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  • Quote? Just living is not enough. One needs sunshine, freedom and a little flower.?

    This one is killing me. I know it's a Hans Christian Anderson quote but from what story? Please please please does someone know?

    1 AnswerQuotations10 years ago
  • Need to lose weight quickly?

    I need to lose about 15 lbs in 2 months AND tone up a bunch. Going to my cousin's wedding as a divorcee and would like to look good. I can't go to the gym and as I am a single mom I don't have a lot of time to do things like go for a run or jog. Any work out that can be done at home with no equipment is appreciated.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • My dryer has a bad smell.....?

    My kid threw something into my dryer and now it smells really funky bad. I need to know how to clean it cause it makes all my clothes smell terrible. I really don't want to have to wash it out by hand cause really that's just a pain in the ****. Does anyone know of an easy way to go about this?

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • My 6 1/2 year old girl still wets the bed every night and I don't know what to do.?

    My daughter had some issues as a younger child with chronic constipation for a year which of course delayed her potty training. She has never had dry nights and when she started Kindergarten at 5 we put her back in night pull ups because it was too hard to get her up in the morning and bathed before school. She would urinate enough to soak her clothes, pillow, blankets and hair. I have made an appointment with the Dr to see what can be done about this. To make it harder, my husband and I separated almost a year ago and it's hard to get him on the same page as me for dealing with issues with the kids. Has anyone else had a late bed-wetter? What was done about it? Was there any non-drug treatments that worked?

    15 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • My 2y/o doesn't want to wear diapers....?

    For the last few days every time I try to change her diaper she goes crazy. Screaming, crying, kicking, trying to rip off her diaper and clothes. Finally I understood that she no longer wants to wear diapers. I thought great she wants to use the potty. But aparently not. If I try to get her near it she freaks. I asked if she wanted to use it and got a no. Asked if she wanted to put on diapers, no. Told her that if she doesn't want to use the potty she needs diapers. 30 minute freak out ensued.

    My older child starts Kindergarten next week. I can't be fighting with her every morning about this. It took me 40 min to force her into, then keep her in pj's and a diaper for bed last night. Anyone have any ideas?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • are there any message boards where i can post something annonymously?

    I have this need to have a verbal purge and I can't talk to anyone in my life right now. I need to get it out and maybe get some positive feedback. Really need to do this.


    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Message Boards1 decade ago
  • Need help putting my car seat back together....?

    I have an Eddie Bauer car seat I bought in Jan 05. My dad took it apart to clean it and he put it back together totally wrong. He keeps insisting the strap loops in front and was pulled over my daughters head. As much as I'm thank full he cleaned it now we can't find the instruction manual. I can't use it until we get it back together. I can't find it online cause it is an older seat. Does anyone know where I could find instructions or have any they could tell me?

    The car seat was manufactured Aug 25, 2004, it is black and blue with no arm rests. It is a 3-in-1 convertible. Please help I really can't afford another car seat.

    3 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • I've had a severe loss of appetite and I don't know what to do?

    For almost a week I have been suffering from insomnia and it has caused a lack of appetite. i have been eating next to nothing. I try to eat but find that food can turn my stomach. If I do eat its in very small amounts. Maybe a granola bar and some water. Today that's all I've been able to eat. I know I'm not pregnant but I can't figure out what could be causing this. I would really like to eat again, I like food. If anyone has any ideas let me know.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • My 5 year old needs a crown, what can I expect for the procedure?

    My daughter needs a crown on one of her back molars. She will most likely be getting a stainless steel one. My concern is more for what exactly is done during the procedure. I have a fear of dentists, particularly the needle in the mouth part. I don't want to put that on my child. I would like to know what is going to happen. Will she get a needle? How do they get the crown on? Will she be able to eat after? ( the appointment is for 11 am, she's going to want lunch) She see's a paediatric dentist so I know they'll be sensitive to her fears. But what about mine?

    And yes I know that this is my fault for not taking flawless care of her teeth. I don't need anyone telling me what a terrible parent I am for letting this happen.

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • My toddler is suddenly terrified of baths and showers, what do I do?

    My daughter is almost 2yrs old and is now terrified of having a bath or shower. She was fine for the most part, except for washing the hair of course. I was always careful rinsing her hair as getting water in her eyes made it so much more of an ordeal.

    Now bath time is horrible. She is fine when the water is being run and will even take off her own clothes, then she`ll run away when I try to put her in. She screams and cries the whole bath. Even when she`s just standing in it. She won`t sit down anymore. For a while I could get her in it if I put bubbles in, but now even that is not enough. I have to wash her, but every night is now screaming and crying for 10 minutes while I wash her as fast as I can. Has anyone else had this problem, and how did you get past it.

    She also screams for teeth and hair brushing. I hold her down for the teeth, because it`s so important. So the beginning and end of our days are stress-full for both of us. My older daughter never even had a problem, loves anything to do with grooming.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What can I do about my 5 year old daughter?

    My daughter will be 5yrs in 3 months and in the last few months has taking to storming off to her room and slamming her door whenever she doesn't like the answer for something she wants to do. I would love to tell her that I'll take her door off if she doesn't stop, but she shares the room with her younger sister and the door needs to be shut when she goes to bed.

    She gets really angry when she wants to do something and I have to say no. I'm not one to back down, once I say no I mean it. But even for little things like if she wants to bake a cake but I'm in the middle of making dinner. She will say things like "I want to do everything I want to do." I've told her nobody gets to do everything they want to do, but of course that means nothing to her.

    Every day unfortunatly we have to stay in our small apartment in the afternoons because her sister still has an afternoon nap. I play games, bake and try to spend quality time with my older one but some days I just can't. I have too much to do or, unfortunataly I get a migraine and have no energy. I know part of it is boredom, but we live on the 4th floor and there isn't even anywhere to play around our building anyhow. If I pack up the 2 year old in her stroller she wakes up before her nap is done and then is horrible all day.

    She is either at pre-school or we go to a family playgroup in the mornings, so at least we are out of the house for part of the day.

    Help!! I'm worried that if she's this moody at 4 what will she be like when she's a teenager?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How to stop the cat(s) from peeing in our house.?

    Recently our cat or cat's, not sure which one, has started peeing in our home. We have owned them since they were kittens and they have been indoor cats in the 8 years we have had them.

    They seem to prefer to urinate in our daughters' closet, the front hall closet and in the laundry room. Their food dishes are in the laundry room so I'm surprised they would do it there. The litter box is kept clean and when they/he/she does urinate in the house it is sporadic. There will suddenly be a smell coming from one of the places they like and so we will clean it and this might happen every couple of days or so for a week or two. Then nothing for a few months.

    We have used a peroxide and baking soda mixture to clean it as well as Pro solve. We tried Natures Miracle and that didn't get rid of the smell. We use a black light to locate the area and thoroughly saturate the area.

    I hope you can help us. We live in a 4th floor apartment so the cat's can't go outside

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Have a strange potty training problem.....?

    My daughter is getting ready to potty train. We pulled out her big sister's old potty and have encouraged her to sit on it whenever she feels like it. She loves to sit on it when her sister or I is using the toilet. Even wipes herself with paper. She will take dolls and hold them over the potty and tell me the dolly is going potty. She will be 2 in July and I don't want to push her too hard. We had control issues with her sister.

    If she is diaper-less running around the house and she pees or poops on the floor she becomes hysterical until the mess is cleaned up. This in conjunction with the willingness to sit on the pot make me think maybe she was ready.

    The other day she started to dribble and so I scooped her up and said lets pee on the potty now. She FREAKED when I tried to sit her on the pot. Screaming, flailing, crying, snot running everywhere. As soon as I sat her down and let go, I did try to keep her there for 10 seconds or so, she jumped up and ran away. No pee by the way. I diapered her and she peed almost immediately.

    Has anyone else had a similar problem? If so how did you overcome it? Anyone have any advice? We use cloth at home & I change her as soon as she is wet.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What are some good exercises I can do at home?

    I need a good exercise DVD or plan I can do at home. I live in a small apartment on the 4th floor so I can't do allot of noisy jumping. I have 2 kids 4 and 20 mos, and no babysitting available so I need it to be something I can do at home. I desperately need to loose the weight from my pregnancies and just don't know where to start. I also don't want to put out allot of money, no room for any exercise equipment that takes up allot of room.

    I really need to lose this weight for my own self esteem. I have put on about 30 lbs since having kids. Not from being pregnant, I packed it on after having babies. I really want to get healthier.

    11 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Theists, how much does it really bother you...?

    How much does it bother you if not everyone believes as you? I mean, does my being an atheist bother you allot? Or do you not care as you have no idea who I am?

    If I told you that I live a good and moral life, have only been intimate with my husband, stay home to take care of my kids, teach them respect and morals, don't drink, steal, do drugs or even taste test grapes at the grocery store, would it still get your goat that I'm an atheist?

    Just curious because it seems that on here it's just a pissing contest between believers and non-believers. The whole we're right, your wrong from both sides.

    For the record, I don't care what a persons religious beliefs are, as long as it makes them happy and they are not forced in any way into it. If you are happy then so be it.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How low is low blood pressure?

    I was just sitting around and this popped into my head. I have fairly low blood pressure. Normal is 120/80, mine tops at 90/60 which I understand is still normal, just low normal. I do get light headed and dizzy if I stand-up quickly or if I wait too long to eat. Pregnant it goes to 48/100.

    Is there anything that could cause my blood pressure to get really low and cause problems?

    I hope someone who actually knows the answer will tell me. No I'm not looking for medical advice. Yes I know I'm not dying from this. Just curious. If I was worried I would go to my own Dr. so no lectures please.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • What is the evangelical religion?

    I am not religious but when I think evangelical all that comes to mind is the old Ernest Angley (sp?) show from the 70's. It looks like a bunch of people getting all crazy and stuff. Do you really believe that the minister can heal with his hands? ( with God's help of course) I'm not trying to insult, just curious. My grandparents are Catholic and I don't understand all of their religion either.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For the theists out there, how can you say there is no evoloution when?

    as a race you can see we have evolved in the last 50 years. How you may ask? Just look at the average height of North Americans, without needing any kind of backing we can see that as a population we are getting taller. What about the need to remove an appendix? Not everyone has to have theirs removed. I have only 1 wisdom tooth which is still in my gums (i'm 32) and I have an aunt who never had any. These are just small bits of evidence that evolution exists.

    I am not saying you are wrong and there is no God. Sure God and evolution can co-exist. If you feel it's ok to ask me how I don't believe in God I guess turn-around is fair-play.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many Americans actually believe the stuff puked up on Red Eye?

    I'm not horribly outraged by the idiotic remarks made about my Country on Red Eye a few days ago. I figure that it comes on at 3am and can't be a reliable news source.

    What I'd like to know is how many of you believe the statements made by the "reporters"? How much do you know about Canada?

    I'd also like to clarify that the red Serge uniform used by our RCMP is only used for ceremonies and publicized events. The rest of the time they wear blue or black uniforms just like american cops.

    I'd also like to know how many of you are embarrassed by this show. I saw it as publicly confirming the negative stereotype we Canadians have of the US. And yes I once was asked if I needed to buy a whole new wardrobe to go on a trip to Disneyland. Just to let you know, blizzards don't start at the 49th parallel. In fact I live just above WA state and our weather is pretty much the same. Mild and rainy most of the year. We do get snow in January and/or February.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I need help, room design for a small room with 2 kids?

    My girls (4 yrs and 18 mos.) share a room and it's getting really cramped. it's a 12 x 10 room with a window taking up one 10ft wall and the door and walk in closet taking up the other. To make things worse, when we want to move we have to put them in a smaller 9x8 room with the same layout. Window at one end and closet on the other.

    I thought of bunk beds but then it will block the window and make the room dark. Right now my youngest loves her crib and I don't want to take her out of it too soon.

    Does anyone know of some good websites where I could maybe do some floor plans? Or even a computer program?

    What about some themes? My oldest loves pink, my youngest seems to have no colour preference.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago