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DONT JUDGE! and sorry for misspelling :C in high school i was a freshman and i dated a senior love was great until he left to the marines after 12th grade :c parents were ok with dating him but with rules you know... we wrote letters he visited distance broke us up.. but he's in Hawaii were both broke because we want each other in person but im a minor im 17 hes 20 :( my parents wont sign off emancipation :( i need ideas advice ! DONT SAY PEDOFILE OR BREAKUP BECAUSE WE LOVE EACHOTHER ALLOT! :C advice what to do or how to leave at 18 from your house ? please i don't like my family they verbally abuse me and i feel hated.. i rather be alone with him and start my life over and be happy doing me :)
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoIMPORTANT PLEASE?
DONT JUDGE... BEEN THROUGH LOTS TO BE DEALING WITH MORE NEGATIVITY... Im from FL my bf is a marine im 17 this year in november and hell be 21 on november .. We dated in highschool... But i want to move with him to were hes going to be stationed at in hawaii... I want to get emancipated but due to money i cant but for sure hell support me because i trust hus words and he wont trick me hes not that type... Thought about having a kid so im forced to be with him and we want one any ways! NO NEGATIVITY I HAVE A FIVE YEAR OLD BROTHER AND COUSINS I TAKE CARE OF THEY LIVE WITH ME... Is there anyway i can live with him...
4 AnswersFamily6 years agoMarine question?
My bf is a marine and he finished camp during thanks giving now he's in north Carolina working he's a mechanic but i know they do formation and fire watch but he hasent texted me all day? Did he get in trouble over there and he hsnt been on social media? Sorry for spelling and yea semper fi :) from kentucky
How to be more mature with everyone and with my boyfriend but still have fun.. Mostly with bf he's older than me and when I'm mad I'm not mature we got a 4 yr difference but again age to us is a number not rape or anything else.. I have big nose ugly ears I'm short and I'm not girly but i still do my makeup and all of that but i don't do pink or cute doll dresses ... I wear glasses... Want to be taken seriously ... My boyfriend is a marine <3
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoAm i being abused?
Am i being verbal or emotionally abused ?... Part of my child hood was good but then parents argued and xstep mom ,dad and mom argued lots cops involved... My mom gets mad for small things like one end if bed sheet hanging lower than other side and stuff.. She yells nd tells me idiot nd more in spanish nd few times she temped to hit me... But now she gets red only.. Grandma and dad call me slow in everything i di ofcourse how can a depress girl be fast minded?! Dad makes fun of me nd then says jk after.... His mood changes.. There allways on top of me nd i barely go out with friends... Im 16 they forcing me to choose my career but when i said physiologist they laughed nd i said police woman they laughed more but they like if your brain don't give enough for university then do a 2 year course to get certified... And they always compare me with other girls.. And in family trips or when family over grandma controls me and lets everyone else get the goods don't wanna be the top but because I'm youngest besides 4 yrs bro that doesn't mean a thing... Im so depress i feel worthless and like **** I've cut tried committing suicide.. And everything i try doing right its wrong so i dont understand... Like dad got me new ps3 this tear cause asked for used ps3 so its cheaper but grandma started telling me off saying your father got you this **** that you prob not gunna use keep it in box incase dad wanna return it imma tell him ... I kept it.. I cry every night..
2 AnswersFamily6 years agoABUSE HELP?
My parents verbally abuse me I'm sick and tired of it. I'm 16. NO NEGATIVITY. i have a boyfriend who just graduated as a marine and my dads x girlfriend and we are good friends and my dad too but I'm thinking about emancipation in miami fl. look when i try my best they only talk **** about the faults. they call me whale then they say just kidding.. so just kidding when I'm vomiting.. i don't think I'm kidding.. and my dad has hate on everyone and talks **** about my boyfriend. he's nice sweet a marine kind loyal and more. My mom dad grandma calls me idiot yells for no reason calls me stupid.. no success and everything i do is wrong. they never see the good. theres more.. I've been in this depression since 5th grade now I'm in 10th grade.. I've cut, vomit, scratch,slapped my self because i feel worthless. I'm ****. my bf came back from training and i only saw him once but he keeps me happy and he makes me stop depression, he fills my heart with joy <3 he's kind he cares for my health and school grades. i just can't no more! i was an accident! I've been told! how do i emancipate! don't send me link just tell me!
2 AnswersFriends7 years agoPoint of living hate my life!?
Those moments when i lay down in bed and think to my self and say how possibly can i be more screw up than i already am... I try to be serious but i get picked on by my parents... I laugh I'm taken as a joke... Wish i can please the ******* world how i want... And really? 16? Theres no ******* age difference cause thats what they said at 15 that i was gunna be some what an adult and i was gunna give more freedom but those are lies. And there you go a screwed up person will fall for those tricks and lies... Thats how life is for me every day because the good turns out bad... For example the good which was my father and mother together the bad well of-course me bring born cause honestly you actually thought they wanted me? Well i was an accident so those i love you's from birthday cards were just the message everyone has to write for a successful greeting card... So I'm here trying to survive 700 and something days so i can finally live on my own or perhaps say live with my boyfriend cause I'm sure of his love with me unless he finds a more perfect woman.... Which i hope its not the case but if it is well ill live and work my ways to live by my self .
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships7 years agoHow to spoil your man?
My bf is in training where almost a year together but we treat each other like husband wife :) we are mature :) november 26 is coming back for 10 days and i said I'm going to spoil you because believe it or not bootcamp is stressing :( i feel bad I'm here and he's over there like working over there like an animal :( so guys woman any ideas to spoil him * be specific *** NO HATE
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoCAN A MARINE IN TRAINING SEND GIFTS TO YOUR MAIL?
So my bf is in marine boot camp ... Before he left he was saying i wanna give you a ring and i said why a ring don't spend money on a kim kanye type ring if anything i want a Walmart or cheap 5.99 ring but he goes big now cause he getting lots of money and i find that simple things make me happy.. HE SAID HE GOT ME A SURPRISE U THINK HE CAN MAIL ME GIFTS FROM TRAINING CAUSE ASSIDE FROM THIS IF I GET A HUGE RING MY PARENTS WELL MY DAD WILL KILL MY BF SCINCE I LIVE WITH THEM ... So NOT A GOLD DIGGER BUT SCARED IF HE GOES BIG ON A RING AND THEN LIKE **** MY DAD :( or he's referring surprise as like appear at a place to say surprise!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoGift for graduate marine from bootcamp?
Ok i ordered my boyfriend a us marine corps blanket for him cause he gets cold allot and some shirts and wallet and i ****also got us dog tags that say our date and names ? Do you think thats good idea like keychain dog tags or like wearable tags with our date ?*******
2 AnswersMilitary7 years agoFuture Marine at bootcamp help?
how can he got me something im going to love according to him if hes in training? He's in parris island
1 AnswerMilitary7 years agoLeft eye smaller than right eye after plucking brows?!?
Ok so left eye smaller after plucking eye brows but i think its cause i pulled on the i think you call it *eye lid* cause sometomes you get tiny black thick hairs and i had a kinda thick tweezer help?
Optical7 years agoPOEM IDEAS?
i never get freedom my parents are strict with me like i cant do what others do they think im going become a whore or do bad stuff i wanted poem i deas im 16
1 AnswerPoetry7 years agocan i date a 19 while being 16 without the sex? florida? legal?
name of law ? not the sex law!INTERNET ONLY TALKS BOUT THE SEX! I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE DATING NOT THE SEX PART! AND ACCURATE ANSWERS!he looks young and me too its hard to tell age difference and parents agree to us <3 hes real bf not a player.We don't think or talk bout sex... just need to know if i can date him... is it legal?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoFLORIDA CAN A 16 year old date a 19 year old ?!?
My parents family agree to this and he's commited
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoGift ideas for 19 year old bf?
Ok so my boyfriends bday is comming soon but since he's in marines bootcamp he wont be here so we are doing early birthday and even though hes going to leave again after a 10 day brake , i wanna do our first bday THE BEST ONE :) i love him lots :) i want to get him lots ifgifts like 10 atleast :) besides hugs kisses and cards :) i have so far 1.shirts2.comthy sport shorts3.wallet4. A frame 5.engraved dig tags and idk what else :/ no gift cards or going out i mean gifts :) ideas please or maybe home made gifts hes 19 us marine in training :) not into sports much really hss not a fan hes simple dude but has all video games nd stuff so i cant get him that too :/ ugh its hard HELP? Nd no sexx as answer
Singles & Dating7 years agoI don't know whats wrong?
Im always have low energy and im allways feeling sleepy and fall asleep everywhere it dosent matter if i slept good 10 hours i wake up 2 hours later or less im felling liw energy and sleepy. Is there any medication or a name for this? I kinda get sad nd mad cause my life sucks allot. And yeah please help me.
1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years agoidk whats wrong with my boyfriend :( he's in boot camp?
worried bout my bf last 2 days he wasn't being his self with me and monday was last day he wasn't talking to me much and being him self!!! like he had this straight face and was talking to his buddies going with him instead of me :( that was on the last day :( and day before :( i haven't done anything wrong :( and i can't communicate until 3 weeks after he sends letter :( whats wrong I'm worried and he seemed like he was holding something.. sorry for spelling I'm crying
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago