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  • What do my friend's actions mean?

    To boil this down shortly I once had a really good friend in college but he always "busy" with things. I wanted a close friendship but he never had time...there was always other things to do and other people to hang out with. Eventually I read this as he didn't have time for "me" specifically and I started distancing. Wasn't hard because I was always the one who texted first etc. when I left all the contact up to him we went from hanging out weekly to hanging out once a semester. So fast forward a couple years...

    After nearly two years post-graduation, (and his marriage whichI wasn't invited to but many others were) he messaged me a day or two before Easter...asking about my dog by name! (Weird) We exchanged some texts, and he asked about my life and my plans for law school, I answered and eventually, he quit responding after I answered one of his questions. No drama, he just never responded...Like he usually did.

    About a month later (roughly two weeks ago) I checked my emails one day, like I do everyday, and I see he has responded to an email I sent to him over two years ago. Just a paper I wrote I thought he would find interesting. In the email he said "thanks for sending this, I didn't see it at the time. Must have been busy. Hope you're doing well."

    What's going on? Why is he doing these odd things after two years of not speaking? Is he just checking on me, is something bothering him, or is this just some kind of gag? Should I respond?

    5 AnswersFriends3 years ago
  • What does my friend's actions mean?

    To boil this down shortly I once had a really good friend in college but he always "busy" with things. I wanted a close friendship but he never had time...there was always other things to do and other people to hang out with. Eventually I read this as he didn't have time for "me" specifically and I started distancing. Wasn't hard because I was always the one who texted first etc. when I left all the contact up to him we went from hanging out weekly to hanging out once a semester. So fast forward a couple years...

    After nearly two years post-graduation, (and his marriage whichI wasn't invited to but many others were) he messaged me a day or two before Easter...asking about my dog by name! (Weird) We exchanged some texts, and he asked about my life and my plans for law school, I answered and eventually, he quit responding after I answered one of his questions. No drama, he just never responded...Like he usually did.

    About a month later (roughly two weeks ago) I checked my emails one day, like I do everyday, and I see he has responded to an email I sent to him over two years ago. Just a paper I wrote I thought he would find interesting. In the email he said "thanks for sending this, I didn't see it at the time. Must have been busy. Hope you're doing well."

    What's going on? Why is he doing these odd things after two years of not speaking? Is he just checking on me, is something bothering him, or is this just some kind of gag? Should I respond?

    Mental Health3 years ago
  • Submitted; Not Selected Meaning?

    I just applied to two jobs on a website and when I checked the status directly after submitting my application it says "Submitted; Not Selected." Now its 5 AM here on a Sunday and I know no human being read my application in a minute and rejected me. Do you think it got auto-rejected or something? I did get an email saying someone would review my application, so would the "Submitted" part change to "Reviewed" or what?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Is this prank going too far for my office work party? I've already made them?

    Both the CEO and VP of Sales will be there, and will be my main targets. I want them to know the true meaning of suffering, since they overlooked me for promotion this quarter. They will remember my name now, and tremble with fear.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • Riddle me this liberals?

    How can California liberals vote for a candidate whose slogan was "Stronger Together" and then threaten to secede once that candidate lost and not be considered a giant f****** hypocrite that deserves to be laughed at and publicly shamed?

    5 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Alternative explanations for global warming?

    Liberals say global warming is caused by CO2 emissions getting trapped in the atmosphere making it like one big smoggy blanket or something. Now I believe everything in this world happens for a reason, and I don't think them liberals are telling the whole truth (they're sneaky like that) I think global warming is God's way of reminding us how much closer to Hell this world is getting everyday. Each time a baby gets aborted He just ups the thermostat a little bit more. If only them liberals would repent of their wicked ways and live a life of poverty like Jesus and walk everywhere they went like He did surely things would go back to the way which they was, as God intended! Now how you liberals like that mess! Tables been turned and scripts been flipped, we conservatives bout to teach this in school, don't need your common core!

    9 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology4 years ago
  • Is Hollywood helping or hurting race relations?

    Regardless of how you feel race relations in the country has been in the media spotlight for some time now and whether you like them or hate them the Black Lives Matter Movement is a part of national discourse that always captures attention. In my opinion the beginning was the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman incident in FL and has only gained steam since.

    Hollywood has no doubt jumped on the theme but my question is, are they helping or hurting? They spread a good message but does it take people's mind off reality? Does it make people complacent to see feel good fantasy? Are they only in it for the money?

    -12 Years a Slave

    -Django Unchained

    -The Help

    -The Butler


    -Roots miniseries remake

    -Free State of Jones

    -the new film coming out about Loving vs Virginia.

    All stories of good triumphing over racism, but are they helping or are they hurting, or are they just for the money?What's the reality?

    2 AnswersMovies4 years ago
  • What are my chances at getting into a top law school?

    I attended undergrad at the University of Virginia. I double majored in Government and History and minored in Russian Language and Literature. My cumulative GPA was 3.808. I relaxed over the summer and studied this fall for the LSAT. I took the LSAT in December but I have a feeling I bombed it. My timing under pressure was much worse than in practice tests--I had to guess on about 6 questions per section as I was running out of time. Assuming my accuracy is so-so on the ones I attempted I'm hoping for a mid 150s as a best case scenario. I typically suck at timed standardized tests getting into UVA with lower than average SAT scores (I did get an 800 on the US history SAT II my area of expertise). I am a white male but come from a rural Southern Virginia town of about 1,200 and I was a first generation college student. I feel like I can write a killer personal statement as my goal is to go into public law--not private sector. I want to help people, I'm not in this for the maximum amount of money. What are realistically my chances at getting into a top tier school? Of course I don't expect Harvard or Yale, but what about a Cornell, UVA, Duke, or even Boston? Thanks.

  • Why are the candidates wearing opposition colors?

    Hillary wore a bright red pantsuit while Trump wore a blue tie during their debate.

    Tonight Kaine is wearing a bright blue tie while Pence is wearing a bright red one.

    While unofficial red has become associated with the Republican Party while blue has become associated with the Democratic Party. I have no doubts these choices on televised events are purposeful. I think they are subconsciously priming leaning voters of the opposing party to vote for them by having the look of the other party while expecting their supporters to not pay attention. What do you think?

    5 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Do you like cage matches?

    When I was younger I use to think cage matches were special, and would be hyped seeing the cage hanging above the ring (typically for a heel who had a stable to finally get his come uppance). But now that I'm older, I find the cage actually limiting and would prefer some other type of special match like an Iron Man or No DQ.

    3 AnswersWrestling5 years ago
  • So now that Kevin Owens has the Universal Title how long will it be before the fans turn on him?

    I give it 2 months before start booing because he's being "pushed down our throats." Gotta stay hip and alternative

    11 AnswersWrestling5 years ago
  • Was this ginger or something else?

    My Chinese friend made a large pot of food for us. It seemed pretty simple, pieces of chicken, corn, maybe some potatoes thrown in and all boiled together. But the chicken and broth had a strong flavor that I wasn't a huge fan of. It was kind of herbal, almost licorice or cough syrup in scent and taste. I ate it because it wasn't terrible but all the other Chinese people ate it up. Was this ginger in there that gave this strong flavor?

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink5 years ago
  • The Rattlesnake vs. The Viper w/ Jake 'The Snake' Roberts as special guest referee would you pay to see it?

    We got Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Texas Rattlesnake vs. the Legend Killer, the Viper himself Randy Orton with the one n only Jake the Snake Roberts calling it straight down the middle. You name the venue, you name match stipulations. When it's over they all have a beer bash so big in the ring that Scott Hall would relapse just by thinking about it. How much would you pay to see it!

    3 AnswersWrestling5 years ago
  • Does Vince McMahon support Donald Trump?

    Do you think McMahon supports Donald Trump? His wife Linda ran as a Republican for Senate years ago and Donald has been on RAW multiple times in years past even doing the Hair vs Hair match at Wrestlemania.

    Trump should've made Vince his VP. The storylines could have been golden.

    2 AnswersWrestling5 years ago
  • Is Kevin Owens really a prizefighter +BQ?

    Don't get me wrong he's entertaining on the mic and good in the ring but he doesn't seem like a prizefighter. I mean maybe if he's competing at the Old Country Buffet or in the Golden Coral All-You-Can-Eat Classic. Even Jim Cornette said KO needed to lose a few pounds.

    BQ- Who would win in a Triple Threat China Wok Lunchtime Special match between Kevin Owens, "The Eater of Worlds" Bray Wyatt, and Nia Jax? Would you pay to see that?

    3 AnswersWrestling5 years ago
  • Why do wrestlers have to have a moniker?

    The Demon King Finn Balor

    The Showoff Dolph Ziggler

    The Game/Cerebral Assassin HHH

    The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels

    The Swiss Superman Cesaro

    The Rated R Superstar Edge

    The Viper Randy Orton

    The Celtic Warrior Sheamus

    The Architect Seth Rollins

    The Nature Boy Ric Flair

    The Bulgarian Brute Rusev

    The Beast Brock Lesnar

    The Enigma Jeff Hardy

    I understand it s to help "market" the gimmick but when Cole or whoever repeat it ad naseum it can be a bit too much. What top superstars can you think of that don t have a moniker? Maybe Bray Wyatt? Who else?

    5 AnswersWrestling5 years ago
  • Will this happen at Summerslam?

    So Cena and Rollins face off. Title vs. title winner takes all. Whoever wins has both the U.S. and WWE title. But then what if Sheamus cashes in his MITB contract. The MITB contract is technically just for the WWE title so then the title could be dis unified and someone new is in main event picture and the Midcard gets to keep a title. Thoughts?

    3 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • Why does the IWC totally mark out over these wrestlers?

    1.) Cesaro. I see Cesaro's name being thrown around like he's the greatest thing in WWE at the moment. Honestly I don't see anything to special about him and his current losing streak may be evidence that WWE doesn't either. Yeah he's a big guy, and wow he's strong but c'mon he isnt that great on the mic, no one cares he's from Switzerland, and his moves are weak.

    2.) Dolph Ziggler. People here just love Ziggler. But why is beyond me? He looks like Billy Gunn's bastard son and his character and moveset only reiterates that suspicion. Ziggler belongs in the midcard nothing more in my opinion.

    3.) The Miz. I remember when the Miz won his belt all the IWC marks went wild. They loved it. But honestly it the worst title run in years and probably the weakest Wrestlemania main event in history. I think the Miz's career is gonna be midcard status for a long it probably should be.

    4.) Damien Sandow. Now I like Sandow. He is a fairly good wrestler and is excellent on the mic. But his gimmick is holding him back. The brainy scholar heel is good for the undercard/midcard. He will never main event with that gimmick. Until that changes I dont expect much to come of his career

    7 AnswersWrestling7 years ago