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  • What dye do I need to buy to dye a dress of mine?

    I have a light green dress I want to dye black. 

    The dress is made of 65% rayon, 30% polyester and 5% spandex. 

    I know Rit has a bunch of different dyes but I'm clueless as to which one I would need. I also don't know if this dress can even be dyed at all because of the weird mixture of materials. Help???

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 year ago
  • Are Nyx and Zeus related?

    I know that Zeus feared her because she was a powerful primordial deity and that she was older, so how would that make them related then (if there is any relationship)?

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore3 years ago
  • what is this card game called?

    My cousins taught me a new card game but they didn't say what it was called and I forgot to ask lol

    So basically it was very similar to Rummy 500. You lay down sets of 3 or more card in sequences of either 3+ of a kind or a straight flush. But in this game, you cannot pick up more than the top card the last player discarded and there are wilds you can use. If you have the card the wild is acting as, you can replace that card with the right card and take the wild, but you must use the wild card. It starts out as being aces wild and then goes up to two's wild next round, then three's and so on.

    I liked the game but I would like to know what I learned lol

    3 AnswersCard Games6 years ago
  • my cat went into an empty room and started meowing, then ran off when i went to check on it...why?

    This cat that's been hanging around my house for a couple years (because I always feed it) decided to come inside my house. It comes in once in a while but not usually (probably now because it's been raining). It went inside one of the rooms for a while. It came out and then went upstairs to another room and started meowing. All doors are open so I can hear the meowing from downstairs. It just kept meowing so I go to the room where it is and it's sitting there and still meowing when it sees me. So I start to go inside the room and the cat moves. I stand still and it stops meowing. I come closer and it meows again. I stand still again and it goes past me into another room (now I don't know where it is lol). And I say "it" because I'm not sure what gender it is. I don't know if it's a fixed boy or a girl. I've looked at it from the back and compared pictures from the internet and I just can't tell lol

    So what's with his/her behavior? Is it playing hide and seek? Lol I doubt it. It feels like the cat doesn't like me but yet it meows like it wants attention so I don't know what to do??

    1 AnswerCats6 years ago
  • Why do I like vegetables now as an adult?

    Like most kids, I despised veggies. I remember being little and just eating the crutons off a salad because I refused to eat the lettuce and the carrots and the beets and stuff. When I became a teenager, I ate all my salad and really liked lettuce and still to this day love salad.

    I hated corn and carrots and broccoli with a passion. Now I can't get enough of corn and I like carrots too. And in the last few months (I'm an adult now: 22 yrs old) I have kinda been making myself eat more broccoli and now I'm really starting to like that too plus all kinds of stuff I wouldn't touch as a kid I will now eat with no problem.

    So I'm curious, why is this?

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • why would someone need to give a reference when ordering a bed?

    My friend is ordering a new bed and she put me down as a reference. She said they're gonna call me sometime today. ???

    I mean, it's not a job; it's a bed. I've never even heard of that. So are they not gonna give her her bed if I don't have good things to say about her? Lol

    So basically I'm just curious as to what they would call me for

    5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • What does this sex dream mean (it's kinda dirty but come on, let's be adults about it)?

    So I had a dream last night and have no idea what it means. I looked it up but couldn't find anything. I dreamt Simon Baker (The Mentalist) was on a talk show and the host had mentioned that he was a sex symbol. There was a line of girls waiting to get to see Simon on the stage or whatever it's called where the host and guest sit and I was one of the girls in line. When he got to me, he asked me if I would rather be penetrated (with his pen!s) or fingered. I don't know why, but I chose fingered lol. So he bent me over and started doing what I asked on national TV!!! And that's all I remember.

    Could this dream mean anything else besides the fact that I have a crush on Simon Baker or am I wasting 5 points posting this because it just means this is one of many sex dreams? xD

    *and could we please refrain from those lovely comments like "omg, why did you post this? That's gross" or "we didn't need to know that"'s an honest question from someone who is into the meanings of dreams and for god sake, we all know what sex is so f*cking grow up!!* ..thanks :)

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • why won't youtube let me post comments anymore?

    Every time I go to comment on a video, it always says my comment limit was reached and to try again later. Well I've been trying later...for almost a year! it doesn't matter if I wait 5 minutes or 5 weeks, when I come back to comment on any video, it says the same thing. I haven't been able to comment in almost a year and it's pissing me off. The only thing I could think of to do was log out and back in again. It didn't work. What the hell is wrong and how do I fix it?????

    1 AnswerYouTube7 years ago
  • Why can't Asians (or blacks) be natural blondes or redheads?

    I know they CAN but it's rare and they're usually albino if they do. But why is that?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • (For Atheists only. Religous nuts need not answer) Can anyone come up with a mneumonic for "Christianity" or even the word "religion"?

    For those who don't know, a mneumonic is when you take a word and use the letters of the word to form smaller words that describe the entire word.

    I read on the internet there was one for atheists that goes:








    So I thought it would be nice to have a comeback for religious folk. All I came up with was










    It's not that good so I thought maybe you guys would have better ideas :)

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • My friend's little boy jumped off her leg and now it's hurting her. what should she do (read description)?

    My friend texted me and said she may go to the ER tomorrow. Her 2 yr old son jumped off her leg like a spring board and landed on her ankle. She says it hurts and she is a little swollen. She also said, and I quote, "I literally felt the bone on my leg like bounce straight up and then slam back down". I told her to put ice on it and stay off the leg but is there anything else she can do at home or do you guys think an ER is necessary?

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • How old do you have to be before you can get an ID (in California)?

    Not a Driver's License, but just an identifcation card. Can like a 10 year old come to the DMV with his mom and have her get an ID for the kid lol or do you have to be at least 13 or 14 or what? That just popped into my head so I was just wondering

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Can someone describe the process of taking out a life insurance policy on an unrelated person?

    My mom asked me this and I've tried to google it and the results weren't really helpful so I was hoping someone on here knew. What she wants to know is what is the process of taking out a life insurance policy on someone unrelated to you? Like what exactly step-by-step do you have to do?

    And if you have to pay a premium or something (which you probably do), about how much would that premium be if the person is not family? I'm not expecting an exact amount but like an educated guess.

    So basically, just how do you go about doing this?

    6 AnswersInsurance7 years ago
  • What is a power warrant?

    The cops came to my house looking for my uncle and they said he had a power warrant. I've never even heard of that. Wtf is it??

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • PoLL:: Were you voted for any of your Senior Superlatives in high school?

    You know, the "best dressed, best smile, best eyes, class clown, most likely to succeed, most likely to become a movie star" etc.

    What were you voted as?

    I know, random, right? Lol I was just thinking about the days back in school and this popped in my head.

    I didn't get voted for anything T_T How's about you??

    BQ:: What do you think you should have been voted? (If you weren't voted as anything or you don't feel you fit the catagory your classmates chose for you)

    I feel I should have been voted "friendliest" or "nicest" or whatever it was they put.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • PoLL:: What's your perfect Subway sandwich?

    Me: turkey on that jalapeño cheese bread (or whatever it's called lol) with Swiss cheese, lettuce, banana peppers, cilantro, pickles, mayonnaise and mustard....mmm, so yummy!!!

    Your turn!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • PoLL:: Top 5 foods you cannot live without?

    It can be anything edible you love the most. They don't have to be in any particular order so yu don't have to rank them :)

    For me it would be:

    Pop Tarts

    Spaghetti O's (yes I'm an adult and I still love these! Lol)

    Corn dogs


    Hot Cheetos

    ...I guess I really like junk food but who doesn't? Lol

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What exactly is cabeza made of in Mexican cuisine?

    I just tried a cabeza burrito from a taco truck. It wasn't bad. I know cabeza means head in spanish and I know they roast the whole head of an animal (probably a cow or pig) but what I want to know is if they like take the top of the head or something and put it in the food or is it the brain that they serve?

    Also, it was a little crunchy in places. Maybe they just didn't cook the rice all the way or did I get some of the skull too?? Lol idk it's probably a stupid question but that's why I'm asking. I'm just curious about what I ate.

    4 AnswersEthnic Cuisine8 years ago
  • How much will it really cost to upgrade an old model flip phone from Sprint to a newer model basic flip phone?

    I have a really old basic flip phone that needs to be upgraded. I don't want a fancy shmancy smart phone. I just want a basic flip phone. How much will Sprint charge to upgrade my old flip phone to this new flip phone they have in the store??

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Where can I buy polyethylene sheets (not online)?

    Is there any store that carries that plastic film stuff? It's kind of sticky on one side and it's basically the film that first comes over a cell phone screen to protect it from scratches but I don't want it that small. I need to spread it over something way bigger than a cell phone. But where can I buy it???

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling8 years ago