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  • Christians, am I actually supposed to abandon my family?

    I'm not actually a Christian because I'm too immoral and angry all the time, and I have a few "demons" to overcome that themselves borderline on idolatry, as they stand between me & God, so I don't feel worthy of calling myself a Christian. Thing is, I have a family full of zombies. Typical Illuminati-worshiping, dumbed down, demoralized, socially-conditioned, walking-dead zombies who don't know or even want to know how reality works outside of the Holly Wood occult fantasy world. I don't judge them but they judge the hell out of me all the time for being a theologian. They ridicule me because I know more about science, philosophy & history than I do about mainstream entertainment or pop culture. I can make small talk by watering down my vocabulary & pretending to relate but my family sees through it & they have no problem putting me on the spot in front of people to break me down to their level I guess because they feel insecure that I understand more about reality than they do about the magical mind-controlling TV machine. Every time I'm not around them, I become at peace but when I'm around them, it's like being in Hell because they're into everything cultural, which we all know is satanic, pagan & perverted beyond reason.

    Since I quit smoking weed & drinking, my conscience is sensitive so I can't stand to see kids in my family doing the symbolism of mankind's satanic oppressors & singing along lyrics that are socially-engineered to corrupt them. I bite my tongue unless it gets out of hand but they won't allow me to be myself, like they all continuously try to get me to drink or have sex with random women that I don't know & I left that lifestyle behind me & I don't expect them to understand, the more government-regulated society's evils become, but Jesus said you must be willing to hate your family to follow God. I don't know exactly what that means, like if it's literal. I love the individual members of my family but I hate the collective body only in the sense that I don't fit into it. They love me too but instead of trying to uplift me in my beliefs, they try to force me to sear my own conscience so I can have more "fun" like them. I don't consider evil to be fun, fun for me is normal sanity & reason, not spiritual self-destruction & egoism.

    It's not just family, it's everybody I go around. I'm one of those "cool" people who dresses casual & seems like the young boy next door or just the regular neighborhood friend, but my experiences have matured me beyond the point of no return as far ads esoteric knowledge. But I can easily get away from friends, I can't just up & get away from family unless it's final. What should I do?

    Atheist zombies, what would you do if your religious family kept forcing you to become sane, sober, educated & moral?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do women do what's wrong but complain about the consequences?

    ”I can't believe I'm so fat” but for the past few months your fat a$s wouldn't stop watching sitcoms in bed eating trashy food & snapping at me every time I want you to work out with me.

    ”Can I have some money? I'm struggling.” Yea that's because you're a celebrity-worshiping zombie cult sheep retarded egoist who would rather flush money down the toilet than save it or incest reasonably and shop smart. You're a mindless pagan who can't resist indulgence but hates the consequences.

    4 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Atheists, you think if you weren't dumbed down by the state you could appreciate deductive syllogism?

    If you didn't have a satanic Illuminati oligarchy constantly, perpetually dumbing down and demoralizing you with crap music, retarded buffoonery entertainment, drugs, alcohol, materialism and junk food, you could distinguish the real world from the holly wood occult fantasy world? I think your idols of worship can direct your thinking any which way they will and even if you weren't a brain dead zombie you would deliberately dumb down just to conform to the consensus and cultural marxism political correctness. Oh I'm sorry, you probably don't know what that means.

    3 AnswersParapsychology7 years ago
  • Why is it hard to admit when a satanic illuminati oligarchy rules the world in plain sight?

    My only excuse for willful ignorance is that the illuminati has made women stupid & slutty and easy to have sex with so I don't want to deal with the moral implications of admitting reality, which will put me against the consensus.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Isn't it bull when people say "be yourself?"?

    Nobody likes "yourself" they only like when you conform. If you're not politically-correct & you don't obey what the TV says, you have problems in life.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • did George Orwell ever mention that a satanic cult would be taking over the world?

    I know 1984 addresses how government will turn mankind into collectivist zombies who can't reason naturally, but does it just leave out the illuminati antichrist empire?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If I make a minum payment on my credit card, does my credit limit go back up?

    Or do I have to pay the whole thing off before using it again?

    6 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Can I make a phone call from the computer?

    I need to make an important call but I have no phone & no credit card. Is there a free website?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Could my lack of sleep be due to anxiety?

    I can't sleep almost at all, even with prescription sleeping pills. I'm one of those conspiracy guys who knows too much about reality, and when people try to get me to conform to certain things, I'm always saying to myself, metaphorically that "I'm too awake to go back to sleep." Seems like this correlates to my literal, physical inability to sleep.

    For people like me, esoteric knowledge provokes great anxieties that ignorant laymen could never fathom. So I'll do certain things to sear my conscience & make myself forget some of the things I know so it's easier to navigate society & culture. I'll do things like drink alcohol or indulge in coarse humor etc. and I consider these things to be my ideological sleeping pills, because they put me back into the mental 'sleep state' that most people are in. When I do these things, it's possible to sleep. It's nearly impossible to sleep when I'm completely sober, or in an ethical state of being. Any deeper insight would be appreciated.

    6 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • How do I explain to people that I don't want friends?

    I have a crapload of family, especially cousins. They always come over & we hang out, but they ask me where all my friends are, which I tell them all my friends are in the city (I live in the suburbs). It's actually true, but I deliberately distance myself from friends because I've evolved mentally & everybody else is pretty much the same as the person I used to be & no longer want to be. I'm the only person my age that I know of who studies & understands politics, science, theology, philosophy, history, sociology & psychology. The only reason I know anything about mainstream pop culture is because everybody else is into it, but I secretly hate it because I understand how the world system works & I recognize Cultural Marxism as CIA-brainwash of the masses. So you see I'm a total nerd & I don't want anybody to discover that.

    I go to the city most days throughout the week to hang out with friends but every time I go back I feel like I've just fallen from heaven back into hell. I feel like a hypocrite who doesn't belong but if I say that, people might take it as separatism or self-righteousness. I just despise satanic Illuminati propaganda & it's everywhere. I'm very self-secure & have no problem being a loner, but am still ashamed of who I am because my thinking is always contrary to the consensus. When people invite me out, I always have some excuse but they eventually figure out the lies & pressure me to go out with them, which I truly, deeply, passionately hate that lifestyle but I never complain about it. I think trying to change other people is wrong so I would rather separate & lead by example for whomever would join me. How can I explain this stuff to people who ask me why I never show up anywhere or join in with the communist collectivist thinking?

    2 AnswersParapsychology8 years ago
  • What would happen to Illuminati if America had a nationalist revolution?

    Would they be willing to spend another 2 centuries brainwashing collective mankind into spiritual blindness, or would that trigger a full out conquest against all who oppose the Babylonian new world order?

    1 AnswerCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Who's responsible for screwing up Yahoo Answers?

    And how do we destroy them?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do stupid people have the best social skills, or is society itself just stupid?

    It seems like the most blissfully-ignorant buffoons have the best social skills. They're not very deep thinkers, their energy is extroverted, they don't judge moral issues & people are comfortable with their brutal honesty.

    Is this because western society has become dumbed down & demoralized into an idiocracy? If the majority of people in a given society/culture were educated & moral, would the idiot be an outcast or would he be welcomed as entertainment?

    3 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • why don't atheists use deductive logic when trying to understand theology?

    The same way you would with math when you learn established methods, then you apply your logic to your developed skills. Or like in science when you apply the scientific method, or in philosophy with syllogism. You realize, there are apologetic principles of interpreting scripture, you can't just look at it from your own limited, socially-conditioned perspective & expect a question to be answered.

    Seems like modern atheists have taken a postmodern approach to theology. They can't even distinguish theology from religion, definitively. I think they're confused by all the charismatic false religions that the Marxist state created to throw people off from what theology actually is. Theology (from Greek Θεός meaning "God" and λογία, -logy, meaning "study of") is the *systematic and rational* study of concepts of God.

    So instead of saying, for example "All religions are man-made because Illuminati said so on TV" you could ask the question "where do all these religions come from?" Then you can apply your logic to your studies & come to the conclusion that they all come from Babylon, just like it says in the book of Genesis." Or instead of saying "The bible is man-made myth" you can actually study it & eventually conclude that it's mostly prophetic, and that it's prophetic veracity can be demonstrated to be explicitly evident if you know anything about history and the real world.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What's a good way to wake all the Marxist Illuminati zombies?

    I need a way to cause a mass awakening amongst the anti-republic, mentally-enslaved zombie cult sheep. I have 3 store locations in 2 cities called "nonzombys" full of anti illuminati symbols and messages, Bible quotes, historical quotes and stuff that snaps most people right out of their godless, brain dead, soul-dead spiritual sleep state. I also have taggers who like to spray abandoned buildings with truth messages, and they're gaining momentum ahead of the curve. I've infiltrated a number of weak churches and reformed them over the past decade but I'm running out of ideas.

    Earlier today there was a homeless guy begging with a cup, and the scumbag materialistic zombies all walked past not giving a crap. Fortunately for him I had a megaphone that a street preacher left in my truck. So I ridiculed the zombies going past for like a half hour until I got many of them to altogether donate at least 500 dollars that they would otherwise spend on alcohol and mainstream urine stream entertainment to self-enslave mentally. I didn't show disdain to the cult sheep, I just explained that there are positive alternatives to being walking dead satanic egoists.

    I noticed they all conformed after the first few people gave money. It's as if they have no sense of individual will and are pure collectivist thinkers. I was thinking I should play on this more so it'll be easier and more effective to be counter-progressive to the Babylonian new world scumbag order. Any bright ideas?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Why do atheists seem to hate theological apologetics?

    Like if they ask a question about theology, and you actually give them the answer, they're not at lest satisfied that there actually is apologetic reasoning in the Bible. Rather, it seems like they only asked the question to perpetuate destructive criticism against theology, as opposed to trying to actually get to the bottom of the question.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Atheists, what subjects do you thoroughly research?

    It seems that the typical atheist knows a lot about cosmology, physics, biology, sociology, politics and culture. Yet, most atheists I talk to know close to nothing about classical philosophy, theology, religion, language, cultural Marxism, Leninism, satanism, Theosophy, history, or the actual origins of most ideologies that define the world system today.

    Actually, they don't seem to even realize that these subjects are even still definitive in modern society.

    8 AnswersParapsychology8 years ago