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  • Anyone have experience with animal control?

    I have 7 cats (2 I inherited when my Grandmother died and one was a Christmas gift - so not a hoarder) They're all spayed females, healthy, clean and well feed (as in good food, not a ton of food)

    My spiteful step-sister-in-law reported me to animal control (here you can have 2 cats per household)

    I have always adopted my cats from animal control (except for 3) and was told by the workers at the shelter that "one or two over is fine".

    Since the shelters here are kill shelters, I've always considered being over the limit as civil disobedience.

    So....has anyone else had animal control come? I know not to let them in if they don't have a warrant, but if they do have one, what are my options? Do they give you x amount of time to find homes, or just take them?

    Can I fight it? Would any judges accept civil disobedience as a defense, since they'd likely be killed if taken?

    7 AnswersCats5 years ago
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    I need a name for my female kitten.?

    I usually have Many ideas for names and have to spend days deciding which fits. This time I have No ideas at all.

    I like unusual names (not obvious like Tiger or Snowball) The cats I have are named Brightly Kiev, Knightly Novaya, Katana Thai, and Ajah Sigh.

    She is Very playful (murderously so) I've had her for less that 24 hours and she's already zipping around the house.

    And for the overly opinionated- No, I am not asking you to Name my kitten. I just need ideas to get the process started.

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
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    Should I try to re-train my cat, or just leave her be?

    My oldest cat, Stay, is 18 years old (the oldest cat I've ever had) I've had her since she was 2 days old, so she's always been my "baby" (so please, no suggestions of "maybe it's time to let her go")

    She's always been a bit skittish/anti-social (she loves me and only me) She's never liked other cats, but she's been ok when I've brought the others home (she usually just ignores them) But this last one has been a bit harder for her.

    My newest kitten, Ajah, is cute and friendly, but she's a playful kitten. She likes to chase Stay (not maliciously, just thinks she's playing) Her favorite is to chase Stay out of the litter box.

    So Stay's solution to this is to just not leave the couch. She started to use the bathroom on the back of the couch, and then cry when she was hungry/thirsty.

    I'm hoping that she'll adjust to Ajah like she did the others, but it's been a month. Right now there are puppy training pads on the back of my couch (she's pretty good about using them) and there is a food bowl on the arm. I was taking her to the water, but she has started going to get drinks herself (which is 2 rooms away and in the same room as the litter box and food, but she'll Only drink)

    I tried putting a litter box next to the couch -she wouldn't use it. I have gotten the plug in pheromone things, and I Think she's calmed down a bit, but she's still living on the couch.

    SO...considering that she is 18 years old, do I try to re-train her, or just deal with her new, odd, behavior?

    5 AnswersCats7 years ago
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    Need ideas for my kittens name?

    I need ideas for my kitten's name. I have started a list, but so far nothing is sticking.

    She has torti and white coloring, with a bunch of spots under one eye

    I don't like people names, or the obvious ones (like a white cat named snowball) I like unique, unusual names (some of my cats are Brightly Kiev, Katana Thai, and Stay)

    And for the critics- No I am not asking someone else to name my cat, I'm just looking for ideas. Yes I am spending time with her to get to know her and her personality.

    So far the names on the top of the list are:




    6 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Where is this city? Could be Austria, Slovakia, or Czech Rep?

    In 1889, there was a city of Turchaska, Austria- as listed on a death certificate as a birth-, but it apparently no longer exists under that name. It may be in a different country now (boarder changes after wars) or the name may just have changed, but I can't find it.

    It was suggested that it could now be Turčianske in Slovakia, but I looked it up and it's named was changed from Štubnianske Teplice in 1946- not really close to what I'm looking for (family would have left in 1910, so before the name changed)

    We're going to Eastern Europe soon and would like to visit....but have to find it first

    2 AnswersGeography8 years ago
  • Where is this city? Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia?

    In 1889, there was a city of Turchaska, Austria, but it apparently no longer exists under that name. It may be in a different country now (boarder changes after wars) or the name may just have changed, but I can't find it.

    4 AnswersGeography8 years ago
  • How do I register this gift card?

    I received a gift card- a Mastercard gift card. It was activated when it was purchased, but in order to use it online it says I need to register it.

    The site address it lists on the card ( www. wont work, it only has a log in (no registration button) and when I put the card number in it says it's not assigned to that site.

    The phone number listed only gives a balance- no way to actually Talk to someone.

    So, anyone have experience with this? I Can just use it in store, but it would be nice to have the option of online.

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • Question about a child custody issue?

    My real problem is that my step-sister is an idiot and you can never trust anything she says. SO...I'm trying to verify some child custody law issues so I can give my step-dad a reasonable opinion.

    Last week my step-sister (We'll call her Jane) told Dad that "Something" happened the night before and the father of her son (We'll call him John) took off with said son (who is 7, we'll call him Joe) and that she was going to have to "get the law involved"- note she hadn't Yet done so.

    So, now a week later, she tells Dad that she called the police and they said they can't do anything because John's listed as Joe's father on his birth certificate (the were never married). She later said the police did go to the garage that John was living in and talked to him, but they decided that it was a good enough place and were just going to let John keep Joe.

    Now she doesn't "know how to get him back" and no one will help her.

    MY problems with this story are:

    She just moved back into the state a month ago. The Only way he would have found out she was even here, let alone Where, was if She told him.

    There is NO way the police just said no we can't help without first investigating something.

    The police would also not make a custody decision.

    So, in order for my step dad to believe that things couldn't have happened the way she said would be for me to know for sure what the law in this case would be.

    He doesn't think the police would listen because Joe is John's son, so he has the right to take him. I say it's still kidnapping, and there's no way she called the police (since she likely has warrants still out for her)

    They had never gone to court for any custody rights case, and are living in Utah

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Question about a child custody issue?

    My real problem is that my step-sister is an idiot and you can never trust anything she says. SO...I'm trying to verify some child custody law issues so I can give my step-dad a reasonable opinion.

    Last week my step-sister (We'll call her Jane) told Dad that "Something" happened the night before and the father of her son (We'll call him John) took off with said son (who is 7, we'll call him Joe) and that she was going to have to "get the law involved"- note she hadn't Yet done so.

    So, now a week later, she tells Dad that she called the police and they said they can't do anything because John's listed as Joe's father on his birth certificate (the were never married). She later said the police did go to the garage that John was living in and talked to him, but they decided that it was a good enough place and were just going to let John keep Joe.

    Now she doesn't "know how to get him back" and no one will help her.

    MY problems with this story are:

    She just moved back into the state a month ago. The Only way he would have found out she was even here, let alone Where, was if She told him.

    There is NO way the police just said no we can't help without first investigating something.

    The police would also not make a custody decision.

    So, in order for my step dad to believe that things couldn't have happened the way she said would be for me to know for sure what the law in this case would be.

    He doesn't think the police would listen because Joe is John's son, so he has the right to take him. I say it's still kidnapping, and there's no way she called the police (since she likely has warrants still out for her)

    They had never gone to court for any custody rights case, and are living in Utah

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Estimate for vet procedure?

    I know that vet rates vary by area, but I'm just looking for a ballpark estimate.

    My kitten has an odd black blob growing in the corner of her eye (not In the eye itself, but in the corner) From what I've been able to learn it may be a tumor/growth that should be removed and biopsied.

    I was wondering if anyone has had a similar procedure done and what the cost was -- and again, yes I know prices will vary due to area.

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • My plants are confused, is this a problem?

    It's been unusually warm where I live this fall and I think it's confused my plants. My pear tree is has a few branches that have blossoms on them and my lilac bushes are getting leaf buds.

    Do I need to do anything about this (remove the buds/blossoms) or are they fine the way they are?

    7 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • What is up with yahooanswers tonight?

    Tonight every time I answer a question and go to answer another instead of going to Open questions (like it has for the year+ that I've been answering) it's going to Recommended questions.

    So is this new or just some odd glitch?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Ideas of what to do with all these pears?

    My new house has a pear tree- it's tiny, but there are Tons of pears.

    My problem is I don't like pears. My nephew (who lives with me) Does like them, but can't possibly eat them all before they go bad.

    So, I'm looking for ways to preserve them. He doesn't like canned pears (too mushy) so I'm looking for other things to do with them. I found a recipe for pear butter, but don't want to have a million cans of one thing.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • What's going on with my cat's ears?

    I'll start by saying I Am taking her to the vet, I just don't know if I should go to an emergency vet now or if she can wait till Tuesday.

    I noticed today that my 10 month old kitten had a small sore in her ear. I thought she had gotten scratched by one of the others, but I looked in her other ear and she has the exact same sore in the same place.

    She does not have the "coffee grounds" that accompany ear mites, she has not been scratching at them or shaking her head.

    So does anyone know what this Could be so I can decide how fast I need to get her to a vet?

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Question for anyone that has had a tooth extracted?

    I'm wondering how long it normally takes for the pain to go away.

    I had a molar extracted on Tues - it was cracked in half and infected, and took an hour and a half for them to dig it all out (it didn't want to leave)

    But today I'm still in So much pain. I was hoping that after 48 hours of anti biotics and pain meds would be enough to at least Start to feel better, but it's still worse than it was Before I got it pulled.

    So, anyone else that's had a tooth extracted, how long did it take to start feeling better?

    3 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • What did I do wrong with my roses?

    When my Grandmother died I wanted to take her rose bushes with me when I moved (I was living with her to help her) I was afraid being transplanted would kill them so I took some starts.

    I did all the things my Grandma had taught me to do. I cut a piece longer than 6 inches, put root start on them and put them in a pot of potting soil, watered them well, and covered them with a jar.

    After a month I checked them and they had leaves growing (which is more than I had ever managed before) I uncovered one and the next day the leaves were shriveled, so I left the others covered. But after another few weeks they had all shriveled too.

    Luckily the original bushes are doing pretty good, but I would like to know what I did wrong to I'll know for next time.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • What's the best route when driving from Mississippi to Utah?

    In 2 weeks I'll be flying to Mississippi to drive my dad's truck back to Utah.

    I'm wondering what the best route would be With Out going through New Mexico. With the wild fires there now I don't want to be breathing in smoke for hours.

    So any ideas would be great.

    2 AnswersOther - United States9 years ago
  • How do I repel garter snakes?

    First, Yes I know they're not venomous, not aggressive, and will eat spiders. I Don't Care.

    I HATE snakes and have a family of them living in my yard. My nephews were able to find one of the babies and we relocated it, but there is at Least one very large one left, and I would guess more since it didn't have just one baby.

    I've tried putting mothballs around the yard, but so far they've just ignored them. So I need other ideas (and calling an exterminator isn't an option, I don't want to murder them, just to make them go far away)

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • Need a new camera and have NO idea what to get?

    My camera has died and it would cost more than it's now worth to fix it (a Kodak DX6490)

    So I need a new camera (and Don't have hundreds to spend)

    What I need is:

    Something with a reasonable shutter lag- the one problem with my last camera was that when taking candid pic's the whole scene was different by the time it took a picture (even on the action setting) and when photographing children, which is what I primarily do, by the time I have all kids pointed in the same direction it would be nice to just Take the picture instead of pushing the button and Hoping that they don't move (or blink) before the pictures actually taken.

    I need a good picture quality, both for 5x7 prints as well as larger pictures

    Would like a reasonably good zoom function

    A photo burst function would be great too, but I know that's usually on the more expensive cameras

    I know that's a lot to ask for a cheap camera, but hoping.

    2 AnswersCameras9 years ago
  • Any way to help my poor kitten?

    My new kitten has an Upper Respiratory Infection (she came from a shelter so I was expecting it). She has been to the vet and is getting better. She is eating again, playing and her sneezing and coughing has lessened.

    Her problem is that her nose has been so runny and she's sneezed so much she has gotten a bloody nose (just a Tiny bit) I know this happens, but it makes me so sad to see.

    I was wondering if there was anything that would help her feel better? When she was having breathing trouble I would take her into the bathroom and run a hot shower to help her breath. Would the same work for her nose now?

    And yes I have called my vet about it, he said she was 'fine' and it happens, but I feel so bad for her.

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago