuffle. My name is Eric. I'm 24 years old and currently living in the Tampa Bay area of FL. ******** Check my Yahoo profile for more info about me! ******** I am not a lawyer, but I am a professional pain in the a$$ to collection agents. Check the links below and LEARN YOUR RIGHTS! Great resources for knowledge of credit issues. Fair Credit Reporting Act Fair Debt Collection Practice Act

  • Need Help Solving Linear Function?

    I am working on an assignment for an online intermediate algebra class. This module is on the rectangular coordinate system, which I know fairly well. However, this one question has me stumped.

    Here is the question:

    Graph the linear function by plotting the x- and y-intercepts.

    -3y = -3x

    I've done the x/y intercepts on other questions with no problem, but this one has me confused and there are no similar examples in our lecture or other problems. So far I've tried this;

    -3(0) = -3x then solve for x so x = 0/-3 = 0

    -3y = -3(0) then solve for y so y = 0/-3 = 0

    The answer is multiple choice and has four graphs with (0,0) as the only plot but different slopes. I'm 99.9% certain the slope is irrelevant here.

    Have I done this correctly, or did I make a mistake along the way?

    Thanks in advance,

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Need Help Solving Linear Function?

    I am working on an assignment for an online intermediate algebra class. This module is on the rectangular coordinate system, which I know fairly well. However, this one question has me stumped.

    Here is the question:

    Graph the linear function by plotting the x- and y-intercepts.

    -3y = -3x

    I've done the x/y intercepts on other questions with no problem, but this one has me confused and there are no similar examples in our lecture or other problems. So far I've tried this;

    -3(0) = -3x then solve for x so x = 0/-3 = 0

    -3y = -3(0) then solve for y so y = 0/-3 = 0

    The answer is multiple choice and has four graphs with (0,0) as the only plot but different slopes. I'm 99.9% certain the slope is irrelevant here.

    Have I done this correctly, or did I make a mistake along the way?

    Thanks in advance,

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • Pay scales for environmental geologists?

    I am currently finishing up my AA at a local college and have decided to pursue a career in environmental geology. I intend to pursue this degree at the University of South Florida.

    What are the pay scales for environmental geologists? What could one expect to command coming out of college? I have had some trouble finding information about the pay scales for those specifically in the environmental field. It seems must sites seem to include all sorts of geologists in their projections, and I know the salaries in the petro/natural gas fields can skew the numbers.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology7 years ago
  • Alternative to Crown Royal when making Washington Apples?

    My friend is throwing a party to celebrate being single again, and a few of the girls he invited have mentioned that they like Washington Apples. Obviously my friend is not about to drop that kind of money to serve other people, but I was wondering if there was a solid, lower cost option that someone could recommend.

    Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Can't remove "neighborhood" from my hometown information. How do I fix it?

    So a few months back I added my old neighborhood into the empty field when Facebook allowed it. Now that field is apparently gone, and I can't seem to remove the hometown. When I go to edit my information it will let me edit my current city and hometown, but no matter what I do the neighborhood is still listed. I've tried removing my hometown completely, changing it, changing it again and nothing works.

    Any idea how to fix this?

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • Is there a better value than EAS Whey Protein?

    I have been using EAS 100% Whey Protein Powder for about a year now and I'm pretty happy with it. Unfortunately, however, the price has gone up some lately. A 5lb bag now costs $29.87 ($5.98 per lb) and I'm wondering if there are any other brands out there that are a better value.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Need suggestions on long lasting (over a year) back pain?

    About a year ago I hurt my back while we were moving to another house. I can't pinpoint exactly what caused the pain, but the next day I had a relatively sharp pain below my shoulder blade on my right side. After a few months it became less and less painful to the point where I could basically ignore it, but now it seems to be flaring up again.

    The odd thing is that it only hurts if I move a certain way, usually when I am leaning up from my bed or couch. When I am up and walking around or sitting down, there is no pain at all.

    I can't tell if this is a muscle or nerve issue, so hopefully someone here can give me an idea what the problem is.

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Why do used Jeep Wranglers cost more than Cherokees and Grand Cherokees?

    I'm planning a move back to my hometown of Omaha and have been looking for a winter vehicle since my Mustang GT would not do well in the snow, nor do I wish to submit it to that kind of wear and tear.

    I have my heart set on a Jeep of some sort, and while I have been browsing down here in Florida I've seen quite a few older, high mileage Cherokees and Grand Cherokees going for very cheap (under $2500) while I haven't had any luck finding Wranglers under $4000 even for the early 1990 models. Given the fact that the Cherokees were more expensive and more "luxurious" when new, I figured the Wranglers would be cheaper now that they are used.

    Is this the norm? Am I just shopping at the wrong time or what?

    Thanks in advance.

    7 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • Internet Explorer unstable lately. ?

    I have IE version 7 and it has become pretty unstable as of recently. There are several times a day where IE will simply freeze up on me and I'll have to go to the task manager to shut it down.

    Also, whenever I click a video link I get the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error rather than the video opening up in Windows Media Player.

    I ran Spybot and Trend Micro Housecall, but neither picked up any problems so I need some help fixing this problem.

    Thanks in advance everyone.

    9 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Need a CVPI template for stripe design package?

    I want to try my hand at designing some stripe packages for police cruisers but Im having trouble finding a blank template to work with. I'm a decent artist, but I'm not good enough to draw the whole car free hand.

    If anyone out there knows of any templates that I could print out, it would be much appreciated.

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • How do we get a city (Omaha) added to Yahoo Answers?

    As I'm sure most of you know, YA has section for individual cities under several categories (Travel, Local Business...etc) but Omaha is not included on them.

    I'd like to see Omaha get added to that list. A quick search of Wikipedia shows that Omaha's population (432,921) is larger than six cities (Cincinnati, Honolulu, Miami, New Orleans, Orlando and St. Louis) currently on the list.

    Since Omaha growing into a major hub and the fact they just renewed their contract with the College World Series, I'm sure lots of people would find this section helpful.

    So how do we go about getting it on the list?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What credit myths do you hate the most? ?

    I see alot of people here buying into various misconceptions about credit, and some of them are pretty off the wall. I think the ones I hate most are...

    - Disputing tradelines on your credit report that you know are correct is fraud.

    - Bankruptcies stay on your credit report forever, and you can't get approved for any new credit for several years.

    - There is no statute of limitations on debt.

    - If a creditor/collection agency sells your account, the SOL and/or 7 year reporting period starts over.

    Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Anyone else have any myths to add?

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Was the Westroads Mall shooting in Omaha, NE covered by 20/20, Dateline or 48 Hours? ?

    I'm a former resident of Omaha and Council Bluffs and was just wondering if any of the investigative journalism shows did a segment on this tragedy? If possible, please give date and episode name/number.

    Thanks in advance everyone.

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Why do people feel that disputing legitimate debts is considered fraud? ?

    I've been noticing this more and more lately, as people are claiming that you cannot dispute legitimate debts with the credit bureaus as this is considered fraud. Yes, they are claiming it is a criminal offense!

    Now time after time, myself and others have posted information that proves this is false. The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives consumers the explicit right to dispute ANY tradeline on their credit report, even if the consumer knows the listing is legitimate.

    So why do you feel that people continue to post such misinformation?

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Blatant violations of TOS go unchecked?

    I'm posting this question to vent a little frustration and hopefully, get some help on resolving the issue.

    Over the past few months I have seen one of the Top Contributors in one section of Yahoo Answers blatantly "thumb his nose" at the TOS by using multiple user names to fraudulently acquire "best answers" and give themselves thumbs up. In discussing the situation with other posters in that section I have discovered that this has been going on for approximately a whole year!

    Me and another poster (and possibly others) have reported multiple answers where this has taken place and even emailed the Yahoo Answers about this issue, but to date none of the answers have been removed and the YA team never even acknowledged our complaints.

    Our proof is as follows: This poster consistently receives 4 to 6 votes for best answer as well as 4-6 thumbs up. This happens anytime the poster is active in the community and answering questions. If at anytime the poster is not active, he will NOT receive many, if any at all, votes or thumbs up. Another trick this poster will use is going back in questions that are minutes away from voting, putting his answer in and within no time he has 5/6 thumbs up and 5/6 votes for best answer within an hour of the question going to vote. Obviously there is simply not enough traffic to those older questions to legitimately receive that number of votes and thumbs up, much less within a couple hours time.

    I find it nothing short of appalling that this activity is allowed to continue without any form of repercussion. I'm sure that there is someway for the YA team to see that these votes/thumbs up are being made from the same IP as the poster's initial answer. To top it off, this action has allowed this poster to "steal" the #1 spot in our section from someone whose answers are far more informative and researched.

    While this situation certainly upsets me and other posters in our section, it upsets me more that Yahoo Answers has not taken any action or even acknowledged our complaints.

    So my question is, what can be done to get this situation the attention it deserves? Is there another group that we can contact that may be better equipped to handle this? Or is it all a lost cause?

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Answer removed for "violation"?

    The other day I had an answer removed due to "solicitation" when it was nothing of the sort, however that was no option to appeal the decision. I went back and looked, only to see that the whole question had been removed. I should also mention that I had been awarded best answer for that same post before this happened.

    Any idea why this happened?

    As for the solicitation I was accused, well the only thing I can assume is that one of the resident collection agents in the credit section was unhappy with my answer educating someone on how to fight a collection agency. My answer contained several links that had resources to the FDCPA, FCRA and Statue of limitations of debts, but that is all.

    I've had those type of answers taken down before but I always appealed and won.

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • need help identifying country song circa 1996-1998?

    I'm trying to track down an old country music song that I remember hearing around 96-98. It was a faster paced, upbeat song about a girl and the chorus went something like "a girl like that only comes round once every million years" or something to that effect. I remember hearing the song several times on the radio back then, and then I heard it once again in the summer of 1999 but haven't heard it since.

    I thought the song was performed by Blackhawk, and it sounded alot like them, but after going through their song lists I haven't found it.

    I did catch the video once, and if I recall correctly it had to do with a group of pre-teen boys hanging out in a clubhouse when one spotted a girl and started trying to win her over.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me track this song down.

    3 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • How to delete old groups?

    On Myspace page, I had signed up for several groups that are no longer around, however they still show up on my group list and I'd like to get them removed.

    Since the groups are no longer around, I can't go to their page and resign, so does anyone know another way to get them removed?

    3 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Question about former tenants?

    Is there anyway to check and see who was the tenant in this house before us?

    Reason I ask is that we have had several vehicles stop on the street and look at the house for a couple minutes. None of them have been marked in anyway but they have ranged from a beat up old chevy van to a newer Chevy truck.

    I'm somewhat concerned that the previous tenant might have been mixed up in some bad things and people are coming looking for them. If possible I'd like to get their names and maybe check into their criminal records.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago