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  • Is it ok to start the Evra Patch after ovulation?

    I ve stared using the Evra patch today. The instructions state that you can start on the first day of your period (and you will be protected straight away) or any other time (and you will need to wait 7 days until you are fully protected). I am towards the end of my cycle as my period would normally be due next week. Will I still have this? I m guessing yes because I have already ovulated so there is an unfertilized egg inside me. If I do not have a period next week does that mean the egg will remain inside and risk me getting pregnant, even after waiting those 7 days? Any advise would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Is this a scam e-mail?

    I received an e-mail from, saying that I owe money and am in debt. I have never owed money and never borrow money. He said he is acting on behalf of a company called Alfa Laval Ltd. (which is real as I've just researched it). I suspect this is a scam as there is a link to follow for the invoice, which I am not following as it looks suspicious. However, the thing that worries me is he said he has sent a copy of the invoice to my address (he has included my old address on the e-mail). How did he get this information? I have copied the e-mail below, removing my full name, the dodgy link and my old address. I have research the sender but can't find a lot of information. What do you all think?

    E-mail copied below:

    Dear Sophie __________,

    Regarding the amount due 447.64 GBP, we act on behalf of Alfa Laval Ltd in order to collect the outstanding account value of your debt.

    We would like to remind you that the amount above was due for payment on 27.03.16 but as no payment has been received, your invoice is now considered as overdue. Please find a printable version of your invoice at the following link:


    Original invoice will be sent out to:




    In order to avoid further costs, please forward the payment to us and transfer the amount due not later than 15.04.16

    Yours truly,

    Henry Perry

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam5 years ago
  • How can I get a sick note?

    I've been on placement for the past few weeks (I'm a trainee teacher) and inevitably, I've gotten sick. I called in sick today to my part-time job (sports direct) and they said to bring a sick note the next time I work. But I'm working tomorrow, and because it's the weekend, the Doctor's is closed. Furthermore, I didn't feel any point in going to the Doctor's for something that is probably a 24 hour sickness bug. I cannot get to the Doctors next week either as my Doctors is 50 miles away as I live away from home and my work placement hours are 8-6. What do I do? Will I be fired from my part-time job?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • Taxes as a freelance writer and student?

    I am a student (from the UK) I have begun writing on Textbroker to earn some extra cash, but as it's pretty much freelance writing, the site says I need to declare myself self-employed (I am not employed by them), but I'm confused as to how it will affect my tax. I am only doing this in my spare time and expect to earn around £1500 so obviously I will need not be taxed, but I still need to register with them. I will also not have to pay national insurance contributions. However, this is not my only income. I am emloyed in a part-time job as well- do I need to tell them this? Also, when I leave university, I hope to have secured a teaching post (I study Primary Teaching), so what happens then, because then I will earn enough to pay tax and national insurance, but will that be automatically be deducted from my wages, and can I not pay tax on my freelance writing at the same time? On the site where you register to be self employed and state that you have low earnings, it says that it can affect basic state pension bereavement benefits and maternity allowance. I do not what this to be affected when I am a full-time teacher but writing at the same time. I am just confused, somebody help me!

    3 AnswersUnited Kingdom7 years ago
  • I hate my primary teaching placement. How can I get through it?

    I'm training to be a primary school teacher and I'm on placement at the moment. The teaching bit is fine, but I'm drowning in planning, resource making, paper work and school-based tasks that uni set me. I set off at 6am and don't return home until 7pm because I have to travel far. Then I'm up until gone midnight planning, even though I spend 7 hours on Saturdays and Sundays planning and doing other paperwork as well. I feel like I have no time to myself. I do enjoy the teaching but I just hate having so much work. I know that teaching isn't the typical 9 to 5 job and that the hours are longer, but surely not like this? Someone reassure me. I'd appreciate any advice. x

    1 AnswerTeaching8 years ago
  • How to show authority in the classroom?

    I'm a primary student teacher and my reports always say I need to show more authority in the classroom. The class I'm with are very challenging with many behaviour issues, SEN and EAL children. The children respond very well to the class teacher but to me they know I don't have as much authority as her so sometimes they just refuse to do work and continue to be off-task when I have explained numerous times that they need to be working. I've tried acting a little more stern which turns them against me and they refuse to work even more, and I've tried being layed back and 'cool' and then think they can just walk all over me. I'm finding it difficult to find a balance. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • My bike feels more difficult to pedal than it used to?

    Even in a low gear, it now feels harder to pedal. Going uphill is a nightmare now, when it never used to bother me. When I try to go faster, the chain seems to make a strange noise; like a really fast clicking, but when I slow down it stops all together. Could it just be the chain that needs oiling? Any advice would be appreciated.

    10 AnswersCycling8 years ago
  • Quick simple breakfast ideas?

    I'm a student teacher and my main block placement begins next week and I have to catch the bus at 6am to get there on time as it's quite far away. I need to set off from my house at 5.30am to get to the bus pick-up. I would rather eat breakfast on the bus so I don't have to get up too early. Anyone got any ideas for a filling breakfast I cold take on the bus with me? It needs to keep me feeling full until lunch time. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks. :)

    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Other ways of saying 'explains'?

    When I'm writing an essay I'm sick of saying 'explains', 'states' and 'describes' after researchers names. For example, 'Driver (1983) explains how...' Can you think of any other interesting words with a similar meanings? Or any advice on this type of writing in general?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Can you use Boots coupons at the self-service checkouts?

    They have a barcode on them so I was just wondering if they can be scanned?

    4 AnswersYahoo Shopping9 years ago
  • How do I know how many stamps to put on a parcel?

    Do I just shove a load of stamps on a parcel I post? Or do I go to the post office to get it weighed? If i take it to the post office and they weigh it, will they then be able to put stamps on for me straight away and then it can be sent? Or after having it weighed will I have to put my own stamps on and then send it?

    5 AnswersOther - Environment9 years ago
  • How could a lightbulb start working again after not working for months?

    In my room I have some fairy lights hung up on my wall. One bulb blew quite a few months ago and I kept meaning to replace it but never got round to it. Yesterday I turned on my fairy lights and the bulb that was out is working perfectly fine. How is this possible? I know it's a strange question, but I'm just curious.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Is this an acceptable reason to call the police?

    For two nights in a row there has been some aggressive knocking on my front door which lasts for a full 5 minutes. Today's was at 5am this morning and the night before was 1am which are suspicious times to be knocking on doors. I live in a student house with 5 other people and we've all been too scared to answer the door. If this happens again would it be acceptable to ring the police or is it just wasting police time? I'm worried that someone wants to break in. We don't have a peep hole and there isn't a window that side that we can look out of.

    16 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Is it the company's responsibility to deal with mould in our student house?

    I rent a student house with 5 other students and in one room there is mould growing. It began as a damp patch which was there when we moved in but now it's actually black mould covering the whole wall. We called the company to let them know and asked them what needs to be done about it but they say it's because we dont open our windows enough and don't have the heating on enough and because there's 6 of us all the 'breathing' could cause it. We open the windows every morning and have the heating on for 6 hours each day to try prevent the mould. The guy also said it could be the shower which is in the next room. We also have another shower but the room next to the other shower isnt mouldy so can the mould really be caused by that? Also, the wall which is mouldy is the outside wall which isn't connected to the shower room as the shower room is next to a different wall. Is it the company's responsibility to sort this? The room is so bad that my friend can't even sleep in it because it makes her ill and she's had to put all her stuff into bags becuase everything started to smell and become damp. She's tried a damp trap and a dehumidifier but the mould still grows. What cold be causing the mould?

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Is this a mean thing to do to my housemate?

    One of my housemates is extremely messy and it annoys the hell out of me. One of the annoying things that she does is leaves her litter on the work surfaces in the kitchen. Not just things that need to be washed up, but actual rubbish like empty bread wrappers, empty soup cans, empty crisp packets, empty ready meal boxes. It's all because shes too lazy to walk over to the bin. It's not even as if she will tidy it eventually- she never touches it again. It's always someone else who will end up tidying up after her. There was once an expty packet of crisps that she left on the table so I waited to see how long it would be until she moved it. It was there for over 2 months until me and another housemate had a massive clean-up in the kitchen. Once the bin was too full in her bedroom so she started opening her door and throwing her rubbish out into the hallway instead. So of my friends gave me an idea to collect the rubbish she leaves around over a period of time, and then when there's quite a lot, stick it all to her bedroom door. I'm very tempted to do this because maybe then she'll realise how much rubbish she leaves around. I've asked her numerous times to clean up after herself but she can't be bothered and it's always me who tidies up after her. Is it too mean to stick all her rubbish to her door or not?

    6 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • What are the spring clips on pannier racks used for?

    I have a new bike which has a pannier rack and it has a spring clip on it which I don't really know how to use. The only thing I can see it holding down is flat things like magazines or newspapers. What is the spring clip actually used for?

    3 AnswersCycling9 years ago
  • Is this bike the right size for me?

    I'm quite small at 5 ft 3 and I've recently bought a town/shopper bike which has a 16 inch frame and 700C wheels. My housemates say it looks too big for me when I ride but it feels okay. Would you say the size is right or not?

    4 AnswersCycling9 years ago
  • How long will it take to install SKY internet and home phone line?

    I'm a student and have aranged for someone to install SKY internet and phoneline in my student house. I have to visit my house between 1 and 6pm tomorrow ready for the person coming. How long do you think it will take to set it up?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • How can I get rid of this white stuff in my hair?

    For the past 2 months there's been this white stuff in my hair. It's not dandruff because it's not flaky and it's not on my scalp- its just at the side of my fringe. It looks like dried paint. It doesn't come out when I wash it and if I tug at my hair using my nails, bits of it come out and it seems to have a powdery substance. I don't have a clue what it is. I've tried changing shampoos because I thought that could be the problem but it didn't work. Any ideas on what it could be and how I could get rid of it?

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Is it possible for a UTI to cure itself?

    Around Easter time I felt many symptoms associated with a UTI such as sudden urges to pee, but then only a little bit coming out, a burning sensation, some mild itching, lower abdomen pain and pain around the lower sides of the back (kidneys). So I was going to book an appointment with my GP if the symptoms persisted for 5 days but within 3 days the symptoms had completely gone. It's only recently that I'm feeling the symtoms again. I felt the urge to pee and the burning a couple of days ago for a few hours, then nothing else until a felt the slight itch this morning, but that's it. Now I'm fine. If I really did have a UTI around Easter time, did it just cure itself, or is it possible for it to lay dormant for three months like it seems to have done?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years ago