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blah blah blah

  • If you rotate an electric motor by some external source, will it produce power?

    So I'm not talking efficiently, but rather in terms of theory. If some external power rotates an electric motor will it work the same way that an alternator does? Will it produce a very small amount of power output from its normal input wires?

    I ask this because I'm mostly curious as to whether alternators and electric motors work on the same basic concept of magnetics (but just in reverse).


    4 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • Getting my girlfriend a ring?

    Its sort of a promise ring for our 1 year anniversary of dating, more or less (saying 'kind of" might sound silly, but we're very clear about the fact that neither of us is ready for marriage any time soon). Anyways my question is should I get the stone in her favorite color aquamarine or should I stick with her birthstone, a green peridot. Im kind of thinking aquamarine just since its her favorite color, agreed? I suck at buying stuff for women though, so help me out.


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Help choosing career college major?

    I'm currently in Computer Engineering as I do enjoy working with computers. the only thing I've come to fear is that I am far insufficient for the math requirement in this field (not that I'm terribly incompetent, I am currently in Calculus 2) the field requires extensive work in math throughout all 4 years of study and I am not even sure if a heavy mathematical career is something I will enjoy.

    So here are my skills, I am a proficient writer and tend toward enjoying the research side of things, I am a tinkerer in every type of mechanical and electronic device imaginable, I have a problem solving mindset, I unfortunately though have a very poor memory and have a type of ADHD.

    Please help me, I've been getting depressed lately that I will always be good in a lot of things but never excel in any productive area. What are a few careers I might fit into?

    Thank you all very much,


    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • How does an element’s atomic number help us in determining the electron configuration for an atom?

    I basically have an idea already of the answer, but it is a discussion question for class and I would like to come prepared with other thoughts.


    3 AnswersChemistry10 years ago
  • Why will this code fragment not run in Java?

    Stared at this for hours and am so frustrated, please help:

    public class PrimeNumbers {

    public static void main (String[] args)


    int endNum = 11;

    boolean sieveArray[] = new boolean[endNum+1];

    for (int i = 2; i < sieveArray.length; i++)


    sieveArray[i] = true;


    for (int i = 2; i < sieveArray.length; i++)


    if (sieveArray[i] == true)

    cancelMultiples(i, sieveArray);




    public static void cancelMultiples(int prime, boolean[] sieveArray) {

    for (int i = (2*prime); i <= sieveArray.length; i += prime)


    if (i % prime == 0)

    sieveArray[i] = false;




    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • How do I graph this vector in component form?

    I have the vector A set up as:

    A = - i + 2j

    What are the steps to graph this? Thanks!

    2 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • Please help with this Calculus dilemma?

    Why can ln([e^x] + xe^ -x) be changed to ln( [e^x] (1+x))?

    Please explain in little terms? Im pretty dumb.


    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Does it ever make you mad when?

    Your girlfriend or boyfriend talks about some athlete or actor/ actress more starry eyed than they ever do to you? Maybe I'm being too sensitive but its frustrating when I have to listen all about how handsome they are and how amazing they are at their sport and how I suck compared to them. I mean I know they're just celebs, but thinking about what she says about another guy sometimes just cuts deep. Am I at all justified?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Sales tax on items shipped to delaware?

    My question is if I pay for a laptop with a credit card whose billing address is in Maryland (6% sales tax) and have it shipped to an address in delaware (no sales tax), will I be charged sales tax?

    2 AnswersOther - Taxes10 years ago
  • Parents won't give me and my gf any space?

    We've been together for almost a year now and have been very respectful of their desires for our relationship, lately though it has been stressing me out so badly that we can't get a moment away without having to be chaperoned by parents or by one of my gf's younger siblings. For example I had a big date planned for when I got back from a 2 week long vacation but her parents squashed the plans because we'd be going alone. Its resulted in many an argument between my girl and I and has become rather distressing to myself. It has come to a head now that we've had to change some major vacation plans as a result of this. What can I do? All I want is to be able to be independent from the constant oversight and have proven myself responsible for that. Any thoughts?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Is it true, you never forget your first?

    Girl/boy? *sigh* its been a year and a half now and my life has moved so far on to better things, but I often dream about her or find myself daydreaming about those days. It ended when she found several other guys she liked and I wish I didn't think about her anymore. Think I'll ever let go? I want to so badly.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What do you do with a love hate relationship?

    I don't need to go into details, we all know what they're like. What do you do with it though after 8 months together?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain this math problem to me?

    I'm proving that the derivative of cotx = (-cscx)^2

    the first step is:

    let y = (cosx)/(sinx)

    the second step is:

    [ (-sinx)(sinx) - cosx(cosx) ] / (sinx)^2

    Please explain why and how this SECOND step was performed. Thank you!

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Most inspiring thing you were ever told?

    From an influential person in your life. This isn't a school assignment, I just wanted to hear the stories from your lives.

    For me, my high school lacrosse coach used to tell us, "The good things in life will keep you from reaching the best things in life." I thought this was very wise, it always motivated me not to quit when I just doing what was expected of me. I always thought of these words and asked myself if I was reaching MY OWN full potential.

    How about yourselves?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Integration and substitution problem?

    I believe I have the right answer but would like to check. I am given the equation f "(x) = 5cosx + 2sinx subject to f(0) = 3 and f '(0) = 4.

    I took the first and second integrals and found f '(x) and f(x). Are the correct C values 6 and 8?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Differential equation problem?

    I believe I have the right answer but would like to check. I am given the equation f "(x) = 5cosx + 2sinx subject to f(0) = 3 and f '(0) = 4.

    I took the first and second integrals and found f '(x) and f(x). Are the correct C values 6 and 8?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • File not found exception in Java code?

    In the following code in the while loop after the equal sign I am given the error that the file cannot be found. Since I am of course having the file read in by the user I'm not sure why it is giving me this error?




    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class StatDriver {

    public static void main (String[] args)throws IOException


    Scanner scan = new Scanner (;

    final int SIZE = 20;

    int count = 0;

    String fileName;

    double[] grades = new double[SIZE];

    Stat statistics = new Stat(grades, count);

    System.out.print(" Enter file name: ");

    fileName =;

    readFile(fileName, grades);

    System.out.println("\n My Grades - View Statistics\n -------------------------");

    System.out.println(" Count: " +statistics.getCount());

    System.out.println(" Average: " +statistics.calcAvg());

    System.out.println(" Median: " +statistics.calcMedian());

    System.out.println(" Maximum: " +statistics.findMax());

    System.out.println(" Minimum: " +statistics.findMin());


    private static void readFile(String fileName, double[] grades)


    final int SIZE = 20;

    Scanner inFile = null;

    for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)


    inFile = new Scanner(new File( fileName ));



    grades[i] = inFile.nextDouble();







    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How would I calculate a median value in Java?

    I have a class where I need to calculate the median value of a set of numbers, but I'm mainly not sure how to select the middle number for the median value?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Why won't my method become defined in Java?

    I have the below code and its giving me an error saying that readFile method is not defined. What is the issue?

    double[] grades = new double[SIZE];

    Stat statistics = new Stat(grades, count);

    System.out.print(" Enter file name: ");

    fileName =;


    public String readFile(String name)


    for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)


    inFile = new Scanner(new File( fileName ));



    grades[i] = inFile.nextDouble();



    return grades[i];





    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Please help me with the integral (1 / (cosxcotx))?

    I just cant figure out what way to go about it?

    INT (1 / (cosxcotx))

    I'm figuring it should come out to something like (secx) but cant find the means thereto. Thanks!

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago