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Do you prefer Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas?
I think both have their strengths and weaknesses and I find it hard to pick a winner out of the two. On one hand Fallout 3 is more fun to explore, the DLC's are overall better and the game allows you to make a really strong character but that is also one of its bad points because you're basically given 2 options. Be bad or be good and not much room for role playing.
New Vegas has better quests and npc's and 2 of the DLC's are so good (Dead Money and Old World Blues) and you have multiple options for role playing and it limits you from making one character that has all the perks and stats but the map is smaller and less random buildings to go loot and explore.
Video & Online Games2 years agoWhat is the scariest modern horror movie you have ever seen?
Need something genuinely scary. Something that makes it hard to go sleep afterwards. Modern horrors only!
2 AnswersMovies3 years agoPeople who don't like music. Why?
This is only for people who don't like music. I'm just curious as to why you don't? I can understand not liking certain styles or even only liking one type of music but I find it hard to understand not liking music in any way.
Bonus Question: Do you also dislike movies, books and tv?
3 AnswersPsychology3 years agoHair regulations for Army Reserves (UK) ?
I know regulations for regular army.Can't find any info online about this, currently have mid-length hair. Will I need to cut it shorter? Are there regulations against stretched ears in reserves also? Thanks
3 AnswersMilitary3 years agoAny good sci-fi movie suggestions?
My personal favourites are:
Almost all the Alien movies
2001: A Space Odyssey
12 Monkeys
District 9
Matrix Trilogy
The recent 'Planet of The Apes' movies
Jurassic Park original trilogy
I didn't really like Star Wars, Transformers, Predator, The Thing or Blade Runner
6 AnswersMovies3 years agoEver been in a serious fight before?
What happened? Doesn't have to be an arranged fight, just a situation in which you had to defend yourself. BQ: Do you have any martial arts training?
1 AnswerMartial Arts3 years agoWhat is your favourite film in the Alien saga?
Either your all-time favourite or your favourites in order.
Mine would be Aliens. The second half of that movie is one of the most intense movie experiences I have ever had, the film is only let down by the loader vs Queen fight at the end which was kinda stupid.
1. Aliens
2. Alien
3. Prometheus
4. Covenant
5. Aliens 3
3 AnswersMovies3 years agoWhy does nobody address Hillary Clinton's racism?
You all forget? She referred to black criminals as 'super predators'. She was also interviewed by a radio host popular in the black community 'What is something you always have in your handbag?' And she said 'hot sauce'...pffft yeah right. Just sad that Trump wasnt the only racist in the election
1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups3 years agoWhy did she suddenly stop talking?
Had a thing with this girl I met recently at a party, we ended up having sex that night and again in the morning and its been the same for the past 2 days as well, hanging out at hers, talking and laughing, having a good time and having a lot of sex. Even after sex we would cuddle and kiss so it didn t feel like just sex. We have very similar interests and we were getting on so well and I really enjoyed her company and it really seemed like she enjoyed mine too but she has suddenly just stopped replying to me and isn t making an effort to talk to me either, when we were texting all day before this. I m very certain I didn t say or do anything to upset her and I was just wondering if there was any other reason she would suddenly stop ?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years agoHow to get the most out of a joint? (Weed)?
My tolerance is pretty high now so much that I don't get that high off my first joint of the day anymore. Anyone got any methods to get that good old high without taking a tolerance break (though I will do that if there is nothing else) I also don't have a bong/pipe/vaporiser I know they are supposed to get you higher but I'd have to hide them.
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine5 years agoMy friend is in a horrible abusive relationship.Help?
We are really worried about him, there have been many final straws, many occasions where most people would have ended the relationship but he always shrugs it off because she has anger problems and it wasn t her fault The most recent event was on her birthday of all days, he didn t have his ID so naturally was refused entry into a club. She came outside and started screaming at the bouncers to let him in, she grabbed my friend by his throat and dragged him toward the bouncers screaming THIS IS MY F*CKING BOYFRIEND, DOES HE LOOK 12? YOU RE GOING TO LET HIM IN! ITS MY BIRTHDAY he takes her across the street so he can calm her down and then she punches him square in the face, cuts his eyebrow open and there was a lot of blood, instead of apologising and trying to get him a bandage because it was an accident as she claims, she ran away and we think it was because she no longer had control over the situation. This isn t the first time she has physically attacked him, its about the 3rd or 4th time and thats only the ones we know about. I ll bullet point all the other atrocities she has committed:
- She told him she couldn t get pregnant, gets pregnant and tells him it was all his fault (she had an abortion)
- She has told pretty much all of his guy friends that if she wasnt in a relationship with him she would sleep with them
2 AnswersFriends5 years agoWhich band/artist do you think deserves to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
I based my decision on length of career, influence, 'hits' and consistency. My list is
Alice In Chains
Pearl Jam
Dead Kennedys
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
I don't think any of these are too unreasonable, except maybe Pantera after what happened with Phil. I find it sad these bands aren't in already, especially when Green Day made it...
7 AnswersRock and Pop5 years agoQuestion for anyone who gave themselves or someone else a 'Stick n Poke' tattoo?
I know you are supposed to use India Ink, but are there any non-toxic coloured inks you can use too?
By the way for anyone who has never had this done - I don't care about your opinion.
2 AnswersTattoos5 years agoAre there any Symphonic Black Metal bands that don't scream/growl?
Or at least keep it to the bare minimum, the music is so good but it often gets ruined by the screaming IMO the kind of thing I'm looking for is like Cradle Of Filth - Her Ghost In The Fog but with clean singing or only a few screaming bits
2 AnswersRock and Pop5 years agoWhat are your Top 10 favourite metal guitarists?
Any sub genre, any time period. Can put a top 20 if you like. Would be cool if you could add your favourite song by each one doesn't matter if its the solo or the riff(s) Mine are:
Gary Holt - Fabulous Disaster
Dimebag Darrell - Message In Blood
Kirk Hammet - Ride The Lightning
Tony Iommi - The Mob Rules
Glenn Tipton - Painkiller
Zakk Wylde - Parade Of The Dead
Alex Skolnick- As The Seasons Grey
Christian Andreu - The Heaviest Matter Of The Universe
Adrian Smith/Dave Murray - Aces High
Waclaw Kieltyka- Spheres Of Madness
3 AnswersRock and Pop5 years agoGUITARISTS: I need some help writing metal songs?
I have no problem coming up with riffs and ideas but its throwing it all together into a complete song that I find hard. The kind of metal I write is thrash/groove in the vein of Pantera and Exodus (if that helps) For example I ll have a riff idea I really like or maybe 2 but then I won t be able to think of a chorus or bridge etc. I also suck at writing intros. I can tell if a riff I come up would make a good verse or chorus but whenever I try to write the riff before or after it sounds too generic or doesn t have the same energy.I know metal doesn t require as rigid a song structure as in blues or rock but I think i should focus on more basic structures first. Cheers for your help!
1 AnswerRock and Pop5 years agoAnyone got any punk bands to recommend me?
No pop-punk
Or death metal-esque screaming.
Doesn't matter what year.
My personal favourites are:
Stiff Little Fingers, External Menace, The Weirdos, Dead Kennedys, Abrasive Wheels, Blitz, The Bronx ,Hour Of The Wolf, Wisdom In Chains, Conflict(Hardcore but very punk)The Accidents,Crass, Slaughter and the Dogs, Bad Brains, Bad Religion, Chaos UK, Menace, Dead Ending, The Exploited, Discharge, GBH, Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, Genocide Superstars,Infa-Riot, Noi!se, Rancid, Lars Frederiksen and The Bastards, Negative Trend, Oxymoron,Sex Pistols, Paranoid Visions,U.K Subs, The Tossers, Reagan Youth, T.S.O.L, The Real McKenzies,Ramones, Cockney Rejects,Pissed Jeans, Night Birds,Husker Du, The Minutemen.
Please no Stranglers, Undertones, The Adverts or any of that 'bubblegum punk'
5 AnswersRock and Pop6 years agoHow to lose fat on your cheeks?
Ok I know the obvious answer is 'lose weight' but I am pretty skinny as it is to the point of almost having a six pack. I'm 5'9 and weigh 130 pounds so its definitely not an overall weight issue but my face makes me look twice as heavy.
I know drinking more water and eating healthier is supposed to help but is there anything else? Apparently face exercises are good but I'd rather hear it from someone who has actually tried them and saw improvement. Or will exercise slim down my face despite already being skinny/athletic looking? I've also heard chewing gum helps but again I'd want to hear stories from people who had the same problem of a fat face and skinny body seeing as those of you were (though you might not think it) lucky that you had some to lose. Thanks guys
15 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years agoQuestion for guys circumcised as teenagers/adults?
Having trouble with which side to believe when it comes to circumcision, you have the crowd who say it's 'mutilation' and causes sexual dysfunction and other stuff and you have the other crowd who say it has improved their hygiene and sexual dysfunction. I am uncircumcised and sex is painful due to the fact have a tight foreskin not only does it hurt to pull it down when fully erect it has also gotten stuck behind the head on a few occasions and I've only managed to bring it back over the head after waiting for my erection to fully go down and several minutes of panicking and pulling it over. My foreskin isn't too tight as I can pull it back to clean in the shower it just hurts when I have an erection and my head is too sensitive to enjoy touching and blow jobs with the foreskin pulled back.
I don't care about your political stance on this, I just want your own experiences with being circumcised later on in life, because clearly having a foreskin is not giving me much benefit right now.
5 AnswersMen's Health6 years agoStretched ears infection/blowout?
Hey y'all, my ears have been practically leaking gunk lately and my gland/node below my ear on my neck on the right is swollen. I know it's normal to get a little bit of gunk especially if you haven't cleaned it in a while but i'm cleaning alot off my tunnels (the standard squidgy silicon tunnels at 20mm) Any tips on what to do? I think it might have been caused by the right hand side one falling out when I was asleep and I had to put it back in when I woke up.
1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body6 years ago