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  • How to stop my ebook from being downloaded for free?

    I just discovered that my self-published novel has been downloaded and is available for free on pdf and Mobi costing me thousands of dollars in loss. What can I do to stop this?

    2 AnswersSoftware5 years ago
  • I want to practice Nichiren Buddhism independently and want to know the experiences of those who are doing so now.?

    I originally joined SGI but realized fairly quickly that they were a demanding group, quite unlike what I expected to find in Buddhism. The meetings and the obligations were just too much. I also have a personal problem with the elevation of Daisaku Ikeda. They revere him like Catholics revere Mary and that alone turned me off...but not to chanting. I would lov to hear stories of people who printed their gohonzon online and if it was affective for them? I'm at a spiritual crossroads but as I said I do enjoy my chanting and want to continue without impairment from an overly involved group...

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Should I continue to wear a wig while I grow out breakage?

    So I have already been wearing wigs since August after a horrible relaxer. My hair broke off right at the crown in what can only be described as a crop circle. That small portion has grown to about 2 inches while the rest of my hair is a healthy 5 inches. I haven't had a perm since then and my hair is super thick. I'm on the fence about cutting and going natural or continuing growing it out and texlaxing in the spring, around March. Anyone else ever have this happen and what did you do? What do your recommend?

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • I put Bijen haircolor on my hair last week but now I need a perm. How long should I wait before relaxing?

    My hair is really short in a pixie and I also recently started going gray. When I colored it it was wavy but now it's curly/kinky and I want to perm it. Bijen is a henna.

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Friend going through divorce calls me everyday and compares my marriage to hers?

    It's been a few months now and honestly, I'm burn out She calls during dinner with my family. I nipped that in the bud by telling her that it's family time. But she calls me during the day to talk about legal advice (I am not a lawyer). She is in shock, I get it, but then she says things like, "Who would have thought that your marriage would work out and mine not? My husband was perfect in every way. Okay, as girlfriends I would complain sometimes, but my hubby is a good guy. I've kept my mouth shut because I know that she's hurt but it's bothering me. How can I distance myself without looking like I'm abandoning her?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • addiction to psychics when feeling down?

    I've read several things online for Catholics and for Protestants and the fact is that when I'm confused, down or depressed I turn to psychics...much to the dissatifaction of my husband. I've tried to quit but for years it's my go to place. Prayer doesn't answer in the way my born again friends describe and the rosary does relax me but beyond that it's just rote. I know it's wrong but I'm infinitely attracted to it and NOTHING has given me the incentive to stop. It's not about hell and brim stone but common sense....I'm spending too much money and I need help. Have you been there and if so how did you come out of let's face it addiction to psychics, tarot and the supernatural? I feel embarrassed to admit to my friends because they come to me for advice and sometimes readings.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Relocated to Seattle from Los Angeles and couldn't find teaching jobs there. What's going on?

    I relocated due to my husband's job transfer. As an experienced teacher with tenure in LA I thought that it would be easy to get a job. I applied to several school districts to no response. One school contacted me about a substitute orientation but we'd already decided that we couldn't afford to live there on one income and returned. Is this par for the course or was it just bad timing? I'm asking because I still feel torn between both places and want some perspective from someone else who knows the area.

    3 AnswersSeattle1 decade ago
  • Which is better short natural hair or a curly afro wig?

    I have a short cut with a mild texturizer and it's attractive but for fun I purchased a curly afro wig (still was trying to keep it real) in a lighter color and while on vacation I received so many compliments on the wig that I'm wondering if I should just wear it when I go back to work. I know that a lot of women wear wigs and that it's not that unusual but am embarrassed to say I'm having self-esteem issues about the hair. I cut my hair low because it broke off from a too strong relaxer and I couldn't save it. I'm determined to let it grow out to the length of the wig as it is the same texture of my hair. Here's a pic of the wig and a pic of an example of my haircut. Please no rude comments as I am sensitive about it and that's why I avoided asking my friend's advice. and my current haircut looks like this:

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Hairstyle to prevent breakage on African American hair?

    Okay, so last year I had a major breakage problem. I cut off all of my hair and wore it micro short for a few months. When I had a few inches I wore braids for the summer and most of the fall. I then went to 3/4 wigs as the front of my hair had grown. I put a mild relaxer in my hair and bought the henna Bigen to cover my gray. In two months my 5 inches began to break again. I went to Supercuts and got about an inch taken off and it's a cute style but I'm thinking that the pulled back look with a bun or phoney pony may help with the growth. The alternative is to just cut it all off again and my husband is not down with that. Does anyone have any other suggestions to help me to keep the hair that I have without having to wear a wig for the rest of my life? I feel that they have been drying and the comb at the nape of the neck all but obliterated the hair there but I have enough to gel down into a scrunchie hair piece. The hairstyle I have now is just like Alice in "New Moon" so I like it but the air may dry out the ends. On a personal note I just returned from New Orleans and at the casino I felt like I was at a wig convention or something and I just want to wear my natural hair or maybe just a hairpiece but without causing damage to my natural hair. Thank you for your suggestions.

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Have written a novel and borrowed a nickname of someone long dead. Is it okay to do so?

    I finished the novel and am self-publishing. I love a specific nickname and added it to my title. The character has no resemblance to the actual person and I was wondering if this is okay. It is a nickname, not a legal name. The person was not famous or family. Although some of her family members are around today. Is it okay to use a nickname, like "Sweets"? That's just an example and not my title. Please advise.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Moving to teach, should I choose Baton Rouge or New Orleans?

    I am a certified teacher in California but the budget cuts have me worried about my stability. I have family in a small parish outside of New Orleans and went to college in Baton Rouge. I've applied online but have discovered that many schools don't even use the Teach Louisiana website and want you to apply to individual schools once you have applied with the parish. I'm still under contract here in California. I want out even if I don't get laid off. Crime rates in New Orleans frighten me, I have a young son but then Baton Rouge may not have as many teaching opportunities. I just don't know. My husband is considering teach for America as well although he is in a different profession. We are applying online but with only minimal success. it seems like we have to be there and I'm afraid to move without a job. Which place do you recommend Baton Rouge or New Orleans and give reasons. Thank you for your help.

    1 AnswerNew Orleans1 decade ago
  • Don't understand this formula for my uterus measurements. Am having a hysterectmy in Jan. Pls help me.?

    Findings: The uterus measures 12.4x5.0x7.3 cm with an endometrial echo complex that measures 5mm. There are multiple calcified leiomyomata, the largest of which is seen posterior and to the left. It measures 4.1 cm in maximal diameter. The ovaries are not visualized due to shadow from the calcified leiomyomata.

    This is what the doctor sent me in response to my question about size. Although specific I really don't understand and am hoping someone can put it into plain English for me or at the very least fruit size. Wanda Sykes is right most Americans don't understand the metric system. My teachers just dropped it. Please help me for my peace of mind. Thank you so much...doctors, mathematicians welcome.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Microsoft Word says 105 pages, 60K words but in the middle it says 287 and I don't understand that.Help.?

    When I put the header for page number it says 105 words. But on the lower left hand side it says Page 105 and in the middle it says Section 7 and then 287/288...could someone explain that? Also how do I get rid of formatting changes when I print it out? I tried Reveal Codes and that doesn't work. Presently it prints out all of the changes I've made on the right hand margin and I need that to disappear. I know it sounds confusing because I'm confused. HELP!

    1 AnswerScanners1 decade ago
  • A friend gave me tarot cards for my birthday but I find them addictive should I give them back to her or trash?

    I've gone through this crisis before particularly when I'm going through a transitional time. I don't want to make my friend feel badly because she is really into the New Age and cards and things and I have been as well. I just want to try to change because I feel that they do more harm to me than good. I ask questions everyday and actually when I really feel confused I go online and pay a hefty $2.99 per minute. I know it's addiction in its silliest form but I admit that since Jan. I've been immersed and I want to really have faith again and to be free. So, should I just throw them away or tell her that I want to give them back because I know that she collects them and I don't want to waste her money?

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Which is sexier, a curly afro (spirals) or long braids?

    Just want an opinion. I have short curly hair, a curly afro which can have big curls on a good day but have been considering getting shoulder length braids soon. Which do you think looks better?

    7 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Why are teachers so underrated in America?

    I'm a teacher and am on the chopping block at my school. I've gone 120% above and beyond the call of duty but my job is still in jeopardy in California....why are we the first to go when we are the beginning of any profession?

    6 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Who thinks that Miss California deserved to win and was robbed?

    I really believe that the type of question that they asked her was not the correct forum. The fact that Perez Hilton asked it points to the fact that they wanted her to say something positive about gay marriage but she stuck to her guns and said her true opinion...which regardless of your feelings is appropriate. It is the Miss America contest isn't it? We do have freedom of speech don't we? She answered clearly even if it's not a popular point of view in urban areas. I don't agree with her but I don't think that she should have lost her crown behind this. Political opinions should not weigh on who wins. It's too biased and the comments Perez made afterwards about her losing only because of this comment makes me angry. What if someone had said something positive about gay marriage years ago and lost because of it...would that be fair? No...get off your bandwagon and stop alienating the people who support you. When you treat those unfairly who disagree you lose the masses. That's what I think. This incident hasn't changed my mind but I still don't like the way she was treated. She said what she thought. She said how she was raised. What is wrong with that?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is like to live in Southeast Louisiana now?

    I may be losing my job in California as a teacher and I am from Louisiana. I may have a job opportunity in rural southeast Louisiana close to New Orleans but in a decidedly rural area. I do know some people there and have relatives there but I am in an interracial relationship and am worried about possible problems. Is there anyone out there who has left a metropolitan city to move to a smaller town like this? Was it difficult? Tell me some possible pitfalls. Tell me some positives and give me advice about how to adjust. Thank you.

    2 AnswersNew Orleans1 decade ago