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  • Name this country song?

    There's a song I heard on the country station about a guy telling his girlfriend he loved her for the first time. It mentions that he was waiting for her to say it first but he could wait any longer or something like that. It also mentions them sighing and he knew she wanted to say it. What's the name of it?

    1 AnswerCountry7 years ago
  • Period about a week late?

    My period is about a week late. I just want to know if it is normal for me to miss a period while breastfeeding. My son is 5 months old and I have been exclusively breastfeeding him since he was born. I have had a normal period for those five months so could I all of a sudden not have one now? I know it is normal to not have a period while breastfeeding but is it normal for it to all of a sudden stop after five months? I have had serious problems with my ovaries that is the only reason that I worry. Oh and I know that I am not pregnant.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Should I get a tattoo of my son's name?

    I want to get a tattoo of my sons name on the inside of my wrist. His name is only 6 letters so it will fit nicely. If I do get one should I put a design around it, and if so what should I get put? He'll only be about 4 months old when I get it done so I can't get it done with his favorite color or anything like that. I just find it to be much more meaningful than just getting chinese letters or random quotes put there. I want it on my wrist because it is visible but not too visible. Do you think this tattoo is a good idea? And do you think people will confuse this as being the tattoo of a significant other's name?

    3 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • My baby's belly is distended?

    My one month old baby boy has a distended belly. It is distended right below his belly button. It is hard and sticks out more when he cries. It seems to cause him pain when I try to rub it or touch it. He has not pooped in over 40 hours. He was up all night last night crying, this may seem normal for a baby but he has never stayed up all night and usually sleeps great. He also wouldn't eat from midnight to 8 this morning because he was crying so much. He is eating now and has calmed down after I gave him baby tylenol. It is sunday today so I am going to take him to the doctor tomorrow but I was just wondering if anybody else had experience with this.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Is the LATCH system safer than using the seat belt?

    My car has the LATCH system but only has it on the right and left seat, not the middle. I know that the middle is the safer spot and would prefer my baby be there. Also my car does not have a lot of room so nobody can sit in the passenger seat with the car seat behind it because the seat is pushed so far forward. Should I just put my baby's car seat in the middle using the seat belt or is the LATCH system safer?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • What do you think of the name Oliver?

    Today is my due date and I have still not picked out a name. I will not for sure decide on a name until he is born but I would like to think more about names. I really like names that end in er. I was thinking about names and Oliver popped into my head. What do you think of the name Oliver when you first here it? Is it a weird name to name your baby now or is it still popular? What middle names would go good with it? Opinions are much appreciated.

    11 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Does fresh pineapple work to start labor?

    So I am 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I am in a lot of pain and very restless about just getting this baby out but I am trying to avoid induction so I want to try other things. At my doctor appointment two days ago I wasn't dilated at all and she made a guess that I was about 20 percent effaced but my cervix is still very long and hard. I have been having false contractions for the last week so I thought for sure I would be dilated a little but I am not.

    I am trying fresh pineapple and am wondering if it works even on people who aren't dilated or effaced. Will it at least help me dilate a little?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Membrane sweep? Does it work?

    I am wondering about peoples experience with membranes sweeps. I will be 39 weeks at my appointment this thursday and at my last appointment my doctor told me should would sweep my membranes if I wanted her to. I have not had any internal exams yet (my doctors policy not to do them unless the mother asks for it or they are showing signs of labor because she doesn't want to introduce infection too early) so I don't know if I am dilated or effaced at all. I am wanting to get things moving as I am extremely uncomfortable and in pain but I do not want to end up being induced.

    So has anybody else had their membranes sweeped? Was it painful for you? Did it work?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What can I do to start labor?

    So I am finally 37 weeks and I am wondering what can I to do encourage labor to begin? I don't actually mean have the baby right now as I think it is better for him to be born after 38 weeks. I just want for labor to start, like for me to start dilating and effacing. I have not had any vaginal exams at my doctors appointments so I don't know if I have dilated or effaced at all. My baby has not dropped yet and the doctor said she thinks he is head down. I have not had any braxton hicks contractions at all during my pregnancy. I have not lost my mucus plug. I am worried that since I have not had any of the usual signs that I am progressing into labor that I am going to go overdue which I do not want. This is my first pregnancy by the way.

    So what can I do to help move my little guy along?

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Could I be pregnant? Is the morning after pill safe?

    So last night I made a huge mistake and had sex with my boyfriend without a condom. I know he has no STDs so don't worry about that, what I'm worried about is getting pregnant. I don't remember the last date of my period is was sometime between the 2nd and 13th of this month.

    What are my chances of getting pregnant?

    Another question I have is whether or not the morning after pill is safe for me to take, I'm on a bunch of different medicines and I only have one ovary. I can't talk to my mom about this I just want to know if it is safe before I ask the health center at school about it. I'm 16 btw.

    Please answer my questions.

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Could I be pregnant? Is the morning after pill safe?

    So last night I made a huge mistake and had sex with my boyfriend without a condom. I know he has no STDs so don't worry about that, what I'm worried about is getting pregnant. I don't remember the last date of my period is was sometime between the 2nd and 13th of this month.

    What are my chances of getting pregnant?

    Another question I have is whether or not the morning after pill is safe for me to take, I'm on a bunch of different medicines and I only have one ovary. I can't talk to my mom about this I just want to know if it is safe before I ask the health center at school about it. I'm 16 btw.

    Please answer my questions.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Is it normal for my period to do this?

    My period is usually about a month apart and lasts for seven days. Except that on the second or third day it will stop completely, then pick right back up again for the rest of the week. I have a lot of health issues so could health issues cause it? I'm not stressed or anything either so I know it's not that causing it. Is it normal or not?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • What happens when a person with a hyphenated last name gets married?

    My friend has a hyphenated last name and I'm wondering when he gets married what would the girls last name become. Like if the girl wanted to take his last name would she take the full hyphenated last name or just one of them?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why is my hair falling out?

    I lose strands of hair constantly. I know it is normal to lose like a hundred strands a day but I am losing more than that. Even when my friends play with my hair they say it falls out very easily. I am always having to clean out my hair brush and shower drain. I find it on my shoulder all the time. I have thick hair and I haven't dyed it in a long time. I'm a sixteen year old girl btw.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is this something serious or just in my head?

    Why do I get these sudden almost deja vu like spells? I will be sitting somewhere, or standing, or laying down and all of a sudden I will feel this weird feeling, it feels like what I would describe as almost like deja vu. I can always sense when this is about to happen like sound will start to muffle just a bit and I will get a bit light headed. Then BAM I feel so weird. I always become very nauseous during this, half the time I actually throw up but I always make it to the toilet to throw up, like I can hold it long enough to do that. After a few minutes it goes away and I feel almost better than I did before. I am not crazy I promise, I know this isn't deja vu. It just feels like that weird feeling. I really think there is something wrong with me it can't just be all in my head. I have never told anybody about this, it has happened around my mom but I told her I just fell nauseous sometimes. I'm afraid to tell anybody because I don't want them to think I am crazy. I've had this for the past four or so years so it isn't anything new. What could this be?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What is this pain on my right lower rib area?

    What is this pain on my right lower rib area? It hurts like on my ribs, it almost feels like a sharp bruised type of pain but I have no bruises on my chest. It almost feels slightly like it is hurting with my heart beat, like it hurts more every time my heart beats but it is only a slight difference. It also feels a bit better when I put slight pressure on it with my hand. I have only had this a few times before but this time it hurts pretty bad. I have a really high pain tolerance but this really effin hurts.

    Is it like gas or maybe a bruise that I just can't see or something? Also I know it's not my appendix because I have already had that removed awhile ago. I can add more details if need be.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Can gay men seriously not donate blood?

    I was on a blood center website looking at frequently asked questions. It said "If I have had sexual contact with a male, even once, from 1977 to the present, can I donate?" then the answer was no. I didn't understand at first because that would mean girls can't donate but then I realized it was in the "common questions from men" section so that would mean that gay men can not donate.

    Are people really that ignorant enough to not have lifted that ban? I mean I understand because of the whole AIDs outbreak among gay men the FDA freaked out, but that thirty years ago! I guess they should be banning African Americans from donating blood also because AIDS is more common in that ethnic group. They also should ban any person who has had sex because that is how AIDS is transmitted.

    Am I the only one that feels like this is really outdated?

    6 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Where can I play The Game Of Life online?

    Where can I play The Game Of Life online for free and without downloading anything?

    I want the classic board game version, not the new "game of life twists and turns" version.

    Links please :)

  • Can I listen to audiobooks from Itunes on my laptop?

    This is probably a stupid question but oh well.

    Can I listen to audiobooks I buy from itunes on my laptop?

    I have a pc that runs windows vista will it work on that?

    On christmas I am getting a new laptop that runs windows 7, will I be able to switch it to my new laptop?

    Ebooks don't work on laptops right? Is it just audiobooks?

    Do I have to download itunes 10.1 for it to work, right now I have itunes 10.

    I don't have an ipod so I want listen to this book on my laptop.

    I'm sorry that was so many questions, I'm sure the answer can be summarized.

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What can I use as a substitute for club soda in an italian soda?

    What can I use as a substitute for club soda in an italian soda?

    I have all the other ingredients, half and half, flavored syrups, ice, and whip cream.

    I have ginger ale and sierra mist. Is one of those an ok substitute? Which one would be better for making a black berry and vanilla italian soda? Or are both of those going to taste gross? I'm only fifteen so I can't go to the store to buy club soda or seltzer water.

    Thanks in advance :

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago