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sealing a wood project?
My son drew with markers on a wooden step stool and I would like to seal it seeing that he will be using it in the bathroom. What would be the best thing to seal it with? I have an aerosol acrylic sealer and modge podge at home, would either of those work or would it damage his drawings and/or the wood?
2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years agorepoting tomato plants?
I'm just going to start off by saying I'm pretty new to this whole gardening thing. My tomato plant was doing great in my garden, so great that it was taking over an entire section, so I decided to put it in it's own planter. I added brand new potting soil and watered it within a couple minutes and not even 20 minutes after I replanted it, the leaves are wilting and it looks like it's knocking on death's door. Is this poor plant going to be the latest of my plant victims?
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years agoneed female silly superher name ideas?
We have a superhero costume dress up party for our kids to go to. I was going to dress my son as captin underpants (underwear on the outside of his superhero get up, obvously), my daughter will be his sidekick and I need a clever name for her. Any suggestions???
2 AnswersTheater & Acting9 years agoWhat should I do with my planter?
I bought good sized hard plastic planters and they do not have drainage holes, would it be better to drill holes on the bottom or just leave the bottom alone and buy gravel to put under the soil?
4 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years agowhat can I dress my daughter in for her baptism?
Its going to be cold out, so I wanted to put her in tights (white of course), is that OK?
Also, the dress that I ordered is short sleeved, is there some sort specific baptismal jacket that I have to buy or can I just put her white fancy cardigan that she already has?
I feel silly asking this, but I am not very religious and my husband is clueless about this sort of thing :)
While I'm asking silly questions, my brother was only baptized catholic and the church will not let him be her godfather, is this common?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agowhat are some songs with a good fast beat that I can run to?
this sounds weird, but I like running to songs that you could perform a dance routine to, for instance, Enrique Inglasias' Baby I like it.
3 AnswersRunning1 decade agoquestion for nursing mommies?
how long did it take to get your period back?
I read on babycenter that it can take a year for women who nurse!! Is there anyone out there that have been that blessed??
Just curious! :)
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agojello salad question?
I'm making a layered jello salad for christmas. Approximatly how long does it take for the jello to become "slightly tickened" and "firm" after it has been thickened. The recipe doesn't say and I know I'll get distracted by at least one of my kids and if I don't set a timer, I'm afraid I'll mess the recipe up!
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoDo Spankx really work?
I'm standing up in a wedding. I'm not looking for a miracle, just a little more confidence and a little more control over my post baby belly, butt, and thighs.
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoWhich is the best diaper pail?
I got the first years clean air system for my first child, it stopped working and my son's room would smell horrible unless I emptied it right away. I'm pregnant with my second baby now and I am going to buy a new diaper pail, which, in your opinion, is the best?
I'm asking this in the toddler section because I know all of you have had experience with this subject!
thanks in advance!
7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoCan I make a cake without oil?
I bought a cake mix that requires 1/3 cup of oil, stupid me didn't relize that we don't have oil, I just laid my son down for a nap so going to the store is out of the question, can I substitute anything (besides applesauce, of couse I don't have that either) so that I can have this cake made on time?
thanks in advance!
5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoAm I obligated to buy a present?
My brother's wife and I are due within 3 days of each other. When she found out I was also pregnant, she got increadibly angry with me, hurtful emails went back and forth from both sides, and we haven't spoken since December (we were the best of friends before all of this). My brother naturally is siding with his wife and I haven't spoken to him since January. I recently found out that I was not invited to their baby shower nor was I invited to my brother's birthday celebration a couple of days ago. Do I buy them a shower gift or a gift after the baby is born or do I just not even bother?
2 AnswersFamily1 decade agoIs it OK to have a baby shower for your second baby if it is a different sex?
We have a 2 year old boy and are now having a girl. I wasn't planning on having a shower, but one of our friends wants to throw me one. I just don't want to seem greedy, so don't know whether to accept or not!
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHelp! I need some Invitation ettiquite advise!?
We're throwing a surprise b-day party for my dad at a local casual resturant/bar, however, it would be too expensive to pay for everyone's food/drink (there are over 100 people invited!!). How do we write on the invite that people will be responsible for their own bills without sounding rude or cheep?
4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoHow to help with seperation anxiety?
My baby just turned 1 and up to this point, I would never have a problem droping him off in the daycare at my gym-I usually only bring him there twice a week for an hour at a time (99.9% of the time, he's either with myself, my husband or my mom). The last two times he's just been crying up a storm the whole time I'm gone, once I'm back, he's fine. It has always been the same 2 people in there (whom I trust), so nothing much has changed so that's why I'm thinking its seperation anxiety. My question is what is the best way to help him cope with this if it is seperation anxiety or do you think something else is going on? Should I just not take him for a while and have my mom watch him or go earlier before my husband goes to work or should I bring him and try to bring cheerios or a toy or something to try to help comfort him?? I just don't want to screw him up!! :)
Thanks in advance!
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoQuestion about new running shoes?
I just bought a new pair of running shoes, I was fitted for them and everything, so I know they're good. But when I ran the other day, the next day, my calves were soooo sore. I've never been fitted for a pair of running shoes, so my question is was the soreness a good or a bad thing? Meaning am I now hitting muscles I only thought I was hitting in the past or is this damaging my muscles by hitting them wrong?? And, no, I didn't stretch afterwards, but I never stretch, so its not that I did something different with that (and yes, I know I should stretch)
2 AnswersRunning1 decade agoI'm confused about my caloric intake and exercise?
I know you are not supposed to go under 1200 calories per day, but if you exercise, does that tie into what you're supposed to be taking in?
For instance, yesterday, I ate a total of 1600 calories, but that morning I burnt 780 at the gym (I go by my heart rate monitor, not the equipment, so I know that is fairly accurate). If you subtract 1600 from 780, that only leaves me with 820 calories, but I did eat 1600. I feel like I'm over analyzing, but I want to do this right and I don't want my metabolism to come to a screeching hault!! What does everyone think??
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoDid Slim Quick work for you?
I was thinking about trying it, but I don't want to waste my money. I am cutting down my calories, eating better, and exercising 4 days a week, I am slowly losing weight, but I'm not losing as much as I want. I tried a whole body cleanse, but that did NOTHING for me! Before you reply, keep in mind that I am doing it the natural way and I don't expect a miracle pill to make my fat melt off of me, I just want a little boost to what I am already doing.
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWhere should I have my baby's 1st birthday party?
We're probably going to invite 30-35 people and our house is out b/c there's not enough space and it'll be too cold out to have anything outside. No one else really has enough room in their houses to have it either. Any suggestions as to where we could go that's not to increadibly expensive??
2 AnswersParenting1 decade agoplease help my wilting plant!?
We have a good sized houseplant, I don't know what kind it is, but, it is basically a plant with big green leaves (no flowers). Anyway, it has been wilting for about a month now, we tried to water it more (it had done that in the past where then it would spring right back after it was watered well), we tried to get a bigger planter for it, and nothing has helped. It just looks so sad and pathetic. Any suggestions?? We got it from my mother in law's funeral and it would be very sad for it to die!
Thanks in advance!
5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago