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Lv 42,896 points

Donna K

Favorite Answers14%

Just a regular American girl.

  • Why do people in run down neighborhoods have $40,000 SUV's in their driveways?

    I live in Cook County, IL and many people in poor, run down areas and neighborhoods

    sometimes had evepensive cars in their driveways, like $40,000 SUV, cars, vans, etc.

    I've noticed since at least the 90's, what gives?

    Also: Are people on welfare having extra money to spend on cars or do

    they simply have good credit? Could there be another way of getting

    nice cars from dealerships besides working, inheritances or living on

    government assistance like SSI/Disability/etc?


    14 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • What does the NRA and horror author Stephen King have in common?

    Well can anyone tell me is this what both use to make money:

    Scare tactics?


    People's fears and insecurity's?



    13 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • How come it's always healthy men that complain about welfare recipients?

    I've noticed that it always healthy men of European descent, often that

    are Middle Class or above, that have had numerous good luck, good

    education, mostly good health, support from friends and family and

    that have worked themselves to death almost (trying to make money

    to invest in mutual funds, stocks, etc) that always complain about welfare

    programs and their recipients.

    Does anyone else notice this too?

    These guys have had a life filled with good health, good luck,

    good education, a supportive environment, money to invest

    from working double shifts and overtime, and most of these men

    are usually average to good looking with a sense of humor,

    book smarts, street smarts, personality., etc. that got them

    ahead in life, unlike others that have had it much harder then them?

    3 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Did the former USSR/Soviet Union collapse without the use of civilian guns and rebellions?

    Can someone please tell me a few reasons why the former U.S.S.R./Soviet Union collapsed

    and if it did so without the use of civilian guns and rebellions?


    11 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Where does it say in any religion that guns are a god given right?

    Seeing as how religion/God is mostly, if not completely man made,

    where does it say in any religious text anything about guns

    or weapons being a god given right?

    Seems like the right to bear arms is a man giving right,

    not a God given one, right?

    Also, the 2nd Amendment was written by older men, not

    God, right?

    25 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Does freedom require civilian gun ownership? (Regarding South Korea, gun control)?

    Regarding this article from and here:

    "Ask a Korean: Korea's Gunless Fight Against Tyranny"

    1. Does freedom require civilian gun ownership?

    2. Are the 5 logical fallacies in this article employed by gun owners

    and supporters true?

    3. Isn't it amazing South Korea did not write a law in their Constitution (based on ours)

    for civilian gun ownership and were able to overcome tyranny without the use of guns

    (not counting the Korean War)?

    4. Agree with this quote from the article or not? v

    "Does freedom require civilian gun ownership? If your answer is yes, here is a follow-up question--why is it that so many oppressed people around the world, who are keenly aware of their oppression and are doing everything to fight for freedom, are not clamoring for the right to civilian gun ownership? American democracy is the envy of the world, the ultimate model for the emerging democracies. How is that none of those emerging democracies have guaranteed a right to civilian gun ownership, even as they emulate American democracy?"


    13 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Regarding renagade rancher Cliven Bundy?

    I saw this cartoon on regarding renegade rancher Cliven Bundy, does anyone agree with it or not? What about the quotes/links regarding Cliven Bundy via's search engine i.e.

    "Cliven Bundy is an anarchist and lawbreaker who should be arrested and thrown in jail. He has been illegally trespassing on federal land with his cattle since the nineties and now he owes over a million dollars to Uncle Sam. He refuses to pay it. He is wrapping himself around the flag, and thanks to FOX News and right wing pundits he has been praised in some circles as a true American patriot. Why? He is no different than the “welfare cheat” who gets food stamps for children that he or she does not have, or who gets cash assistance from the department of welfare while working under the table?"

    13 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Former Conservative: "The NRA is Waging a Jihad on America?"?

    A former Conservative and friend sent me a 3 paragraph quote from

    via Google search that "The NRA is Waging a Jihad on America."

    What do you think of this?

    20 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Are Obama and Putin Only Children?

    Are they both only children?

    2 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Are Obama and Putin only children?

    Without looking on their Wiki pages or other websites, let me take a guess...

    Putin and Obama are only children, am I right on this?

    3 AnswersAir Travel7 years ago
  • Anybody good with Geography/Aviation that can help solve missing flight 307?

    Where do you think the missing plane might be?

    An ocean bottom somewhere, an island, a remote area, jungle,

    Thailand, China, Russia, The Middle East, where?


    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • How many nations would it take to invade Russia?

    Germany, even with the help of several other states/nations failed

    to invade Russia, esp. it's capitol Moscow, during WWII and lost

    at Stalingrad for several reasons.

    In this day and age, not nuking it of course... How many nations

    on Earth would it take to invade Russia.

    And how many for China?

    Also: It would be neat if China turned against Russia

    9 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • How far can a 777 glide without fuel?

    Does anyone know? Specifically an 777-200ER model.


    10 AnswersAircraft7 years ago
  • Could missing Malaysian plane MH 307 glided without fuel for miles?

    Question: From the "arc" the plane was last in, before it would have run out of fuel, at around 8:11am apx, if it did run out of fuel could it have glided for miles and miles either onto land or somewhere far away in another part of the ocean?

    I recall one jet like this that ran out of fuel glided for 90 miles.

    Where would 90+ miles be away from those "arcs"? It could be almost anywhere from

    near them but much farther away then thought. Maybe even crashed into a remote

    location. Or simply glided into the ocean, leaving no debris. The pilots could have

    possibly pulled a D.B. Cooper.

    Also: Too many air mishaps lately, now in Seattle a helicopter crash. Now Courtney Love

    thinks she found the plane, of all people!

    6 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Boston Children's Hospital Corrupt?

    Just watched Dr. Phil...

    Lou Pelletier and his wife, Linda I just saw on Dr. Phil.

    And have heard a few people with other problems as well regarding this hospital. Boston's Children Hospital.

    Corruption, bribes, abuse of power, etc.

    Something funny is going on here. Not sure what but it stinks.

    Does anybody agree that saw Dr Phil today?

    I also saw two bad reviews on Yelp, which sucks b/c they censor stuff.

    3 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Oil rig worker saw Malaysian flight 307 buning in the sky?

    "The site is also near where South China Sea oil rig worker Michael Jerome McKay today described seeing what he believes to be the plane burning - in one piece - flying at a high altitude slightly off from the standard route of planes that cross the sea shortly after the plane vanished.

    'There was no lateral movement, so it was either coming toward our location, stationary, or going away from our location,' he wrote in a letter to his employers and seen by ABC News."

    If this is true, what could have gone wrong with the plane? Could it have

    been a shooting star, meteor, comet or something else instead of a burning



    7 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Is the missing Malaysian flight 370 in orbit?

    "They are never going to find it because they are looking in the wrong place. It didn't land, it went up and it is now in orbit. Eventually brighter minds will prevail and all will be understood." -XXXOliveOil via Amazon comments/question "What do you think happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370? "...

    I agree but is that even possible for a plane to go upward into outer space? It is something I have

    always thought about.

    As well as if the 9/11 hijackers/terrorists broke down those cockpit doors, if that

    could have happened here as well, maybe.

    10 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago