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  • How can I help my little brother?

    My brother told my parents yesterday that the kids in his class are mean. He said they pushed him and called him weird. This literally broke my heart. I could understand if he was in middle school, teenagers can be cruel, they can judge you, gossip about you. But he's in freaking first grade! Everyone is supposed to be friends, not calling each other names. He has a few friends but he's being bullied. I thought all the scabs on his foot were from him messing around at recess, but it was bc they pushed him. I'm in junior high and he's in elementary school. If I went to the same school, I'd protect him and scare the **** out of those idiots. But I can't. I don't know what to do? Please help.

    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Is it weird for an 8th grade girl to date a 7th grade guy? Does that make me a pedo?

    Im an 8th grade girl and I really like this 7th grade guy. I met him at karate and he's like my only friend there. He is really funny and smart, and much sweeter then guys in my grade. He has goals in life, like being an architect, and has opinions about world issues... I'm just really impressed. As we've become friends, I think I started liking him. I told my friends about him. The girls were like, "but he's so short! And little! The guy has to be older. " and the guys were like, "ahahaha you pedo. Are you serious? A seventh grader? " they were just kidding but I feel kinda like a weirdo. Then in orchestra, we were getting ready to play a piece. The guy I like stopped by for a while and we had a conversation and we were laughing and smiling it made me so happy. Then the guy who shares a stand with me was like, "you need to talk to guys your own age hahaha " (he's also a seventh grader). I really like this sevie, he's so sweet and a great friend. But everyone acts like it's so weird. Should I ask him out or just forget about him?

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does anyone know any classical songs for the violin?

    Im looking for any classical songs for violin? From the 1800s? Does anyone know?

    3 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • What are some classical songs for violin from the 1850 -1890?

    Im looking for any songs for violin that are classical music and from the second half of the nineteenth century. Or even any big composers from that time? Please help!

    1 AnswerJazz8 years ago
  • I can't tell if he likes me or not?

    This guy was sitting behind me in history and he kept kicking my chair. Then this other guy asked him "Why do you always comment on her status? " (her being me) and my friend told me he was totally blushing. Then in math he kept saying my name and he borrowed a pencil from me. He sat next to me two days in a row and he kept staring at me. Then in science and he stared at me too. Im in eighth grade and he's my friend, but I don't know if he likes me? Does it seem like he does? Also, when he talks to me I really like it but when he stares at me i feel uncomfortable. Should I ignore him or look at him or what?? Help :(

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does he not like me anymore? Should I break up with him?

    I'm in 8th grade and I just started dating this guy. We were friends way before we started dating, and I remember he always used to make fun of me and do all sorts of these cute things to get my attention. Now we'r bf and gf, amd he's acting way wayyy different. He's really shy and sometimes even avoids me. When I try to start a conversation, he mumbles an answer, and blushes and looks away. We were acting out this scene in the Midsummer Night's Dream, and he had to put his hands on my shoulder. When he read out loud his lines, he wouldn't even look at me. I don't understand. Is he that disgusted by me? Why is he acting like this? Does he hate me now or something?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do you think think he likes me?

    Im in 8th grade, and there's this guy i really like. We have 4 classes together. At the beginning of the year he sat behind me in English, and he always poked me, teased me, kicked my chair and talked to me. Him and his friend even gave me a cute nickname. These days, he grabs my pen or steals my paper to get my attention. Once he put a crayon down the back of my shirt. HE even commented on a few of my Facebook statuses. But then he deleted all the comments on one of them so it looked like I was talking to myself. He stares at me during English too. He's giving me mixed signals. I like him a lot but I can't tell, does he like me?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it weird that I like a seventh grader, even though im in eighth grade?

    I really like this seventh grader at my taekwondo class. He's like the only one who talks to me. I don't really know anyone else there. Whenever he sees me in the hall he smiles and talks to me. Is it weird that I like him? Cause he's younger? Should I get over him?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Middle School dating problems... Ugh please help.?

    Im in 8th grade. I just started dating this girl. We were really good friends before we started dating. Before, I used to joke around with her, make her laugh, talk to her, and hang out with her all the time. Now, I feel extremely shy. I can't say a sentence to her without blushing, stuttering and making a fool of myself. I just stare into her eyes and keep thinking, wow she's so cool. Wow she's so funny. Wow she's cute. I feel like such a loser. I don't know why im so anxious for her approval. What are some tips on acting confident and impressing your gf? And another thing. I think she wants to kiss me. She's really been hinting at it. But im just not ready, im too nervous. What are some tips on saying no? I know, im a loser. Lol.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is he right or am I? How can I fix this situation?

    There's this guy im dating. We're both in 8th grade. We just got together, and we were really good friends before we were a couple. In my P. E. class, there's this girl who's mentally disabled. Recently, she has started getting really clingy, following us around because she has a crush on my boyfriend. She keeps making stuff up, saying that their dating and that my boyfriend likes her back. And he doesn't tell her to go away! I think he's encouraging her because he laughs at her jokes, and nods and listens to her talk garbage. When I confronted him about it, we kinda had a fight. He called me immature for being mean to a mentally disabled ed kid. He said hed never seen this side of me before. What can I say or do to make him not mad at me? And who do you guys think is right, me or him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does anybody know any piano and violin duet songs?

    I need a song that has both violin and piano parts. It has to be from the 1900's, easy to access ( printable from a website online) and preferebly classical. But not anything crazy hard. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerCountry8 years ago
  • Which guy do I like more? And which one possibly likes me back?

    I think I have mixed feelings about two guys. Let's call them...guy A and guy B. Iv known guy A longer, and he always pokes me and kicks my chair and makes up silly nicknames for me. I think hes totally cute and funny and smart. Guy B is someone I just met. He's at my lab station in science class and he also calls me a nickname and spills water on my paper or blames things on me to make me laugh and get my attention. I thinks he pretty cute too, and hes popular. I'm in eight grade and a girl. Btw these two guys are both frirnds. I used to like guy A, but since my met guy B, I'm having second thoughts. Who do I really like?? And do these guys possibly like me back?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • My voice keeps cracking?

    I'm a 14 year old girl. My voice cracks so. Freakin. Much. Like a goose. Honk. My guy friends and crush always make fun if me :P good naturdly of course. It's annoying because I can't sing without my voice cracking. I'm not sick, and when I asked the Docter, he said I'm fine. That it's a part of puberty. But I thought that was just for guys...? I got my period and everything like a normal girl. I just don't understand my voice cracking. Am I a freak? And how can I deal with my voice? When will it settle down.

    1 AnswerVoice Calls8 years ago
  • My first kiss wasnt as great as I thought itd be...? :P?

    So I'm in 8th grade and I just got my first gf, a girl I liked for a long time. We have been dating for about a month. We just had our first kiss near the lockers. It was both of our first times, and it was super akwardo. She grabbed onto my shoulder and pecked me right on the lips. I smiled at her and if anything, our relationships better. But I cant help feeling disapointed. It was an unromantic location, there were a bunch of kids hanging around and it was strange and scary and awkward. Is it okay for me to be a little disappointed? I mean, aren't first kisses supposed to be magical and exciting?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I called my best friend a *****.........and now I feel guilty?

    I'm in 8th grade, and I've got this huge crush on my friend. I told 2 friends about him, two girls that dont go to school with me and my crush. Last time we hung out, they looked through my phone and got his number. Im scared theyr gonna call him or text him wierd things and mention my name, then it would be obvious to my crush how I feel. I texted her about it, and she seemed so chill and cool, not at all guilty, I just called her a *****. It was impulsive, stupid, and not the right way to handle this situation. Swearing, especially at people, is wrong. I was just so, SO mad they had the nerve to do that and not even apologize. Should I apologize? Or should I wait and hear from her, since she is clearly at fault? And if my crush asks why random girls are texting him that I like him, what should I answer to him??

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Should I put our friendship before my feelings for her?

    I'm a guy and I have three best friends. Two guys I've known since first grade and a girl who I've known since seventh grade. Now I'm in eigth grade. And I hate to say it but...I'm starting to... get into girls. My friend in particular. The four of us are such great friends. I don't know, if I tell my friend how I feel will it ruin our friendship? Not only for all four of us, but for the two of us as well. Sould I hide my feelings to keep our friendship, or go for it?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does this mean I like her?

    I had a dream I kissed one of my friends on the cheek. Now everytime I see her, I get nervous, and blush and act stupid. I always find myself thinking about her. So, I'm trying to ask. If you dream that you kiss someone, does it mean that you like them? Does it sound to you guys like I like her? I'm just confused.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What are they gonna think if they feel my bra strap when they hug me?

    I'm a girl, and I've been friends with the same three guys since first grade. Well, we're in eighth grade now and I havn't hugged any of them since sixth grade, since I started wearing a bra. They tease me jokingly, saying I won't hug them cause I have a mystery boyfriend or that I believe in cooties. Truth is, I'me just worried what they will think when I hug them and they feel my bra strap. They crack jokes about my period, and I make fun of them when they get razor cuts, we dont mean anything by it. But will it be awkward when I hug them and they feel my bra strap? One of my guy friends is my crush so, I'd kinda like to hug them. But will it be wierd?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does he leave a crush on me?

    There's this guy who's kinda my friend. Sometimes he comments on my pictures on Facebook, and he's always calls me this annoying but cute nickname. Sometimes he pokes me in the middle of class to startle me and he talks to me a lot in English class. Sometimes I see him staring at me in other classes, but when I look at him he looks away. And he says everyone is his BFF, except me, he says I'm just his "f" (friend not best friend forever) Sometimes he says these inside jokes to me but other times he just ignores me:/ he is really annoying but sweet. I don't know, does he like me? I'm too scared to ask. We r in 8th grade btw.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • When you dream that you kiss a girl, does it mean you like her?

    There's this girl with who I'm pretty good friends. I think she's really cute and funny. I usually tease her a little and poke her or kick her chair, and see hi to her sometimes. A few days ago I had a dream that I was in the backseat of a car with her, and I kissed her on the cheek. I woke up feeling....idk. Im in 8th grade btw. Now whenever I see her I get all flustered and nervous. Im not sure if I like her. I thought she's just my friends, but after the dream.....does this mean I like her?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago