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I'm an aspiring guitar player I'm into a lot of Rock, and Metal My favourite Bands/Artists include: I'm a music guy, I'm an aspiring musician, play guitar. As for music taste, I like a range of different things. I'm big on guitar players and instrumental music, favourite bands/artists include: Megadeth, Cacophony, Marty Friedman, Jason Becker, Jeff Loomis, Nevermore, Pantera, Judas Priest, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, 2 Pac, N.W.A, Van Halen, Rush, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Yngwie Malmsteen, Naughty by Nature, Public Enemy, Slipknot, Dream Theater, Motorhead, Joe Satriani, KISS.

  • Why do white social justice warrior types/hard lefties act like their opinion is the authority on ethnic minority issues?

    It seems like white privilege or racism isn't just something that's confined only to the right-wing. I've seen countless examples of white people dominating areas of discussion that aren't really their place to be asserting anything. A few I will list:

    - Ex-Muslims who left the Islam and talk about how their lives are better and generally might agree with a lot of atheists like Dawkins/Hitchens or Sam Harris.

    - Black or Arab women who leave the religion and refer to the cultures as misogynistic and barbarous are shouted down as "Islamophobic" or "racist" by white people who have nothing to do with it at all.

    - Black people who don't conform to the narrative that people have of them or adhere to stereotypes are themselves sometimes bullied by SJW if some blacks don't agree with some of their views. One example I saw was where a white UCLA student was arguing with a black police officer who had grown up in the Jim Crow era, she asked him questions such as "Have you ever experienced racism" among a myriad of other taunts that would be racist if a member of another political affiliation did the same thing.

    It's like the rest of us are just consumed by white narcissism to the point where we can't even talk about our own issues and view points unless we make sure that white people are catered to first.

    Anyone else agree?

    The video of the white student is here:

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • Muslims: What is the best version of the Quran to read?

    I've added the Koran to my reading list and I've heard of many different versions existing with a common theme being that it's better to understand in Arabic. What is the best and most accurate version that I would be able to purchases and the same for the Hadiths, how many are there, how accurate are they?

    8 AnswersRamadan5 years ago
  • Why do some Jamaicans have a problem with Africans/Heritage?

    It seems a lot of Jamaicans are in denial about their African lineage. My grandfather is a prime example of this, trying to explain to him that our legacy is slavery is like trying to build the empire state building out of toothpicks. It's virtually impossible. But it never stops there, they even have an elitist attitude to a lot of the surrounding Caribbean Cultures as well.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • Socialists/Leftists don't like Sanders?

    It appears that a lot of Socialists/Marxists and Liberals seem to not like Bernie Sanders, but accept that he's at least a lesser of the evils. Why do you think this may be?

    5 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Is there any alternative to Capitalism, Socialism, Libertarianism or Communism or something completely unrelated to any of those?

    How would something like that come about, pretty much all of those systems have failed is there any other way?

    6 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Britain Bombing Syria?

    If Corbyn's strategy was to not bomb Syria then what exactly was the real way of dealing with this problem.

    (Also, can I get solid and well thought out answers not the usual mantra of bashing political opposition for the sake of it criticism for and against welcome here)

    4 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • How is Mercutio able to move between both the Montague and Capulet houses?

    He's a close friend of Romeo, so shouldn't that make him a proxy-Montague?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Objective opinion of Jeremy Corbyn?

    Some say he's the image of real change, others say that he's not much better than Cameron. Why?

    5 AnswersElections6 years ago
  • Cecil the lion, ethics on meat-eating/veganism?

    What are some better arguments with regards to the debating of food/animal rights. I ve seen people argue about how you can eat meat and have ethics (I agree) but vegans say that you can t and you must conform to their ways only if you truly care about anything at all.

    So what better arguments are there against vegans that doesn t resort to just the same old vitriol?

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan6 years ago
  • Why aren't more blacks atheist/agnostic?

    When you consider that Christianity and Islam were used to enslave African people then doesn't it seem that the only way that we can revive black consciousness is to reject ideologies that were born out of the need to oppress others into narrow thought.

    The West seems to be abandoning theology and focusing more on Science and Reason, but black people are still far behind. And there's no way that god can view people equally in his eyes because history has shown that blacks have consistently gotten the short end of the straw and whites are much better off. Thoughts?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Small business for a student?

    About the finish my third year of Uni, and I've always fancied the idea of being self-employed because I f*cking hate being told what to do in regular employment and I want to be financially stable in the future, what sort of businesses are a good idea to start with?

  • Attachment image

    Rate My Team: (FIFA 15)?

    I bought FIFA 15 a couple of days ago, mainly for manager mode and I want to get some feedback for the players I have, or who you think I should by.

    Team: Manchester United

    Form: 3-5-2/5-2-1-2

    Subs: Strootman, Wilson, Januzaj, Fellaini, Blackett, Herrera, Amos

    1 AnswerEnglish Football6 years ago
  • How to get mixed/afro hair to go down?

    I'm a mixed raced male (Jamaican/English) and my hair is curly, but is in a somewhat kinky afro, I want my hair to be like this, any ideas on how?

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Race Realism? What's the deal?

    Lately I've come into a topic about race covered by some white people who claim that there is a white genocide. They seem to like playing on skull shapes and brain sizes between race and how it supposedly corresponds with IQ levels between whites, blacks and asians as well as using the fact that blacks apparently have low IQ as a means of placing the blame of crime on them and them alone (they also conveniently throw in the idea of sterilizing those that have low IQ's as a means of being able to "progress" the human race forward).

    What I seem to notice most of all is that they hate being called "racists", however, in one person's video (Libertarian Realist) he seems to use a lot of racist overtones and avoids using classic racist terms in a carefully worded rhetoric of deep concern that seeks to push selfish and hate-filled ulterior motives. So what is to be made of these people exactly?

    1 AnswerSociology7 years ago
  • Guitars: Jackson KE2(USA) vs Gibson Les Paul Classic?

    At the end of this month, I'm ordering a new guitar. I've been a frequen Jackson fan in the 3/4 years since I started playing, but I cannot decide between this two.

    I'm planning on selling a couple of the Jacksons that I own if I get the KE2 because I have to import it. The Gibson is sought of easy for me to get, but I still can't decide. Which do you prefer of the two brands and why?

    2 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • What was life like in the 1960's (Prefer answers from those around in that era)?

    As the title suggests, what was life like bag then, I need to hear it from the people that experienced it mainly. I'm doing an assignment on Led Zeppelin 2 (1969) and I'm required to talk about the socio-economic culture that surrounded and influenced the bands sound.

    Detailed answers appreciated.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Music Criticism module, Led Zeppelin 2 and 4?

    I'm doing an album review for one of my Uni Modules on an album

    Which album do you like best out of those two (these are the two that I'm considering picking from), but my main question is, which of the two albums do you prefer and what is it that you specifically like about one that perhaps the other didn't have (I expect those who choose 4 will have more to say for obvious reasons).

    I need answers to be as fairly coherent as I need an idea as to which I think I can gain the best marks for writing about.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago