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Favorite Answers42%
  • Citibank mobile deposit part of a check?

    I got a check of just over a thousand dollars. Apparently I can only deposit $1000 a day using the app. The nearest ATM is like 15 minutes away. So can I deposit part of that check today and deposit the rest tomorrow?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance5 years ago
  • How do stock price splits work?

    I know when companies decide that the prices are too high, they split the stock thus reducing the prices. What I don't understand is how it works on the charts. For instance, in Oct 2013, Google's price went past 1200 or something. Then they split it 2 for 1 and became ~600. I don't know about last year, but they split a couple months ago again from 1200-1300 to ~600. So I thought all of the prices will be adjusted, but price price from 2013 is shown as ~600, not ~300. I don't understand how the charts adjust the prices. Because if the price starts from 600 after the split in 2013, and risen to 1300 in 2015, and then there's a split, the price from 2013 should be shown as 300? Or there's something I missed

    1 AnswerInvesting6 years ago
  • First derivative of this formula?

    I'm trying to find the formula for first derivative of

    C = A - B, where A is a random number and B is the last value of C

    in other words,

    C(n) = A - C(n-1)

    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • Research database without the need of school account?

    I'm no longer in college, so my account expired. Is there a good free research database?

    1 AnswerOther - Education6 years ago
  • Should I make fences with the felled pines, or firewood?

    I have 5 dead pines in my back yard. Already felled them. I'm thinking using some of the wood for fence, like those rural wood fence with 2/3 cross bars. Will that deter deer that come over and eat my trees and everything else? Or should I just turn the pines into firewood?

    Also, one dead pine has termites in it. What should I do with that tree? Spray it with poison? But I have a well in the back, and I plan on making the cleared space as a vegetable garden or something similar. Any input will be appreciated!

    7 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • What is this in my backyard?

    Was digging in my backyard and found this. Kind of hard to dig down further and I don't want to damage any piping or whever it is. Seems like that's a battery in there. I haven't been able to take it out yet. And it's wet in there also. Also my well is about 10 ft behind it, not directly though.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • I bought a house and small companies is mailing me about obtaining a copy of my deed?

    I live in Maryland, bought the house 4/28. Last week, one company sent me a mail about obtaining a copy of my deed for a fee of $81. A day later, a company from California sent me a similar mail asking for $89. What's going on? Do I need to get a copy of my deed? And if I do, do I get it from these companies or from the county?

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Question about polyurethane?

    I'm confused on how much I need to buy. Varathane water based polyurethane heavy traffic formula. On the can, it says it can cover 400-500 sqft. But it needs 4 coats. Does this mean, this can itself can cover 400-500 sqft 4 times or I need to get 4 cans of it to cover 400-500? I got 1000sqft ish floor, this will be a $100-150 or $400-500. Thanks!

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling6 years ago
  • Floor polisher extremely hard use?

    I rented a circular floor polisher, white pad, 120 grit screen to even out all of the sand marks from the belt and edge sanders. This thing just pulls to the left like mad cow. No way to control it even with just the pad. What's going on? Anyone? Am I using it wrongly or the polisher is malfunctioning?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • What color of stain should I use on my hardwood floor?

    I just bought a nearly 50 years old house in a heavily wooded neighborhood. Trees are 50-70 ft tall, and are fairly close to the house. So the lighting is not good at all. The original owner put down 2 1/4 oak with oil based natural stain, so there's this gold look to it. And I can't say I like it at all. And the rooms are dark. The walls are painted with the cream color. 8 ft ceiling. I know if I want the rooms look brighter, I have to go with light colored stain. But how light? I don't want to have a white floor since my all my furnitures are classic styled and colored. So what would be a good classic colored and yet light stain?

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years ago
  • Construction worker average pay?

    I don't feel like doing internships this summer and want to go to a construction site to learn some construction work so that I can put that knowledge to my own house. This company is just starting an addition to a house and what should I ask for the hourly pay? Thank you!

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    How to fix this exhaust pipe?

    As you can see in the pic, the pipe broken off just after the "connection plate" behind the cat and before resonator. It's a 2001 Solara SLE. Everything down there is so rusted, I don't know if I can even take off the rusty plate that connects to the plate of the cat and the broken pipe seems to diminish little by little. Any easy fix for this? Or do I have to get a new piece of pipe and weld it? And yes, the car is loud as hell especially between 1900-2500 rpm.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • How much distance between floor joist bridging?

    I just bought a nearly 50 years old house. The house was not built with bridging in between floor joists. So there's a little warping here and there and the floor is a little squeaky at various places. I'm planning on putting bridging in between the joists myself. The joists are 2"x10"x16'. It says 2"x10" Joist 16' O.C. on the original blueprint. Is there a code on how much distance in between each bridge along the length of the joist? Is every 6' or 8' per bridging sufficient? Thanks a ton!

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)6 years ago
  • Can't test AC because it's below 65 for final walk through?

    It should be around 70 around this time of the year, but it's 50 outside. Tomorrow is my final walk through date, and it's 55 today and 50 tomorrow when I do the walk through. The home inspector couldn't test it either a month ago due the low temperature. The house comes with home warranty and AC is covered.

    How should I approach this? Since I have the warranty, if the AC is broken, will the repairs cost me anything?


    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Specific words in a video clip that presidents have said.?

    Is there somewhere I can find words that presidents have said? Like the clip in Live Free or Die Hard, just before they showed that they blew up the Capitol? Or do I have to go through each individual videos to find words that I want?

    1 AnswerMovies6 years ago
  • There are two title insurances at settlement?

    On my settlement statement, there are two title charges. 1101 (from GFE #4) and 1103 (from GFE #5), $1,103 and $1,909.60 respectively. Is this normal? And I'm not getting a mortgage since I'm paying full in cash.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Should I ask seller for credit towards this?

    I'm buying a house for 400k, the hardwood flooring is old and has discoloration and squeaks in many places. Should I add this toward credits toward my final purchase price? If so, how should I ask the seller to do this?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Which items I ask home seller to fix after inspection?

    I did inspection yesterday. There are some problems with the house. The main problems are: Chimney top cracks, moisture in 3 window panels, minor Subflooring water damage, no dryer vent, dry water mark in attic(It rained right before the inspection, so the problem could be nonexistent now). I figured I should ask the seller to fix these before settlement. Or maybe I shouldn't bother about something in here?

    There are other things such as squeaky floor, loose shower faucets, 2 door locks not working properly, missing basement access stairwell handrail. Should I bother asking the seller to take care of these?


    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Why does my room smell?

    I wash my clothes once a week, sheets and bedding twice a month. I shower when I get up and before I got to sleep. Brush my teeth regularly. I don't understand why every morning I get up, the room smells, and I have to open my windows 1-2 hours to get most of the smell out. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry6 years ago
  • What kind of lumber do I use for my house support beams?

    A few ones under the kitchen has water damages. Previous owner didn't take care of the house. I want to replace those few. The dimensions for the beams currently in place now are 2"x"6"X14'. I looked in Homedepot, the ones in there has so many knots. Do I have to go to lumber yards to look for good lumber?

    5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)6 years ago