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  • I have never seen a woman topless?

    or nude.

    Why would that be a problem?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • In this short news clip from today?

    Why are those air-hostesses staring at her vagina? Why not turn your head away - women shouldn't see other women below and embarrassed.

    Is there something mentally wrong with them?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • What's wrong with a non-consummated?

    marriage if that's what the two people want? After 8 years, isn't that a kind of success?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Me and my partner are probably?

    going to get married before Christmas.

    No sex and that's the way we both like it. Nor do we want to 'experiment' because that's what we are 'supposed' to do. Known one another for 8 years and

    shared the same accommodation, so we know one another well.

    Problem is the grandparents both very humble, about grandchildren. That will never happen. Abstention is a wonderful contraceptive.

    How to explain to them - or no explanation necessary?

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • I have never seen a woman?

    naked - and don't want to. Never shared stories about periods - that is sick.

    I despise feminism

    Anything wrong?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Excuse my naivete?

    but what the hell has childbirth got to do with women (apart from the person involved

    None of their business.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • Is it wrong that I prefer not to discuss?

    my notions of having a baby or marriage or remaining single or, certainly health issues, or whatever, that I would never discuss these things with a woman.

    Is that OK?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • My friend has asked me to her garden?

    for a spot of sunbathing over the weekend if the weather holds out.

    I am inclined to say no in case she goes topless.

    If I thought she was going to be covered up, or if she would demonstrate such bravado and exhibitionism in front of a man, I would be inclined to say OK. Sorry,

    my friend, they are only for your partner.

    Would I accept her partner in the garden, swinging his penis? No. So why think it's OK to see her breasts? Because we are both female? Isn't that precisely the reason to stay covered up - we are not lesbians?

    My brother doesn't show his bits to Harry next door just because he's a man.

    Am I wrong?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • I have never seen another woman?

    topless or nude and wouldn't want to. I asked my friends about it, and neither have they - not that we want to.

    None of us go to health spas or gyms or communal showers.

    Most of us are in our 30s.

    What's wrong with not wanting to parade yourself in front of another woman/women?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • If you are not willing?

    to be felt 'below' by a midwife/nurse after conception - which I am not - isn't it best just to avoid the whole thing? Intimacy, relationships?

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • I would never want a midwife?

    to probe me so I have always refused intercourse.

    I don't regret it all.

    Where are the male midwives?

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Is there a way?

    for a woman to give birth without another woman involved?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I have never seen?

    a woman nude. I don't want to. Do most women see others naked??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • When you see these jobs advertised?

    such as £18,000 per year plus bens (eg on-site gym) does that mean you would be expected to shower with people you work with?

    So if I joined, I would shower with the woman who sits opposite me, or Harry, my boss (depends on company policy, I suppose), or the new PA?

    Why would anyone want to do that?

    Does anyone actually do that? Do most people do it? I can't imagine any of my work colleagues in my present role - and this company employs hundreds - ever be prepared to do it. I certainly wouldn't.

    Am I alone in this?


    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • If the KKK is in Missouri?

    can I ask what positive contribution can they make to political life?

    7 AnswersGovernment6 years ago
  • If you were a pregnant midwife?

    would you have your baby in the delivery suite in which you normally worked?

    Wouldn't you mind your work colleagues seeing you 'below'? In pain (if it were a vaginal birth) you may not care, but in the weeks and months that followed, wouldn't you think 'she, or he, knows what I look like downstairs'.

    Wouldn't that be tremendously embarrassing? Why not just go to another hospital?

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • People sometimes say 'we are trying for a baby'?

    Why dress it up in flowery language when they mean 'we are copulating for a baby'? That sounds more accurate. More to the point, why TELL anyone? I understand that if you tell anyone your plans you might tell a friend, but WHY tell a friend? WHY this compulsion to lift the curtain on your bedroom antics - does the father-to-be know you are advertising them?! - imposing uninvited sexual imagery on the listener? What can either person gain from broadcasting this information/hearing it?

    I would never tell anyone such personal information and if anyone told me 'we are trying for a baby', I would reply that I don't want to know, thank you!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive7 years ago
  • After the police bring news?

    to your home of a tragic accident they seem to insist that you are not left alone. 'You should be with someone. A friend? Relative?' Who says you should be with someone?

    This only adds pressure to the weight of sorrow that you have just been asked to bear. What if there is no one and even if there were, you would never express your feelings to that person anyway, even if you allowed that person into your home?

    Do the police respect the fact that you wish to remain alone and eventually go away unsatisfied, or would they then impose an liaison officer to babysit you? Surely, you must be able to reject all of these proposals and, if necessary, seek legal advice against such intrusion? I am sure it is well-meant, but they must respect your preference to be alone come hell or high-water?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • If you don't want a relationship?

    or baby because you don't wish to be examined *below*, isn't that my choice and right?

    Of course, I will never do it.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • In some hospitals do they teach how a baby?

    is to 'latch on'. Is this done on a one-to-one basis or in a group, and does the person who demonstrates the technique to you see or handle your own breasts? And I suppose that person is a woman....yawn.

    I keep on getting reminded that this is my body and I certainly wouldn't permit a woman seeing or touching me.

    I suppose the only alternative is to bottle-feed.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago