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I have 2 Beautiful American Pit Bull Terriers & would die for both of them . I am on here 2 Educate all of those " Pit Bull " haters & Undereducated Owners .

  • What breed of dog is responsible for the DC Dog Attacks?

    For the people who have no idea what I am speaking of here is 1 Video: 4/21/12

    Notice how this website calls them a White Cane Corso !

    Well on this website it calls them Pit Bulls:

    This one calls them American Bulldogs:

    These dogs have even been called Presa Canario & Dogo Argentino , so which is it?

    Being that these dogs are 190lbs I know for sure they are NOT Pit Bulls, my guess from the video is Dogo Argentino.

    The worst thing about this whole attack is they know exactly where the Owners live, but no Charges have been found. The owners should not only pay for all the Medical Bills, but for the Automobile as well !

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Why do people chain their dogs?

    I don't understand this, I am asking for Mature answers, please!

    To be honest with you I think it is Laziness- I think it is cheaper for you to buy that Chain than it is for you to Build a New Fence.

    Now this is for the people who chain their dogs for days/weeks/months at a time, who put a few slaps of wood together & call it a house.

    I have even heard someone try to tell me a Chained dog doesn't attack people(LMAO), that has been proven wrong time & time again.

    I am not trying to offend anybody I just would like some answers by different people who do this.

    2nd Question: Does your Chained dog know all Basic Commands?

    ( Sit, Lay, Stay, Shake, or No, just to name a few)

    I have never came across a Chained dog that has passed Basic Obedience Training, has yours? And if Not, WHY NOT?

    Another thing I have observed is that most chained dogs are Unneutered & Used for Breeding. Is this true about your dogs?

    Do you ever walk your chained dog, if so for how long?

    I am sorry for the questions, but I am just curious to WHY people do this.

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Do you own a Christmas Tree Ornament of your dogs breed?

    I had went to Hallmark the other day & was surprised to see an American Pit Bull Terrier XMas Tree Ornament. It was a Blk N White APBT w/ red horns & wings, then I saw another w/ a Halo & Wings. Only a few breeds, but 1 was an APBT ( at Hallmark).

    I didn't buy it, way too much for a dog that doesn't even look like mine.

    Then today I saw an APBT Ornament at Petsmart & was a lil surprised( just a little, because that is where I got my Pit Bull KeyChain. ( I didn't buy it, but I think I will .) 10% will go to Donations.

    Which leads me to my 2nd Question?

    Do you Own a KeyChain, of your dog's Breed?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the Must Have Christmas Present for your dog this Year ?

    XMas is close- what are you getting your Canine ?

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What do you think about Bill Burr's Comedy about Pit Bulls ?

    I came across this ( never heard of Bill Burr before) and wanted to know what other people thought about it ?

    Do you agree w/ him?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is the color Merle a sign of Mutation in all dogs ?

    I was reading how the color " Merle" showed up in the history of ADBA(APBT) Registered dogs, and how this was a defect called " Waardenburg Syndrome", that affected pit bulls and Humans.

    Does this apply to dogs that are normally found in this color, like Collies, Australian Shep. & Great Danes ?

    It says " 50% of Merle x merle litter will be what is called semi-lethal merles. These are normal looking merles but they are almost always defective."

    Does this apply to those breeds, as well ?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Have you ever heard of Weela, the Pit Bull ?

    Weela ( Saved "her" child's life from a Rattlesnake & Months later saved 30 people, 29 dogs, 13 horses & a cat )

    Or Popsicle( Top Ranked Narcotic dog, found during a drug bust in a freezer)

    Stubby( Most decorated war Canine Hero in the US history) Stubby was the 1st dog to sniff out bombs in War World 1.)

    Dixie( saved ' Her' child from a Cottonmouth)

    Petunia ( Therapy)

    Gabby( saved a neighbor's life)

    Cheyenne( Search & Rescue)

    Dakota( Search & Rescue)

    RCA( Alaska's 1ft Certified Hearing Dog)

    Spike(service dog)

    Shelby(Service dog )

    Taylor( Narcotics) Out of 100 dogs in San Diego Taylor ranks as a top performer. Sniffing out more than $30 million worth of narcotics.

    Panda ( Takes care of her Disabled owner)

    Blueberry ( Protected her owners from 2 armed attackers)

    all their stories can be found here:

    You don't have to go to a Pro-Pit Bull website to hear about these dogs:


    Oh... Of course you haven't . They never attacked anybody . = )

    Question for the Pit Bull Haters ...

    Do you Believe these Pit Bulls should die, too ?

    I mean, if all are Vicious & Kill, why did these dogs Not do that ?

    BTW Those aren't the only " Pit Bulls" who have saved lives... that was just a Website that had Many stories.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What can I do Legally about these 2 Shackled Dogs ?

    So when I woke up I looked outside and saw a GS on my property - I threw on some pants and went outside . When walking toward the dog I noticed Shackles on his paws - ALL FOUR. When I got closer I saw his ears had been Gnawed off - to the bone . Then I saw another Austr Shepard Mix Shackled just the same .

    Ok I am freaking out at this point -so I run in & call 911 . They reconnect me to the dog shelter - I told this man what I had seen just the same as I did above . Do you know what this man told me ?

    He told me I need to be careful of my words because if they are NOT SHACKLED as I said - I would be giving a CITATION ! I told him there was no other way to describe this - there were chains & cuffs on all 4 Paws . He asked me " Well then how are they walking around ? " , I said they are NOT HOG TIED - but all paws are SHACKLED like a Slave .

    Anyways - 2 hr later and No show - being that I had prior engagements I had to leave . A few neighbors agreed if this went to court they would help .

    Well they showed up while I was gone & my BF called me and told me the guy was giving him a hard time w/ a lot a attitude & told us if it happens again to call them again .

    I will be keeping my eye on them ! Oyeah the owners did show up while I was there and said they do that so the dogs won't get out . They get out everyday - & I told them this is Unacceptable & you can not do this . (( Sorry I am still a little shaking up by the whole thing ))

    Question : What should I do legally ?

    Should I continue to call the Police every time the dogs are loose ?

    Should I bring the dogs in my backyard & take them to the Shelter myself ? Or would that be Kidnapping ?

    I know they can't charge animal abuse if the dogs are loose - but can't they get a No Leash Ticket in a Leash Restricted Area ?

    ~ I appreciate everybody for stopping by & for your opinion . This is really serious and I am starting for Wonder if the Animal Control help as much as they say ~

    I could have received a CITATION for Helping Abused Dogs - I feel like I am the Victim now ...

    Kind of makes you NOT want to help these dogs if you get in trouble & the owner is allowed to continue owning & abusing !

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you think the people who Stabbed this dog should go to Jail?

    I came across this video on YouTube and I con NOT believe this !

    She was on her own property when this dog attacked - then the owners of the 2nd dog came back w/ Box Cutters & slice this dog . Then , Cops do nothing ??

    Q2 : Do you think this Act was from a Pit Hater ?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does dog deserve death penalty for Fatal Bite ?

    Another DOG ATTACK !!

    Dog attacks & kills Yorkshire terrier - Just another owner who says

    " My dog has never done this b4 " " She's a good dog & not aggressive "

    and of course we all know what BREED this dog is .................

    ; )

    Such a Vicious Breed - We should bann them all

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What would you do if a dog attacked YOU ?

    I saw this method that was new to me and was wandering ?

    If you ever heard of it and How do you feel about it ?

    I personally never thought about it - but it does sound like it is worth a try !

    I will be bringing an Umbrella w/ me Next Walk .

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the Apology Video ?

    This is for any animal owner who had to give up there dog !!!!

    So Sad - SO True !!!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is my favorite rappers Freestyle better than your favorite rapper song?


    On 2 the next yr Jay Z :

    Bun B Freestyle " On 2 the Next Yr "

    Gucci - Lemonade -

    Bun's Freestyle :

    Bun actually did that beat JUSTICE .

    Chris Brown - Transform ya


    Bun Freestyles better than your rapper Writes ......

    End Note

    3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • If your dog was to get loose , what would HAPPEN ?

    I ask this because I just moved into a new home - and the amount of STRAY dogs are ridiculous . Out of a few pits , several small hairy dogs and a few shepard type dogs the pits have been the nicest . Walk up to me tails wagging and rolling on their backs . While all the small dogs attack and run after me nipping and biting .

    While the percentage of the Large dogs escaped the yard the Small dogs were let out by their owner.

    Which brings me to Q2 : How should I approach these owners ???

    To me it is common sense to Leash your dog but these people think just because their dog is small they can't harm anyone ?

    Ex. I was walking my Lily and 1 of the small dogs ran up to Lily and start barking( on my property ) - Lily is just a puppy and I was not worried about her but that dog almost bit my dog . So I started " Shoeing " is away - the whole time this is happening the owners are standing in their yard just watching - not trying to get their dog or stop it . I was soo pist I wanted to walk over there and cuss them out - but I know it wouldn't solve anything ?? What should I do ??

    I am really considering just calling the Human and let them deal w/ it .

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Did you watch the Micheal Vick Project ?

    Comes on 2morrow if you missed last weeks.

    I think it is Ironic how they are just talking about the DOG FIGHTING and Not the several DEATHS - but I will continue to watch .

    I want to watch him meeting up w/ his DOGS - that would be interesting .

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Have you heard Bun Bs New Songs ????

    Love him or Hate him - Bernard Freeman is 1 of the Realest in the Game EVER !!!!

    Freestylez for ya ***'z

    No Mixtape :

    One King

    Adrenaline Rush

    UGK4LYFE !!!!!!!!!

    3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Are you watching Animal Planet Investigation : Dog Fighting ?

    I am watching and recording !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it snowing where you live ?

    State - Town

    Yes - No

    16 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else Tired of hearing about Mrs Obamas Clothing ?

    More people are worried about what she is wearing - rather than when Obama is taking the Tropps out ??

    Suprise he isn't taking them out - just putting more in .

    Go Obama #1 Hypocrite in the world .....

    I feel like Americans are being played like a Fidel .

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago