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  • Is pet insurance worth it?

    I want to be prepared in case something happens to my dog, especially since I don't have a lot of money. I initially thought of opening a savings account just for him, but now I'm considering getting him pet insurance. Is it worth it to get insurance, or would it be a better idea to just save up money in case something happens (broken bone, tooth extraction, stuff like that)? And do most insurance plans make you pay at the vet and then they reimburse you?

    7 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Java programming homework help?

    We're doing while statements and I've been working on this program forever and I can't get it to do what I want, mostly because I have no idea what I'm doing. Here's the problem:

    Teachers in most school districts are paid on a schedule that provides a salary based on their number of years of teaching experience. For example, a beginning teacher in the Bellingham School District might be paid $30,000 the first year. For each year of experience after this up to 10 years, a 2 percent increase over the preceding value is received. Write a program that displays a salary schedule for teachers in a school district. The inputs are the starting salary, the percentage increase, and the number of years in the schedule. Each row in the schedule should contain the year number and the salary for that year.

    Here's the code I've got so far. I might be pretty off, I don't know.

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class Schedule{

    public static void main(String[] args){

    Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

    System.out.print("Enter the starting salary without commas: ");

    double StartingSalary = reader.nextDouble();

    System.out.print("Enter the percentage increase: ");

    double percent = reader.nextDouble();

    System.out.print("Enter the number of years in the schedule: ");

    double years = reader.nextDouble();

    double numyears;

    double Salary;

    while (numyears <= years){

    Salary = StartingSalary+(StartingSalary*percent);}





    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • How to move away from my family?

    So I've been presented with the opportunity to leave home and move in with my boyfriend on the other side of the country. My town is really poor, there's no jobs here, there's no people here, and basically the only thing keeping me here is my family. I know that they'd be crushed if I left them, and I'd be crushed to leave them. I'd probably only get to see them once or twice a year when I'm used to seeing them every day.

    I know that my mom and my grandma would be really heart broken and I don't know how they'd cope with it, and I don't know how I'd cope with it either. But I feel like they're holding me back. How can I cope with moving away from some of the most important people in my life, and help them cope with it as well?

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How do get my dog to stop whining?

    My dogs whines at almost everything. If he wants something, if he's upset, if he's bored, he'll whine. I'm trying to break him of it because it's annoying as ****. I've tried ignoring him but it seems like since I've started ignoring him, he just whines more! What else can I do to get him to stop?

    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • My boyfriend's depression is depressing me?

    So I'm fairly certain that my boyfriend has manic depression/bipolar disorder. He'll have a few weeks where he's in a normal mood and acting like a normal person, followed by a few weeks of manic/depressive episodes. Mostly depressive. And when he's depressive, he doesn't want to talk much and is just kinda...not exactly hostile towards me but acts like he doesn't like me very much. I try not to take it personally because I know he loves me and I know what it's like to hate the world and have depression (I suffer from it myself) but it's really hard to deal with.

    He refuses to go on meds and won't do much else to control it either. We're long distance and he doesn't get like this when we're together in person. But we only get to be together for a few weeks at a time every 3-5 months. So his being not talkative really puts a damper on the relationship. My ex left me because I had depression and I don't want to do that to my current boyfriend, he's really a great guy, but his depressive episodes are so hard to deal with. My mood generally reflects his mood and when he's in a bad mood, it puts me in a bad mood. How can I better deal with this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Can my dog do agility?

    I have a yorkie/pom mix and I've considered doing agility with him, but I'm afraid he might be too small to compete. He only weighs about 5.5lbs. He's not underweight or anything, he's just super small. Is he too small to compete in agility?

    9 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Does the college you attend really matter?

    If you're only going for something like say, web development/design, does the college you attend really matter to a prospective employer? I'm going to a top university right now, but only because it's in my hometown. I'm considering moving somewhere else and possible going to a community college there. Is that going to matter later when I go get a job?

  • Can I use MS Access to build an online database?

    If I use Access to build a fairly large database and upload it to a website, do I still have to learn SQL and all that? I'm sure SQL and other languages would help with making it fancier maybe, but are they completely and totally NECESSARY to having a functional database on a website?

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Does the age of the car really matter?

    I'm looking at a 1987 honda accord with 250k miles. They claim to have driven it from montana to oregon and from montana to washington twice in the last year and say the car runs really good. I haven't had a chance too look at it yet, but is it worth buying such an old car with such high miles if it was maintained as well as they say? It's older than me! I need something to last me until I'm out of college (approx 2 years), and if it won't last that long, it's not worth it.

    12 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • Fix current car or get a new one?

    My 1993 chevy corsica died on me last year and I bought a chevy lumina. Turns out the lumina was a lemon and it quit on me the other day. I'm coming into about $1000 and I'm deciding if I should fix the corsica or buy a new car? The car I'm looking at right now is a 1991 honda civic with about 209k miles on it. My corsica has about 220k miles. The corsica was well maintained before I got it and lasted me about a year and a half before it quit, but I'm not 100% sure what's wrong with it, we think it's the fuel pump but we're not sure.

    Anyway, I need the car to start in below zero weather (which my corsica was never good at), last me at least a couple years, and hopefully drive on the highway long distances. Should I fix the corsica which has been sitting for a year and I'm not sure what's wrong with it, or should I get the civic? I haven't test driven the civic so I'm not positive how it runs, but I've read great reviews of them.

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling10 years ago
  • Do you care about your weight or that of others?

    Do you care about what you weigh or what you look like based on your weight? Do you judge other people based on their weight? I'm just curious. Also, what is your age and gender?

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Does the number of miles on a car matter?

    I've heard that motors don't last much past 200k-250k miles. Is that true? If I wanted a car to drive across the country, would something that runs well but has over 200,000 miles do it? Or should I shoot for something with lower mileage?

    8 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • Creating an MMO database?

    Can you create a database for a game (like MMO-champion or WOWhead) with just HTML and CSS or do you need to know other languages? I know they use javascript and other things, but do you HAVE to use those? And do you have to upload it to a specific type of server? Or can you just create it like a normal website of pure HTML/CSS?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Google adsense on youtube?

    I got an invitation to start using adsense on my youtube account. But my account doesn't generate much traffic, and it says in the terms and conditions that your account may be terminated if you don't generate a sufficient number of clicks in 2 months. And it says somewhere else that if your account is disabled, that you will not be eligible for further participation in the program. So my question is, if my account gets terminated because I didn't get enough ad clicks, will I not be able to use adsense ever again in the future?

    1 AnswerGoogle10 years ago
  • Webcam sucks with low level lighting?

    I used to have a certain model of acer aspire and its webcam was "optimized for low level lighting". Well I got a new acer aspire 5552-7474. It doesn't say that it's optimized for low level lighting, and boy is it right. It sucks *** and even with the room filled with light, the picture is still not that clear. Is there any way to make it better? I'd like it to work as well as my last one did. I could be in the dark with just the computer monitor giving me light and get a clear picture with that webcam. With this one I can't get a clear picture even with all the lights turned on in the room.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • Is there anything you wish was on the internet?

    Do you ever surf the internet and think "hmmm, I wish such and such was on the internet"? Like a certain type of website, resource, anything?

    15 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • Really good dog food brands?

    I started feeding my dog canidae when I first got him because it seemed like a good brand and I wanted him to have a healthy diet. But he really doesn't like it, he'll only eat it if he's like completely starving, and has been mostly going off of table scraps since then. I want to fix his diet and stop giving him so much people food. What are some brands that offer good nutrition for small dogs? He's a yorkie-pom mix. I want to feed him the best quality food possible.

    7 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Getting into a competetive program?

    I'm applying for a Surgical Technology program at my college this fall, and it's really competetive, they only accept 6 applicants every year. What I can do that'll set me apart (aside from good grades) and help me get in? And what sort of things should I include in my admissions essay?

  • Babysitting twin girls?

    My mom had twins about 7 months ago, and she hasn't been able to work because she doesn't want to hire a babysitter until they're older, and the dad isn't around. I've considered offering to babysit for her so she can go back to work, but it's really hard for me to handle them both at the same time. If it was just one baby, I could do it no problem, but it's harder when there's two and they both need something at the same time. Any tips?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Practicing on a keyboard?

    I have an upright piano, but my mom just had babies so I have to keep quiet a lot and pianos are loud, so I've been thinking of buying a cheapish keyboard to practice on since I can use headphones. Is this a good idea and worth the $150 I'd pay for the keyboard? I'm sure I'd practice a lot more, I'm just afraid that playing on a cheap keyboard may ruin my technique or musical ear or something. I'm a beginner, I know very little and don't play well yet, so I haven't really developed technique or an ear. That's why I'm so worried.

    I'm considering the casio ctk-4000 because it's within my budget and has graded keys or whatever. I've played with it at the store and it feels good to me, not quite like a real piano, but not bad either.

    5 AnswersClassical10 years ago