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  • How Many Days Are You Supposed to Perform an SSS After Newly Stretched Ears?

    SSS - Sea Salt Soak

    Not how many *times* a day, but how many days after you gauge your ears?

    Until your ears are 'healed'? Generally, how long does that take?


    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • If you're just starting to gauge your ears, and they bleed, what do you do?

    I want to gauge my ears. I guess my ears were pierced at a 20GA, and I'll have to buy an 18GA taper and plugs. They say that you're only supposed to feel warmth/tingling when you're stretching your ears a gauge down, and if your ear starts bleeding or you're in a lot of pain, take out your taper (not that everyone uses a taper to gauge their ears...) and wait a couple of weeks before you try again.

    I've had my ears pierced for 10 years. If my ear starts bleeding and what not, what do I do? Just force it through? I don't think waiting a couple of weeks would help, as I've (in a way) been waiting 10 years, lol.

    I'm sorry if I'm being annoying, and I'll ask the piercer this same question when I go to get a taper and plugs, but I kind of want to know right now.

    Thank you all!

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is this piercing a double labret? If not, what do you call the piercing in this picture?

    What is/are the piercing(s) called in the center of the girl's bottom lip? Is it called a double labret? Sorry for my ignorance, lol.

    Thanks for information you'll be able to provide though! :]

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • I stand up and get a headache?

    When I stand up, I get this massive headache and my vision gets blurry and black and gray (when I look at something, it's black/gray... it has no color to it). I suppose I feel like passing out, though I've never passed out, so I don't really know what it feels like to pass out. I have to hold myself up by the side of the couch or a wall or something. And I just stand there, for around 10-20 seconds, until it goes away. Then I'm normal again and go about my day. I've been told that it could be related to hypoglycemia? I googled some stuff, but I'm still not sure about it. My dad has type 2 diabetes though, which is the exact opposite... wouldn't I be more susceptible to diabetes than hypoglycemia?

    I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I have high blood pressure. It's around 130.

    Should I ask my doctor about it? Do you have an idea as to what it could be? Thanks.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • I can't sign into MSN?

    Is anyone else having this issue?

    I can sign in on different accounts, like my brother's, but not with mine! It's really irritating me. "Your contact list is not available right now, please try again later." Please help?

    1 AnswerMSN1 decade ago
  • Do you have any great books to recommend a 16 year old?

    I love The Catcher in the Rye, Water for Elephants and Flowers for Algernon. I don't like thrillers, horror, or romance. Please, please, PLEASE! Thank you~!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do you pronounce the name, "Imogene"?



    Please help me!

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Healthy, quick/easy snacks to eat?

    I'm trying to eat healthy, as I haven't been for a while now. My parents, nor I, have the time to actually cook. Plus, I'm horrible at it. But that's all Google seems to give me... just recipes of healthy foods to cook. So, do you have any healthy, easy to prepare snack ideas?

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • A filled cavity hurts really, really badly?

    One of my bottom molars on the ride side of my mouth hurts. It's been hurting for about a week now. The pain increases x4 whenever I eat food on that side of my mouth. However, biting down, touching or brushing it doesn't cause pain at all. It's a dull pain, but still rather noticeable. The right side of my jaw is slightly swollen too. I know I have to go to the dentist, which I'm petrified of doing. I'm just wondering what's in store for me though.

    Will my tooth have to be extracted?

    Will I have to have a root canal?

    Will I have to have my filling replaced?

    Oh, and that. Yeah, it's a tooth that's already been filled. :[ I'm so scared!! My dentist is horrible too. I'm not sure if it's the fact that he filled cavities that were in adult teeth or what, but after 7 shots of Novocaine, the pain was still out of this world.

    Anyhow, what do you think is wrong? Any help is appreciated.

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • My Grandmother's Beagle Has A Tattoo on Its Ear?

    My grandmother fosters dogs and one came to her with "CAE CEK" on its ear. Does anyone know what it could possibly be/mean? Any information would be great.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My Doctor wants to put me on Prozac?

    I'm a 16 year old girl and went to the doctor today for chest pains, I suppose you could call them. I was then promptly sent over to a Psychiatrist and diagnosed with some kind of anxiety. I don't remember the type. Anyway, they want to put me on Prozac. I've been researching some opinions on this drug, and the majority seem to hate it. My 7 year old cousin was put on Prozac and it really messed him up. So much that he had to be admitted into a Children's Mental Hospital. It also caused him to gain weight. I really don't know what to do. I mean, my parents already told my doctor that it was alright and to put me on it. I just don't want to end up dead in a bloody bathtub because some half-assed doctor wants to make it to their lunch so they give me whatever seems generally plausible. All I went to the DOCTOR for was to get rid of these stupid chest pains. They hurt like hell. Ffs, I can't even sleep! Yet I come out with a mental disease and some drug that's probable to make me worse. -sighs- Okay, I'm sorry. Back to the topic at hand. Have you been on Prozac? And if you have, was it a positive experience? A negative one? Have any of your loved ones been on it? Or are you a Doctor that knows about it? I feel like I'm rambling. Anyway, any and all information will be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • My heart hurts and I'm 16 years old?

    I don't know the medical terms, but a few days ago, my left breast started to hurt. Gradually, the pain got worse. Then, just yesterday, my heart started to hurt. It feels heavy and there's a faint, piercing pain. It's not going away, and exercising doesn't seem to affect it. Do you have any information on what it could be? Also, I'm 16 and female. Thank you.

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Good last name for "Milly"?

    Any and all suggestions are appreciated. :]

    7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Fear is the heart of love?

    "In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule

    I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black

    And I held my tongue as she told me

    'Son fear is the heart of love'

    So I never went back"

    This is from Death Cab For Cutie's 'I will Follow You Into The Dark.'

    What does the verse "...fear is the heart of love," mean?

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Do you think I need counseling?

    My name's Brianna, and I'm 16 years old. As a child, I'd visit my grandmother often, and her kitchen floor was covered with tiles. Whenever I'd cross her kitchen, I had to do it in 7 tiles exactly; or seven steps. If I even placed my foot in the wrong position within one of the tiles, I'd have to turn around and start over. I couldn't NOT perform this ritual without growing anxious. It'd be on my mind all day, outweighing any other thoughts. I also got this notion that if I didn't complete my task, my whole family would turn on me and die. It started with these tiles, you see. It grew into something more, like only being able to wipe myself with 7 sheets of toilet paper, and using a sentence with 7 words only at 7pm and 7am. Of course there were times that I couldn't do such things, and though the guilt of failing would eat away at me, there wasn't anything I could do about it. This went on for years. I grew tired of always having to do these things. I gradually willed myself to stop, or block out, my OCD. It started showing up in other things, however. Like at school, my handwriting had to be perfect; at least according to my standards. Specifically my e's, y's, g's and f's had to be a certain way, and if they weren't, I'd erase them and rewrite them until they were right. The paper I wrote on had to be a certain texture, and if it wasn't, I felt like crawling out of my skin when I wrote on it. I had to write with mechanical pencils; again, anything else made me anxious. I couldn't write with any other led other than .7mm though. My book bag had to be in a certain order, from largest books in the back, to the smallest books in the front. The subjects were ordered as well, and when this order was broken, I'd stop in my tracks to rearrange it again. If I wasn't allowed to, for some pathetic reason, my thoughts became excited with being able to rearrange them as soon as I was let to. I couldn't concentrate on my assignments when this happened. I've had to wear a certain brand of shoes, and if not, I'd refuse to go out of the house at any costs. My socks would have to feel right in my shoes too, and if they didn't, I'd quickly change them. I'm still this way; it's not because I'm a spoiled brat, but because I feel that everyone's looking at my shoes, and laughing at how ugly they look. At how ridiculous I look. Agh. It's just easier to wear attractive shoes. I also look at other people's shoes, and stereotype them. And yes, I'm aware of the fact that this is wrong. I like being alone. It's weird. I like being left all alone though. People are incredibly uninteresting to me, and just annoying. I have but one friend, and at that we hardly converse. I'm not trying to justify being anti-social in the least, because I do get that it's unhealthy. I'm more than not-a-people-person though, and I'm fine with it. I love it, in fact. I've contemplated self inflicting pain upon myself many times before, but just couldn't. I don't get how that'd help me... and I've never enjoyed pain. Besides, my tolerance for it is incredibly low. I'm not an animal person, but at times I wish I were. For instance, I'll get this urge to get a kitten. We'll get the cat, and I'll play with it, and feed it, take care of it... then one morning, I'll wake up, look at the cat, and get this awkward feeling. It's really strong though. So, I give the cat to my grandmother or someone better to take care of it; to routinely love it. Now, whenever I get that urge to get an animal, I block it out, for the animal's sake. I can't go to the bathroom without locking it, even if I'm home alone. And at someone's house, if there's not a lock on the bathroom door, I wont use it. I can't sit in a car without having my seatbelt on, even if I'm just waiting for someone to get out of the store. Fonts. Oh dear. They seem to be my new obsession. I can't type in a font that I find repulsive to look at; like Lucida Console. There are certain fonts I'd literally give my virginity to if they were human; Arial (11px), Century Gothic, Georgia, Candara and Microsoft Jheng Hei. Even numbers also tend to make me really uncomfortable (2,4,6, ect). Cliche and corny conversation disgust me. Hearing the refrigerator door close makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, along with hearing heels on the hardwood floor. Talking on the phone frightens me, for some odd reason. There have also been times, at random, when this feeling of overwhelming reality brushes over me. It's strange, how real I feel; how vulnerable I feel, and it scares me. Fortunately, this feeling is rare. It comes maybe a few times a year, it and it lasts not but 3 seconds. I've thought about killing myself before, but I've never really considered it. I'm too cowardly to take my life. Rainy days put a smile on my face, while a sunny one makes me want to crawl up and die. Unfortunately, I live in a state where sunny days are galore. Some days are better than others. I wouldn't say my moods differ to an exceptional degr

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Can you be 'OCD' over someone?

    Someone just asked me who I was OCD over, and.. I don't think you can be.

    Can you? o.O

    Thanks! :]

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago