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I was looking for a means to make my life better. Something to make feel complete, something to give my life meaning and a sense of purpose. I needed anything that would make my life more interesting, more exciting, more fascinating! Then I start living it! How about you? :D

  • What could drive a man to do that? Can women get us THAT mad?

    Ok so I came upon this site. Its a page a guy made because his GF cheated on him. Now the question is, why does cheating gets us THAT mad. Or is it just women that have this effect on men and it does not work that way when a guy cheats on a woman? Care to elaborate?

    The page in question is here:

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Heard about the New European Commission Agreement on Euro Language?

    The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

    As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".

    In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c".. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

    There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f".. This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.

    In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

    Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

    Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

    By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".

    During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensi bl riten styl.

    Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.

    Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.

    If zis mad you smil, pleas giv me a star!

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Have you heard? No? It was my understanding that everyone had heard!?

    Has anyone heard? Something about a linguistic item of the ornithological variety! Regarding a certain 'avian'?!


    Are you sure?

    Should I tell you?


    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • About South Park 200+201?

    Ok, bear with me a little bit.

    I hear this much commotion about that the South Park offended the Muslims because according to the Islamic Religion the "Image of the Prophet should not be depicted in any way", but the South Park guys went ahead anyway by showing the Muslim prophet in a full-body bear costume...

    Ok. I must be getting something wrong here.

    If he was inside a full-body bear costume, how was his image shown? Wasn't that the point of the entire episode? To NOT actually show the image of Muhammad? Or is it that some people like taking offence so bad that they more than willing to take it even when it is not offered?

    No Muslim was annoyed when the Super Best Friends Episode was aired in 2001. That was 9 years ago. What has changed since then?

    Furthermore, why can nobody see the real message behind these two episodes. They are not making fun of Religion. They are making fun of people who don't like to be made fun of.

    And you can't accuse South Park of discriminating against Islamic Religion! These guys make fun of EVERYTHING and we need this today. We need people to make fun of Politics and Religion and Celebrities as these things take too much from us without giving enough back.

    And who actually thinks that by threatening to murder someone will make other people take you seriously? You might as well hold your breath until something bad happens!

    I'm not from America. I am areligious. I don't like politicians. I am not fond of TV. But I respect freedom of speech, and satire as the ultimate means of expression. There is one thin line dividing satire and offense but South Park has not crossed it. Because satire can become ever more intense the more reasons people give to its existence.

    We are talking about a Show that satirized another Cartoon that actually showed the image of Muhammad (Family Guy), and to take offence at them for NOT showing said image in their own show is, well plain ridiculous.

    I find it hard to believe that in 2010 people still take offence at imagined insults. And actually threaten to answer back with actions far graver than the insult.

    I mean, its like me calling someone a Fudge Packer (say, like Tom Cruise in episode 200!) and he comes and blows up my house!

    See this parenthesis here ---> ( ). I say it contains the worst possible insult against your religion, whatever it is. Wanna come and kill me? Of course you'll never be exactly certain that there is an offensive remark in there, now would you? So would you still get offended? Simply because I "suggested" that there is an offensive remark in there?

    Dunno, maybe I am daft. Or maybe you are. Or maybe we both are for arguing over what another daft wrote several hundreds of years ago. Or maybe you just took offence at what said cause it sounds like I'm suggesting that whoever wrote what you believe in was daft.

    Did I?

    We'll never know now would we.

    If I offended any religion I will be judged in the afterlife of whatever religion is correct, if even one is. But none of you has the right to judge nor pass judgement. To act as God would, is the gravest insult I can think of for any religion. But then again I said I might be daft so, nevermind me.

    Have a nice day everyone.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Some help with this song (and a few more as well if possible!) Thanks! :)?

    Im trying to find some nice and fast (preferably both!!) country songs! So Im cruising through Youtube unsuccessfully.

    While there I happened upon a video that has a very familiar tune playing. But I don't know the song.

    If anyone can help its here (dont mind the girls dancing! I just want the song! :P)

    And if anyone could offer some Slappin' Leather songs I'd love that! Thanks!


    P.S. I'm from Greece :D

    3 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Barbie dolls!?

    A guy wants to buy a gift for his ten year old daugher. So he goes to a toystore and asks the employee to show him some Barbie dolls to decide which one he will buy.

    -So, sir, here we have the Barbie At The Beach for $25.

    Then we have Barbie At The Hairdresser for $29.99.

    We also have Barbie With Cute Pink Pony for $45.

    And of course we have Divorced Barbie for $645.99..

    -Wait a minute, says the guy. Why does the Divorced Barbie cost so much?

    -Ah sir, says the employee, you see the Divorced Barbie has Ken's Dog, Ken's Car, Ken's Boat, Ken's House, Ken's....


    14 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Is there a reason love never comes to some people?

    Well I know it does not look like a proper question but I was wondering why some people have the capacity to love others yet fail to be loved back. And I am not talking about friend or family love.

    Is it perhaps because people that are too romantic scare others away?

    Or perhaps are people used to others being straightforward (to the extend of it being blunt) when it comes to interpersonal relationships?

    Have we glorified sex to the extend of it being nothing but a natural follow up to a relationship between two persons, that we base said relations partly to how good the sex will be?

    Why is it that persons who choose to know their possible future partner first, and try to cultivate a romantic and intimate relationship with them get won by a more aggressive third person that takes more immediate action?

    Do we really have to abandon romanticism and instead of basing the formation of relationships to it,simply use it as a means to 'hold on' to a dying relationship?

    Elaborate! :)

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • A man breaks in a house...?

    in the deep of night to lift some valuables.He walks in the half light when he spots the DVD.As he is about to unplug it a voice calls

    -Jesus is watching...

    The man is taken aback.He looks around but he cannot see anything.He waits for a few moments and nothing happens.

    -I must be hallucinating,he thinks, and he goes for the DVDplayer again.Again the voice sounds:

    -Jesus is watching...

    -Who goes there,the man calls,obviously frustrated now.No reply.He risks lighting his flashlight this time and checks around.He spots a parrot at the edge of the room staring at him.He smirks at his foolishness and goes for the DVD again as the parrot once again speaks:

    -Jesus is watching...

    The man laughs and goes close to the parrot.A name tag hangs from the cage.The man checks it;it writes "Priest".The parrot's name draws a smile from the man.

    -Priest,he says.What kind of a fool would name his parrot "Priest".

    -The same fool that named his doberman "Jesus",replies the parrot...

    15 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Say you knew the day of your death....?

    You celebrate your birthday every year. Lets say you knew the day you are going to die. Would you have a deathday every year?


    Does this thought scare you?

    Do you feel less free by thinking that you have an "expiration date"??

    Or would this knowledge make you live a better, more complete and full life?

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Religious when we should be?

    Ok. I have this question... I see many people answering stuff and adding the "God Loves you" "Jesus Helps" and other such phrases...

    I think its ok if you believe in whatever god you believe. Some people are Christians, some are Muslims, Hindu or any other religion....

    But I really dont understand what God has to do when a girl asks what to do when her father beats her, or how can Jesus help you when your girlfriend cheated on you???

    I mean cmon on people... Religion is a personal choice so stop using it as panacea to anything you see...

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are Americans Destroying their Language?

    I am not a native speaker of the english language but i have been studying it for almost 20 years now. I have an MA in Applied Translation Studies and I had this question I want to ask to any American who would like to answer:

    Why are you destroying your language? I have been browsing through Yahoo Answers these past weeks and I saw things I cannot understand....

    I see people stating questions using chat speak. I see people that cannot write common words properly... I see misused syntax and grammar... Is this intentional? Or is it mainly a trend followed by younger Americans that simply do not receive proper education?

    I know that most Yahoo users are American so i assume that most of the errors I see are made by them...

    Maybe i am wrong...

    But it makes me dissapointed to see things like:

    imho / btw / idk / whats going onn? / i nd 2 spk 2 u / c u l8r /

    I can understand the usefulness of chat speak...

    But i really hope you dont kill your language in the long run...

    19 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Why dont you people actually READ the questions?????

    Ok... It is ridiculous.... I see many people asking questions... trying to find an answer to this problem or that... And there are COUNTLESS jerks who keep on "answering" without actually READING the damn questions....


    Is it only for the lousy 2 points? Or do you simply think you are superior to all and just by glancing at a question you immediately know what it is being asked and, obviously, the answer....

    Why dont you try READING the question... And when you are done.. READ again a couple of times just to be sure.... Especially if its longer than 2 sentences..

    And if you know what it is about and realy understand the problem and have a strong opinion, then answer it...

    Dont degrade this site by acting like writing in a simple forum... You are answering a question for which another person might actually need an answer... Dont you think you should at least respect that by READING the question...

    Just a thought.... rather long one, but a thought nonetheless

    26 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • I wont do anything but I must say this....?

    I have never been in a more desperate situation as I am now...

    She is in my mind every single moment...Thoughts of her bring tears in my eyes and I am not afraid to cry though I am a man...In her i have found the dream I never dared dream of in fear of it never coming to be...

    And I cannot do anything about it because she is dating a friend of mine...

    I have done everything to make their relationship go better, I even talked them out of fights on several occasions...

    We have spent endless hours talking and found that there is nothing we dont have in common...And never,not once,have I let her see my feelings...

    It is not a crush...It is not excitement...It is not me being jealous...

    I would NEVER do anything to hurt a friend's feelings,but still I am dying...I think of her and I cannot breathe...


    If you are "answering" only to get your 2 points please find another question...

    And before you start criticizing how "bad" a friend I am... read the question again...

    13 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • We are the same soul in different bodies. But she has a relationship with my friend... Ideas please...?

    I'll try to make it short... She has a relationship with my friend for the past month. I met her after she and my friend hooked up. He was away during the Xmas holidays, as were all my friends. I had to stay in the big town due to my job. We ended up going out together since i was all alone and we got along good together.

    Its perfect. I never ever felt like this before. Its strange for me to speak and have her finish my sentences. Or listen to her speaking and know what she will say before she does. We think as one; we act as one; we have everything in common. I dont want to mess around my friend's relationship yet i know in my heart that me and her are soulmates-bound to be together. I also know that i am thinking with a clear head at the moment. I ve been through some very bad situations and i have learned to distinguish feelings from a simple crash... That is why i am lost...

    So happy New Year to all and any advice would be welcome... Thank you...

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago