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I enjoy given helpful answer to those who just don't know. If I know then I will give it my best if not I'm not going to give you BS. Many do not like my answers but I will call it the way I see it. I'm no Doc just been around this old mud ball a few years.

  • I'm curious how its made in the human body as in?

    the egg and the sperm to include the ejaculate? I know the sperm is in the testicle and the ejaculate carries it out of the body and it is made up of several things. But how and were does those things come from so they can be stored in the testicles and prostate. I know the ovary hold the egg (ovum) but what and how is it made?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What does the Medal of Honor MOH?

    person rate even the silver bronze star or Navy Cross. I know they are some of the highest awards from our country however, what is the perks should you survive and rate one. I have only seen one personnel were the office saluted the enlisted person first and he was not required to then stand the formation. We were waiting for like an hour for him to come out. So is there extra money, free flights ????

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Convert Cm to something common?

    currently I have a 1.8cm tumor, I don't know how big that is. I can understand golf ball, base ball, coins and so on. So how big would something like this be? I don't think it is bulging out but is in a flatted shape. Something like putting a coin on the table so to speak.

    3 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Why does the follow not get any media attention?

    The Rest of The Whole Story

    P. S.This tells the whole story, why Bush was so bad at the end of his term. Don't just skim over this, it's not long, but read it slowly and let it sink in. If in doubt, check it out !

    The day the democrat

    s took over was not January 22nd 2009, it was actually January 3rd 2007, theday democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress. The Democrat Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.

    For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this: January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress.

    At the time: The DOW Jones closed at $12,621.77The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%The Unemployment rate was 4.6%George Bush ' s Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB GROWTH! Remember the day...January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Doddtook over the Senate Banking Committee. (Pete, you have conveniently ignored these facts.) The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy? BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES! Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES! Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES (Pete, I thought it was 16 times, but apparently it was 17- I stand corrected) to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy. And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA! And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie? OBAMA and the Democrat Congress. So when someone tries to blame Bush..REMEMBER JANUARY 3rd, 2007.... THE DAY THE DEMOCRATS TOOK OVER! Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party (and the Senate has not submitted a budget for reconciliation with the House for 4 years now. We have a Country running without a budget). Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 & 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budgets. And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009. If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is "I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-foldsince January 20th. There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! The controlled main stream media will never inform the public of this information. "Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about what Mitt Romney does with his money than what Barack Obama does with mine."—

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • How can a person download a song?

    from you tube? I can get the link cut and paste which is fine. I'm interested in the songs of varies singers.

    1 AnswerCountry9 years ago
  • There is an address that one could send?

    unused food coupons so they could be used by the military familys who need them. What it is this address?

    3 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Does this flowing have any meaning or importance?

    Is there any kind of meaning of having a garage door half way up other than the occupants of the home failed to put it all the way down? Not so much in the country sittings area but more inside the city's. Also I see more and more Red front doors, both of these I have heard story's which I will not laminate on as of yet. I know that putting a purple painted ring or cloth on a tree or fence post is No hunting or trespassing.

    So does those have any meaning anything

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • Why does a dog do this?

    I have many times observed while taking our pet outside to do her daily business that she will wander if you will. She will act as if she is going to pee or defecate in a place and then stop move and do it again. She may do this half a dozen times before allowing herself the relief she is after. Male dogs I understand are out marking there territory urinating every pole and fire hydrant. They are not as bad however in some ways they are. What are they looking for or is there a smell that triggers them to go. It is obvious their bladder and bowels are full.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • I have often wondered if there are any accounts of the other side of the conflicts.?

    I have read many accounts but very little if any is about the loosening side. Granted there is some but like i said not much. Such as what was the Japaneses version of Pearl Harbor, The Bataan death March, Many of the Island fights. Same with Germany POW camps, some of there hero? Is it down played in order they do not get out of hand as they did back then? Did they have poster like the US had, Buy war bonds, Rose riveter and so on?

    7 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • How do women feel about this?

    Do to rules and work regulations one is unable to wear the wedding rings that have a stone that sticks out. Most all of them do. If one was to take the rings in have the stone removed making the ring more of a band and then take the stone making it into a necklace? There by making it wearable if not the band at least the stone. I just don't know how some would take this would they rather it remain in tack for sentimental reason or would it be exceptable?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • I was always told yet now wonder if it holds true or not?

    A MOH winner is to be saluted by officer first. If an enlisted comes upon an officer the enlisted saluted first and the officer returns it. Now with the MOH winner i was told the officer goes first. How does that work then if the President comes around? Who goes first the MOH or the President?

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • How is it that all the gas stations?

    have 9/10? Just how can they come up with this amount instead of rounding to the nearest penny?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance10 years ago
  • Why doesn't our political runners?

    use the modern tech that is out there. More of them should use Facebook, video conferencing. They could be in contact with more people as well as more people could chose to tune in or not. Look at the savings it would create. This goes for the one sitting in the office now. He doesn't need to jet allover the place.

    They could stay right at the white house do a video conference with who ever. All the secret service would be right at home, even on the trail. Plan it out to what state you are going to rent or acquire the stadiums in advance. They all have huge TV screens. The local and big news crews could be there and televise it.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • Which is better to have?

    one big CD that draws 26% or three smaller one that each pulls 26%.

    6 AnswersInvesting10 years ago
  • Is there a reason for?

    a dog to smell another s behind? I have seen it a few times in cats but it is more in the canine's regardless of sex they will first go or try to move to the rear and smell, why?

    9 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Can humans eat grass carp?

    It seams now that after all this flooding parts of the Midwest are inundated with grass carp. Since they are populating these areas and if they are eatable why not catch them and sell them to places such as China or other parts of Asia were they can be consumed?

    Fishing1 decade ago
  • What would be going on with a person if they,or?

    during a conversation they just for the most part lost all train of thought or speech? The thoughts are there but is unable to get anything intelligibly to come out and be heard. They can think or feel as if they know what they want to say but nothing can be out into any sinsable words and they can only go this or that well. So they just stop talking and wait a little while and begin again. Why or what is going on with this person?

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why do dogs often go up to another and?

    smell there behinds so much? I can sort of understand why many cattle do it to see if they are in heat or not but dogs will sniff away. They will check both female and males do this to each other. Is there some kind of odor that is emanated?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do dogs, cats and other family pets get headaches?

    I hear all the time they have this or that kind of illness sort of like humans and sometimes we as humans as well as the family pet can take one each others meds.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Should they change parts of the UCMJ?

    I ask this because in some of punishments of a crime it is death. Yet the only one I have ever heard of was Pvt during WW 2. Yet the punishment remains on the books when none are carried out. Imprisonment for life maybe instead of death. There have been crimes that require the death Fort Hood comes to mind. So could/should it be changed?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago