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  • Good fish for 36 gallon tank?

    I am setting up a 36 gallon tank in my retail store as a "store pet". I'm trying to decide what kind of fish to put in it. My thoughts were to get 1-2 larger, more personable fish that customers can look forward to visiting. I am inexperienced at keeping fish, but not a complete beginner (I have had a successful community tank in the past).. I was thinking a single Oscar, a pair of Cichlids, or a few Gourami's. Something hearty and nothing too likely to fight. Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Should I accept a promotion?

    I was just offered a promotion from my current level of management to a higher one, but am unsure about accepting. I am very good at my current job, I enjoy it, and fit in well with my team. In my new position I would work with a new set of people, and have responsibilities outside my area of expertise. The pay would be a little better, but the hours are longer. It would help further my career if I accepted, but I am worried I'll be stuck with a job I hate. Any advice?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • A question for veterinarians?

    I have worked in various aspects of pet food sales for many years and am always amazed when a client calls me for medical advice that I am clearly not trained in. I understand there are some things that simply cannot be addressed over the phone, but as a vet, where do you draw the line between giving advice or telling someone they must bring their pet in to you? Do you have a policy in place, or is it delt with on a case by case basis?

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • If you could ask any question to a vet?

    In a few days I will be attending a nutrition seminar led by a vet who has helped develop some of the dog food brands that are considered healthy (not grocery brands, and not Hills). I am trying to come up with a list of questions to ask while I am there. If you were attending this kind of seminar, what would you want to ask?

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What do you feed your dog and why?

    I don't need advice, I'm simply curious.

    There are hundreds of brands available in dozens of forms from raw to dehydrated to traditional kibble. Then there is the option to prepare your own meals at home. So with all the choices and all the advice out there on what to do, what do you feed your dog and why?

    16 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Should this dog be spayed?

    First, I do understand the importance of spay for behavioral and over population reasons. That is not my issue. I am looking for some medical pro and con's to help in my decision making process.

    Two years ago I rescued a pregnant mastiff. She had one puppy who is now a healthy (neutered) adult dog. Her vet thinks she is about 6 years old. She is in good health, but has an excessive amount of extra skin from having been used for commercial breeding for years. She will never be bred again, and I want to do the right thing to keep her as healthy as possible.

    My own research has suggested that spaying her now will not change her risk of reproductive cancers or keep her any healthier. It has also suggested that the risk of complications from surgery would not out weigh the benefit of a spay.

    Obviously I have gone back and forth on this issue for some time. She is perfectly behaved, will not be bred, and currently healthy. I feel she should be left intact, but do not have the medical background to justify that decision. It's just a feeling.

    Insight and/or personal experience one way or another that can help me make an educated choice is appreciated.

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Best place to camp during Sturgis?

    My husband and I are going to Sturgis for the first time this year. We plan on camping (and I know things are filling up fast!), and would like suggestions for a good place to stay. We would prefer a quiet, more secluded campground where we can have some time to ourselves, then be able to ride into town for the fun. Any ideas? Thanks!

    2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Female dog possibly in heat?

    Long story short, we adopted an adult mastiff of unknown age in December from animal control. We didn't know it at the time, but she was already pregnant when we bought her. Six weeks later, she had a single puppy.

    She has an appointment to be spayed on Monday, but I suspect she has now gone into heat. This is my first dog, and I don't want to panic and go to the e-vet if she is simply in heat. I also don't want to let a medical condition go without treatment.

    This morning, there was a spot of blood in the kitchen, and few drops of urine about 3 feet away from it. She never has accidents, so it's very unusual. When I walked her today, she peed just a few drops about every 5 feet. I have read that this behavior is part of the heat cycle in order to attract males, but I'm also worried that it may be a UTI. She is also panting frequently and seems restless.

    I know you can't diagnose over the internet, but any insight from someone who is experienced is helpful! So is it just her going into heat, or something more concerning? Thanks for the help!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dogs, Honey, and Allergies?

    I read an article about people using local honey to fight seasonal allergies by slowly building up their tolerance over time. Could the same thing work for dogs? I have read honey can be fed to adult dogs in small doses. Anyone had experience with this?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Help with Mastiff and chronic vomiting?

    I have been working with my vet on this, but could use some additional insight.

    4 months ago I adopted an adult mastiff who was picked up as a stray. For six weeks she was fine. Ate her food (a variety of premium dry brands), had normal stools, average activity. We did not know it when we adopted her, but she was pregnant. Two days before she gave birth she quit eating. She continued to not eat, so we put her on a home made diet at the recommendation of a breeder. She did very well. After weaning the puppy (she only had one), we put her back on the same dry foods she ate before. She hated eating it and had chronic diarrhea. We put her back on the home cooked foods, the diarrhea went away overnight, but she started regurgitating and sometimes vomiting her food. She seems to have one day where she is really hungry, then a day of normal eating, followed by a day of vomiting and refusal to eat. Her stomach makes loud gurgling noises too. Stools are normal, no fever, and weight is steady.

    She has been dewormed and bloodwork has all come back normal. Before I continue with more tests, does anyone have any idea what might be wrong with her? Thanks.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • puppy potty training issue?

    I could use a little advice on training my 10 week old mastiff puppy. We are crate training, and for the most part doing well. We go out on a regular schedule, to the same spot, say the same word, and reward for a job well done. We use a sharp 'no' for accidents caught, and do not punish those we miss.

    So my issue is that our puppy seems to have to go all the time. Here is an example that happened today. I took him out and he peed. 10 minutes later as we were playing, he pees in the house. I take him out, he pees. 20 minutes later I turn my back and he pees in the kitchen. This kind of thing goes on and on all day! It would be nice to let him out of the crate to be with the family, but every time I do, even if he just peed outside, he still pees every few minutes! He is restricted to just the kitchen and living room, which are open to each other.

    Any ideas? Is this normal? He just had a vet check 3 days ago and was fine.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Home cooked diet for dogs?

    I am having dietary issues with one of my dogs. To cut costs, we have tried several top quality kibble brands, all of which give her horrible diarrhea.

    As soon as we switch her to just baked chicken, all her issues go away immediately.

    I understand about prey model and raw diets. One of my dogs is fed this way and thrives. The dog I am having issues with buries RMB in my couch, and the ones she does eat she vomits up in her dog bed. This is just not the method of feeding that works well for her.

    She refuses to eat veggies in any form other than in a powered supplement. I have been considering feeding her a diet of cooked meats with a supplement like Wysong's Call of the Wild or Honest Kitchen's Preference mixed in to provide calcium and other nutrients.

    If any one has experience using these products or any other insight as to what might work for my dog I would appreciate it.

    She is an adult French Mastiff that needs to gain weight.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Raw feeding large breed puppy?

    I will soon be weaning my mastiff puppy. I believe in natural diets for dogs, but the more I read, the more I don't know what to do!

    I have read up on prey model diet, BARF, commercially prepared raw meat diets, commercial 'bases' to which raw meat is added, etc. For every choice there is a very convincing article out there both for and against a particular method of natural feeding.

    Economically, I have access to commercially prepared raw meat diets at a better price than most other raw choices(most of the time). So that is the method of feeding I am leaning toward, using such brands as Bravo! and Northwest Naturals. I would supplement with RMB, and use a prey model during times when it is more economical for me. This is how his mother is fed. In the long run, I want to do what is best for my puppy, even if it costs a little more.

    If you have personal experience with this, I would love to hear it. If you have any links to scientific research done on raw fed large breed puppies, I would love those as well.

    Thanks for all the input!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Raising a single puppy?

    Our family rescued a large breed female dog two months ago. We didn't know it when we got her, but she was pregnant. 3 weeks ago she gave birth to a single puppy. x-rays showed no other pups. She is moderately attentive to him, feeds him and cleans up after him, but does not spend much time with him beyond basic care.

    Are there any special considerations needed when dealing with a litter of one? Having no siblings, I am concerned there are some early life lessons he is not learning. I have spent the past 3 weeks getting a crash course in puppy rearing via my vet and the internet, but I am new to this and could use any advise I can get!

    Mom and baby will be altered as soon as each is able to be. We had no intentions of having a puppy, and are making sure we never have another one!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Thanksgiving breakfast anyone?

    There are too many places to go and people to see for my siblings and I to have thanksgiving dinner together. So last year we started doing 'thanksgiving breakfast'. I made pumpkin waffles along with more traditional breakfast foods.

    This year I want to get away from the norm and cook a fun breakfast using more traditional thanksgiving foods. Any one have some good recipe ideas to share? Thanks!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • To baptize or not in a multi-faith household?

    My husband was raised Catholic and I Lutheran. He left the Catholic Church, but remains a non-denominational Christian. I left the Lutheran Church and became Wiccan. Neither one of us practices our religions or goes to any form of worship services. We have our beliefs, but are not religious people.

    Our complication is our 4 year old son. My mother in law takes him to Bible class on Sunday mornings so I can work. I do not like this set up, but cannot afford to pay a sitter. My son LOVES church. Because of this, my husband wants him baptized in the Christian faith. He feels our son's love of Church is a sign of a deeper connection to the Christian faith. I think it's just a 4 year old who has fun coloring pictures and singing songs, and has nothing do do with deeper religion.

    I am opposed to baptizing our son into any faith. I believe he should choose his path for himself when he is old enough. In general my husband agrees, but not this time. I'm sick of fighting over this. Any ideas on what to do?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Looking to buy a good used car. Suggestions?

    Including tax, title, and license, I have a budget of $4,500 to buy a car. I have had really bad luck with cars in the past, and want to buy the best car I can with the budget I have. My primary concerns are reliability and safety (especially in winter), as I have a small child. Car will be used mostly to commute to work and run daily errands.

    Any suggestions as to make and model to look for as well as year and mileage would be helpful.

    Also, I have found 2 cars that might work well for me, and would like some opinions as to weather or not they are good buys.

    one is a 2003 Hyundai Elantra with 114,000 miles on it from a dealer offering a 5 day/500 mile return policy for $3,488

    The other is a 2003 Cheyv Mailbu with 65,000 miles on it from a private seller asking $4,000

    Any ideas or suggestions on what to shop for would be great! Thank you!

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Suggestion for a good dog care book?

    I want to give someone a book on dog care and training as a gift. They just got a new puppy, and need a reference to push them in the right direction. They are already signed up for puppy classes, but I think a book is still a good idea.

    I am an advocate of raw/grain free diets, positive reinforcement, and holistic care approaches. I would not feel comfortable giving a book that says "any aafco food is good" or "just ask your vet." The people receiving this book are educated adults and deserve a book that is going to explain dog care in more detail, giving them solid information and a springboard for further learning.

    Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What Motorcycle Should I get?

    My husband and I are first time motorcycle riders. He has his permit, I have never ridden before. My husband's bike is a 1200cc Harley Sportster, which I do not plan to learn on. Therefore, I need a bike of my own to ride.

    I plan to buy used, but have no idea what make or model to look for. I'm 5' 5" and weigh 160 pounds. I need something easy to learn on, but will compliment my husband's Harley. Any suggestions?

    10 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Book recommendations?

    I am looking for a few good books to read. Some of my favorite books are:

    Sophie's World


    The Last Unicorn

    Parable of the Sower

    Yellow Raft in Blue Water

    I enjoy history, fantasy, psychology, and books that really make you think or show you a new prospective on life.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago