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  • Longest distance possible between two points on a sphere?

    What is the longest and shortest distance possible between two points on a sphere?

    A pair of points on a sphere between which is is possible to measure the shortest distance along more than one arc?

    What is the longest and shortest possible distance between two points on a plane?

    What is the longest and shortest possible distance between two points on a sphere?

    What is the shortest possible distance between a point and a straight line on a plane?

    What is the longest possible distance between a point and a straight line on a plane?

    What is the shortest possible distance between a plane and a great circle on a sphere?

    What is the longest possible distance between a point and a great circle on a sphere?

    Where is each pointed located?

    Any help I could get, or least where I could look would be very helpful. I have a Professor who tends to never use stuff that can be found in the books!

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Nim Game Strategy Formula?

    Is there a formula you can use (besides) binary to help figure out a winning strat for a nim game.

    There are 15 objects in one row on a table. Each player can take 1, 2, or 3 objects at a time. The player who takes the last object wins.

    There are 15 objects in one row on a table. Each player can take 1, 2, or 3 objects at a time. The player who takes the last object loses.

    There are 77 objects on the table. Each player can remove 1 to 9 objects from the (single) pile. The player who takes the last object loses.

    Any help is very appreciated!

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Nim Game Strategy Formula?

    Is there a formula you can use (besides) binary to help figure out a winning strat for a nim game.

    There are 15 objects in one row on a table. Each player can take 1, 2, or 3 objects at a time. The player who takes the last object wins.

    There are 15 objects in one row on a table. Each player can take 1, 2, or 3 objects at a time. The player who takes the last object loses.

    There are 77 objects on the table. Each player can remove 1 to 9 objects from the (single) pile. The player who takes the last object loses.

    Any help would be so very appreciated!

    2 AnswersBoard Games8 years ago
  • 2013th Fibonacci number/17?

    How can you get the remainder when you take the 2013th Fib number and divide it by 17?

    Is the 200th Fibonacci number divisible by 5?

    Many thanks!

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • When the 100th Fibonacci number is divided by 17?

    When the 100th Fibonacci number is divided by 17, what is the remainder? When the number 2013th Fibonacci number is divided by 17, what is the remainder?

    I have both number, but every time I try dividing by 17, I get different answers. Could someone at least show me what I need to do to figure this out? Many thanks!

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • If all 16 students of the class exchange holiday card, how many cards will be given?

    If you could explain how you got it, it would help me get this! Thanks!

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • I hear knocking at night and it's creeping me out?

    I feel like an idiot asking this. I also do not believe in the 'paranormal' so to speak. But last night something happened a couple times that scared the crap out of me.

    I was raised by my maternal grandparents. My grandma died two years and since the University I was going to was only a twenty minute drive, I volunteered to stay with my grandpa who needed some help doing things. I was with him almost every day for the past two years. He passed away Wednesday, which is something he had been longing for as he wanted to be back with my grandma.

    I'm still at his house taking care of it until September when I go on for either seminary or grad school. The house is outside of town and the nearest neighbor is a mile away.

    Last night though, as I was trying to sleep, I heard very distinctly someone knocking. It was about 1 am and I couldn't figure who would be here at that hour. I looked around, there was no one there, there was no car besides mine. So I went to lay back down and about twenty minuets later I heard it again, I repeated my earlier actions and again saw nothing.

    Now, I've never been one to believe in ghosts and all that, but this have me rather freaked out. For those who know this stuff or studied it, what do you think is going on? Over imagination? One of my grandparents trying to tell me something? Something worse? I've considered calling my priest to ask him bless the house and see if that would help.

    I know I sound like I'm nuts, so if you want to spam, please do it some where else.

    7 AnswersParanormal Phenomena8 years ago
  • So, my laptop keyboard does something weird...?

    I HP Pavilion g7 Notebook with Windows 7 home premium. At random times (it usually seems to be if I haven't used the keyboard in a bit of time but not always) something rather odd happens. One minute things will be fine but other times if I go to type something, it won't work. For instance if I hit 'w' the window I am on will close, or if I hit p it will bring up the print menu, things like that. I've made sure that I haven't hit a certain button so I know it's not that.

    So my question is what the bloody heck is going on and how can I stop it from happening. If I restart or put my computer to sleep and turn it back on, the problem is fixed. However, I'd like just to not have to deal with doing this.

    Thanks for any responses!

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Who said the following quote?

    "I always don't know the right thing to do,

    Lord, but I think

    the fact that I want to please you pleases you."

    I first heard it from the tv show The West Wing. However Leo is quoting someone else. Does anyone know who the original person to say this? I've heard it is a monk.

    3 AnswersQuotations10 years ago
  • Confused about a guy?

    So, I am confused. I started dating a guy in April. We had so much in common; it got to the point people would say we were clones of each other. He broke up with me in June. He gave me the following reasons.

    1)My lack of self-confidence: Which is very true. He even now often tells me to get more self-confidence and how sexy it is. He said this was one of the major reasons because as he put it “Its hard to love someone when they don’t love themselves”

    2)Similarities: He said that because we are so similar it was odd in the sense that he could see that lack of self-confidence in me and it reminded him of how he used to be and he was afraid it would drag him down to where he was.

    3)He admitted that when we started dating he found me basically unattractive. I had a make over. New clothes, new hairstyle, lost almost 50 pounds since about February. He said it helped but it was still awkward for him when he kissed me and stuff but it got a bit better over time.

    4)His own immaturity. He openly admits he is too immature at this time to be in a committed relationship. He realized he wasn’t ready for it. And even though we are close to the same age (I’m 21 he’s 20), I am way more mature than he is and he needs to work on that.

    When he broke up with me, he said he wanted to stay friends with me and there was a chance we would get back together at some point in the future. A few hours after the break up, he checked in on me and did that for the next few weeks, but never in person just through messenger or txt message. I finally told him I need some time away because my feelings were still strong and he said ok. Well less than a day later he is txting me again. We got together to go to Pride in late June and he had asked me to go when we were dating and still wanted me to. Well on the way home he knew something was bugging me (He can read me like a book) he asked me what was wrong and I admitted to him that since my Grandma’s death in February (She was more or less my mother) I have been suicidal. He immediately and to this day has tried everything he could to get me help. He keeps telling me how much I mean to him and it would kill him if I ever did killed myself and all that. So he has been VERY active in helping me beat the depression.

    A few weeks ago I had been feeling better but it was still awkward to be around him because I still have feelings for him I said again I needed a bit of a break and I would like to try to make them less.. He said ok. Two days later he im’s me saying that hey, I’m bored and I really miss talking to you. The next day he asked if I was willing to consider a certain school for Law school so we could get an apartment together. He did bring up the fact that he felt it could be awkward once we started bringing other guys home. This was a kick in the stomach to me and I told him and he apologized. When I canceled my therapy appointment last week, he was upset and threatened to have me committed because he was scared for my safety (something he has said he would do many times). On Friday, we were going to Chicago when I got the news my Grandpa (basically my dad) fell and broke his hip. He went with me to the hospital and my family told us to go ahead and go back up. We did and the first night was a disaster, he was pulled over for speeding and stuff. So we get back to the hotel room and he asked me for a back massage, which I gave. And he said even though the day sucked he would rather have a sucky with me than without me. The next day on the way home he told me that I was one of the only people who is always there for him and he hates being lonely in his new apartment and he wished I could move in for a while. I spent the last few nights with him at his insistence. I went somewhere yesterday to do some stuff and he called me he would like me to come back to be there with him when he called his mom to tell her about the ticket. And we clicked perfectly. The thing is, Idk if he still has feelings for me or not. He’s always so pro-active in helping me and was serious when he said he wished I could move in and all that. But he’s admitted he has been taking to other guys but he hasn’t been interested in any. So my friends have had some theories about his actions.

    1)He still likes me but is afraid of commitment so he broke up with me. So now he wants to basically date but no intimate relations. Many people who see us in public and assumed we are dating again because how often we are together. Going shopping together, going out to eat together etc…and he has said a few times even after the time he broke up with me he would be interested in getting back together with me.

    2)He is just playing me

    3)He feels guilty for not realizing how depressed I was about grandma’s death and doesn’t want his breaking up with me to have been the final nail in my coffin and one of the causes of my suicide.

    4)He likes me, isn’t afraid of commitment but just realized that he couldn’t date s

  • Fellow Catholics do you pray for priests or seminarians?

    Just wondering how many out there keep their priests/religious/seminarians in their prayer or pray for more vocations. If you do, please keep me in your prayers. Tomorrow night I am going before the Vocations board for my diocese. They will decide if I can remove the "to be" from my title!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What song 60's/70's rock song had background singers keep saying either 'Hallelujah' or "Alleliua"?

    There is a song from the 60's or 70's I would like to find. I can't remember anything about it other then the background singers keep saying either 'Hallelujah' or "Alleliua". It's not Leonard Cohen's song, but some other rock song.

    5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Fellow Catholics, a question about the Holy Eucharist, how do you recieve the Body of Christ?

    I was just watching an interesting interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider, and he talked about his views on receiving Christ via the hand. Now, that is what I had always done, but the way he talked about it totally changed my view. So I was wondering, how do you receive the Blessed Sacrament? Do you receive it on the tongue or on the hand?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago