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Lv 31,894 points

holy moses

Favorite Answers4%

i havent been on this fer a while so the one thing i ask is to become my im just a lil rusty!! so hey come talk to me i have msn and yahoo IM

  • good with relationships?

    Okay so I've been with my boyfriend for about 7 months and everything has been perfect until a couple weekends ago. He's been acting different, almost like he's trying to keep his distance from me. I'm a shy girl who can't really show very much emotion. I don't give him the attention he deserves, I guess the reason I don't is because I had an ex who was really clingy and I hated it. My boyfriend is older then me too, and I don't want him to get sick of me if I can't give him that attention, but I'm afraid he will if I do give him that attention. I'm too shy to show the "love" emotion. I love him a lot, I mean he's my world. What can I do to make him happy again? Or what should I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what is gonna happen?

    ok so i have this friend who is my bestie and there is this guy who i used to three basically got into a fight together and they guy who is obsessed with me, and wont leave me alone got a hold of my phone that i used to have. so he texts my best friend saying something like "dont ever look at her or talk to her again" which he was talking about me. so then my bestie calls me and tells me what this guy is doing, and my buddy is pissed off like non other, and i try and talk to the guy who texted him. but my bestie got the cops involved and i told him i could handle it. so then i get pissed off at both of them one for talking to my bestie and got pissed with my bestie for getting the cops involved. so i talked to my bestie on tuesday or maybe monday cant remember, and this happend on a sunday night and he tells me that we should take time apart and not talk for a while, and i said ok even tho i didnt want to agree with him. but then he says well just until i calm down then im like ok. and now when i see my bestie i dont look at him very often, and im afraid that im gonna lose him and i talked it over and over with the both of the guys and my bestie still hasnt talk to me....i tried texting my buddy but he wont text me back or anything. what can i do or what should i do...should i wait for him to talk to me?? gimme some suggestions if possible im really scared that he wont talk to me again...PLEASE HELP

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • can you please help me?

    ok so i have my best back...we have been talkin since a couple weeks after my bday in this last march...which makes me so happy that he remembered my bday...but this last weekend on sunday he called he was very p***ed off one of the guys from my skool got a hold of my old phone and was txtin him sayin how they didnt want my best friend lookin at me or even talkin to yesterday i was tryin to talk to him but he never responded until his gf got off of work and said "im sorry had a very stressful day, talk to you another day" is this a bad thing...did i lose my best friend again???? how can i get to him w/out him bein so upset...i wanna fix this so me i cant lose him again he means the world to me...i had a stressful yesterday and today about wat happend...

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • ok i really need some help...?

    ok so... i need some because i actually had sex for the first time..and the guy i did it with thinks that i did two other times..and i never did...but when we first did it..i couldnt relax myself, it was like i wasnt accepting it..but i need some advice for the next time..plzzzz...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i need computer help...?

    well first off my computer right now wont show no pics, and i tried to clean out all the viruses and its not working, is there anything i can do?

    and all of my messengers work and they have pics, and the computer is working fine...

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • does anyone kno about....................?

    is mercury a gas planet??

    4 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • wat is the best....?

    do you kno any best game sites??

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Need some help pleaze? right now, im in class and i need some help..

    i have to look up stuff for our new generation's future

    and i found a lil bit on electric motorcycles, but i need more info on them so if you could please help me....

    thank you!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • what is the difference between a 56 ford pick up to a 56 chevy pick up?

    cause my friends keep fighting over who has the best truck? and its really driving me nuts....which one you think is better?

    4 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Do you think its......?

    okay if one of your friends are so called like dating someone thats lives like 1000 miles away and never met this person before in her life! and he is in college and my friend she is only a sophmore in high skool, they got in a fight like a couple of days ago, and they are going to start all over from the begining! he is going to the army soon too! should i let her go on and do wat she wants? i mean i used to live where that guy lives now!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • holy moses is having trouble again....?

    wat happens if my mp4 player has a green screen? it says No Resource!

    Please Update Resource again!

    wat does that mean?

    do you kno who i can contact, like a phone Number or something, i looked in the users manual but it doesnt say anything about that!

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • holy moses needs your help????

    How can I download music to my mp4 player? I need some real good advise, cause i dont have anything downloaded to my computer! and im having alot of trouble

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • its my birthday.....??

    Wat can you get me for my bday? i want something cool lookin not to girlish, but something cool

    10 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Do you have a.............?

    secret lover, or friend?

    ill admit i do!! :)

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • hey can you..................?

    tell me the best web to where i can find a black chevy truck with a 6-8" lift? for some pictures

    5 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • got impotant question here...........?

    how do i download music on my new mp4 player from the internet, and music videos never had one before!!

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • hey got a question here about my yahoo, profile?

    how do i change my name?

    3 AnswersUser Profiles1 decade ago
  • hey have an impotant question here...............??

    can anyone please hurry and send me some a website that i can go on to get the history about country music, about why and how it started, any info will help, this assignment is do by tomorrow, and what would be a good theisis statement?

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • what do you do when................?

    when your best friend blames you for somethin that you didnt do, and they changed their phone number on you?

    how can i find him, and he only lives down the street from me and i cant talk to him in person because, he'll just walk away from me.

    11 AnswersFriends1 decade ago