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  • My Japanese girlfriend is very excited to see me in Los Angeles, can this delay her period?

    I am an American living in Los Angeles and my girlfriend is Japanese living in Japan.

    My girlfriend consistently gets her period every 28 days, very rarely does she get it after 29 days but definitely possible. It is now day 30 and she has not had her period yet. She said usually she will have a stomachache or can feel some feelings around her vagina area a day or two before she has her period but she has not any feeling at all, she said absolutely no feelings. I know she is very excited to come to Los Angeles to come see me because we are totally in love and this is her first time coming to Los Angeles, I usually go to Japan about 4 or 5 times a a year to see her and stay with her family for a month or so but this is the first time in her life that she is really excited to travel and see my hometown for a change and to experience all the American culture and stuff.

    Now can this delay her period? She said that she likes to take a bath before having her period and that usually makes her period come the next morning. But for the first time, this didn't work for her. I really don't want to see her on her period because it'll be the third time in a row that I have seen her on her period but is she does have her period coming to Los Angeles then we can't have "fun" and we both EQUALLY want to have "fun" together.

    Please help me understand this because I have no idea how the period works... I am not a girl. Thank you.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health2 years ago
  • How to like a girl I don’t like yet? She’s not attractive to of right can I find myself liking her?

    Before reading, please do not say anything negative like, “if you don’t like her then you will never like her so move on!”

    That isn’t helping me nor is it answering my questions. I want POSITIVE feedback. Thanks.

    So I’m talking to this girl name Ilse and she is really cool to text. She’s 24 and I am 27. I met her on Clover and we have a date on December 2nd to meet up and see how it goes. We both want a relationship and think we both may be compatible with each other. I met her a few weeks ago online and have been texting each other every day since. But the thing is I don’t really find her attractive or at least not yet. She may be a little bit chubby which I don’t like but I can’t tell from the pictures she sent me but she does seem chubby. I’m not necessarily in shape myself but it’s just my preference that I don’t like chubby girls but like I said she seems really cool and I really want a relationship. She’s going to be my very first relationship if everything goes good. So ultimately my question is how can I find myself liking her for who she is and how can I look past the chubbyness?

    Also, if you guys tell me your preference of your ideal guy or girl for you. Do you like chubby and why is that your answer? Or do you go strictly off of personality and disregard looks or both? Thanks for taking the time in answering my question positively.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Need help with Japanese...this has got me so confused.?


    The above says (amyuretto)

    How does "retto" make a little ツ ?

    I thought ツ meant "tsu" in katakana but "retto" doesn't sound anything like "tsu" so I am confused. How would I even type a small "tsu" on my iPhone keyboard?

    Thanks for the help.

    1 AnswerLanguages4 years ago
  • What does it mean if you're talking to a girl on the phone but continues to talk to someone else next to her?

    I'm not really used to talking to girls over the phone but there's this one girl where I talked to for 5 entire hours last night with no interruptions.

    Then the next day, today, she calls me at work and said she misses my voice and that she's bored at work and that she just wants to talk. But soon after she is having a full on conversation with her co worker.

    Later on, she gets off of work, and she calls me at home and she says the same thing that she misses my voice and she wants to talk but now she's talking to her sister.

    Like what does this mean? She apologized and she says she feels really bad. I'm walking around outside because I don't want my family members to listen in on my conversation, so I go outside to go walk and I'm just kicking dirt around and having my head down and just feeling dumb and stupid.

    I met this girl online and we have been texting each other for about a week now and we are getting along really well. We haven't met each other yet but plan on to. I'm just really confused. Did she call me to talk to me or to just waste my time?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Chinese or Japanese translation picture enclosed?

    I have some hydrographic printing film and there is some type of Chinese or Japanese writing on it and I am trying to figure out what it is saying.

    2 AnswersLanguages4 years ago
  • iPhone 7 Plus question -- Can YouTube play 2160p?

    If anyone has the iPhone 7 plus, and if you have the YouTube app, if you go to a 4K video, and click on the gear icon to change the resolution, does it go to 2160p? If so, send me a screenshot. Upload it to imgur or something. I want to prove to my friend something. Thank you.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans4 years ago
  • I want to see if anyone can understand me when I try to explain outer space and reality...?

    There is this thought I had since I was a kid and had a hard time explaining it. Maybe someone can put it into perspective and get the feeling I get when I think about this.

    Here goes. We are all living on this giant ball (Earth) in outer the middle of a HUGE black space...and that's it...there is literally nothing else. If you take away earth, what's there? (Let's not get into other life in outer space, let's just focus on us and this planet).

    There was a point in time where earth didn't exist...there was absolutely nothing. And there will be a time where earth will cease to exist...and everything that we did on earth, will be for nothing. This is our reality...reality is just a huge open black space that has nothing in it...that will have no meaning and no one will ever know that we lived and did all these amazing things.

    If you sit there long enough, it should hit you all of a hits me every time when I think about it...just thinking of the fact that reality is literally a huge empty black space...

    What if we humans didn't live on a ball in the middle of no where...what if there was an infinite amount of space where humans live, there wouldn't be any question about what's past that, or what is up there and the higher you go? The answer literally would be just more land, and just more sky.

    But reality is pretty much nothing. Just an empty black space...

    I think I did a good job explaining this thought. Please tell me what you think. Thanks.

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space5 years ago
  • What is this word?? I can't think of it but I know the definition.?

    What is that word where someone is purposely trying to be nice to you because you're mad at them or just makes you feel stupid because they know you're mad at them but they are trying to be nice...I dunno that's the best I can explain. Thanks.

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • Hiragana words.?

    Hello. I am self-teaching myself Japanese and I have been learning Hiragana and feel like I have a good grasp on it. Once I feel comfortable I'll continue to learn Katakana then Kanji. But for now, I am wondering if you guys can write some words that is spelled in Hiragana only so I can see if I can read Hiragana words. Please do not write it's English name as I can check each Hiragana character. Please write as much as you can using all of the Hiragana characters such as gya, kyo, ryu and stuff.

    Sentences would be nice as well. As much as you guys can. Thank you very much.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • what is that song called that came out around 2005 about 3 little girls who got abused and ran away from home?

    its a rap like song of these 3 different stories of these 3 little girls who go abused and ran away from home.

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop5 years ago
  • What kind of anime genre would this fall under?

    I am such a huge anime fan. But there is one type of genre I like the most but I don't know how to explain it but I'll try my best.

    A few anime series I like are Soul Eater and Sword Art Online. Maybe because it's held in a different world is probably the best way I can explain this. It's fantasy and magic kinda.

    Here is where it gets weird. I don't like anime that has to do with real life stuff. Like police officers and guns even though Angel Beats is literally my favorite anime but it has guns but somehow it's different and I don't know why. I also like Deadman Wonderland even though it has a prison which is like real life stuff but it is also magic like because he can use his blood as a weapon.

    Any "magic" anime can be magic but at the same time it can also be real life stuff. Like DeathNote. It has police officers and real life stuff but at the same time it isn't because he has a book that he can control the people around him.

    I just can't figure out how to describe the type of anime that I like. I like to imagine myself in a different world like Soul Eater or as pathetic as this is, Pokemon. Even though Pokemon has Officer Jenny who is a police officer. Lol I just can't distinguish the difference. I want to find more anime series to watch but I don't want it to relate to real life. I hope this explains what I trying to get at. Thank you for the answers.

    4 AnswersComics & Animation5 years ago
  • How to say "don't breathe" in Japanese.?

    I am studying Japanese and the way I am learning that phrase is spelled in Japanese pronunciation is "iksh nai kodo" I am confused because the first word sounds German or something. Thanks.

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • How do you feel if you saw a picture of yourself sleeping?

    For me, I wouldn't want to ever see a picture of myself sleeping. Reason being, is because I am looking at myself completely vulnerable to any thing that can happen in the result of me dying. For example: since I am a heavy sleeper, this makes it even more scarier, a burglar coming into your house late a night and goes straight to your room and pulls the trigger on your head. Seeing yourself sleeping in a photo, so vulnerable, no...I refuse to see myself sleeping.

    How do you guys feel about this?

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • How long does it take to put a dog to sleep?

    So my family came to a dicision to put my Weimaraner dog to sleep. He is 15 and a few months old. Weimaraners usuallu lives no longer than 12 but has had 3 extra years of pure happiness from his beloved family.

    We received this puppy when I was 11 years old as a Christmas present from my mom. So he had been my puppy for 15 long years and I just cannot stop crying. I love him so much but I know it's best for him.

    We decided to put him to sleep simply because of the fact that he cannot stand anymore and he is so big that he just callapses to the floor every few inches he walks. It really is sad. So we are having a vet come to our house as soon as I am off of work.

    So my questions are how long does it take to put him to sleep? And how can I not mope around? He really is my best friend and I'll always love him with all my heart. Thank you for all the answers.

    5 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • What to do at the gym to lose weight? More details below.?

    I am currently 25 years old and I weigh about 245-250 pounds and I am about 5'10 1/2. I have a gym membership at my local 24 hour fitness, and I am wondering what I should do to lose weight?

    Now I know if you do the same stuff over and over, your body gets used to it thus eventually you'll stop losing weight.

    I also know that if you work out too much, you can hurt yourself which is why you should rest for one day, go to the gym the next day, rest the next, so on, so forth. I'm not even sure if this is even correct...

    So what is the best way to lose weight by yourself? What should I do at the gym? I usually go and do the elliptical for a mile, then walk a mile then I am done.

    One thing that really bothers me, is my gut. I have a huge gut. My entire body is in good shape, except for my gut. My gut isn't that flabby fat gut. It's that hard gut that bulges out but doesn't really droop down like fat. When I eat, it looks like I am 9 months pregnant, like it gets hard and it bulges. I dunno what kind of fat that is but yeah...I can also suck in and make it look like I don't have a gut. I want to no longer continue to suck in...been doing it for years. I want to just relax my stomach...but when I am not sucking in, it's really embarrassing because it just bulges out like I am pregnant. I want it gone...(anyone knows what kind of fat that is?)

    So there lies my question. How can I get rid of it....thank you very much for taking the time to answer my fat question.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Can a parent give 17 year old daughter consent for sex?

    I know this will never ever happen...but I am 25, and I have this friend who is 17. We have been friends for about a month now...and I had already met her father. I think her father seems to like me...and see that I am a good person and that I don't want only one thing from his daughter.

    Anyways, would it be legal to have sex with her if her dad gives consent? I live in going off of California laws will probably be best.

    I have no sexual intentions whatsoever but I am just asking this question as a general question...and I have been wondering about this. Thanks for the answers.

    7 AnswersParenting6 years ago
  • Im 24...she's 17...I need help...?

    in seriously falling in love with this girl...she is amazing in every aspect and is just the sweeting girl on earth.

    I have a few concerns...I live in it wrong to have sex with her? I mean...I don't see the issue here...16....yes I can see that being an issue...but they say its endangering her life if I have sex with am I endangering her by have sex with her...

    Also...I want to know what are the local laws are about this...we have talked about sex and we want to do it...but I'm afraid of doing it because of lawsuit becoming involved.

    Our love is real. We both love each other so very much...I don't understand...why put someone in jail for having sex with a 17 year old if we both love each other very very much.

    I always tell her I want to make her happy more than anything else. I am not the abusive type or sex isn't the first thing that pops into my head when I talk to her or think about her...all I want is for her to be happy and that's it...what is so damn wrong with that????

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I'm 24...she's it illegal to kiss her in public?

    Okay here's the deal. I'm 24...will be 25 in February and she just turned 17 a few days ago. There is this girl...that I really really like. She also likes me a lot. She even says she loves me. And I kinda do too. I know I have to wait until she is 18 to have any kind of sex with her...but is it illegal to kiss her?

    I know the age difference is huge but I knew several elderly couples who was 10+ years apart and was always happy with their relationship so I don't think 8 years is a huge deal.

    This girl is just so amazing. She is very mature...she knows what she wants in life...we both share literally a lot of stuff in common like anime, Kingdom Hearts, Disney, a few TV shows, numerous times have been thinking about the same exact thing at the same exact time...I'm constantly thinking about her and I know she is always thinking about me too.

    I just want to know what kind of stuff we can do together to the point where I won't get charged as statutory rape...she says she wants to have sex with me and that age doesn't really matter...I kinda just change the subject when she brings up anything about sex...she notices this too and says that sex is a form of showing how much we both love each other. I honestly don't know what to do. I have never liked a girl who was 17 before and I just don't know what to think. Any form of help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Awesome anime with cliffhangers?

    I'm looking for some awesome anime that isn't well known to watch with my girlfriend that has cliffhangers. Not a long series anime like One Piece or Naruto...but a short series like Soul Eater.

    The animes I have seen so far are:

    Fullmetal Alchemist

    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    Soul Eater

    Angel Beats


    Fruits Basket

    Also looking for fantasy stuff. Nothing real life like...kinda hard to explain what "real life like" is haha...I am talking about unique storyline and action...Soul Eater was excellent because of the ability to transform into a weapon...Angel Beats because of the afterlife...Fullmetal because of the ability to use alchemy...WataMote...I'd consider as real life like type of anime since anyone can relate to that as in high school and stuff there really isn't any unique storyline and action.

    Anyways...thanks for helping me out. I appreciate it.

    7 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago
  • A small part of my gum in my mouth is red. Hurts to brush but doesn't bleed?

    Hey guys. I am wondering what this is. On my front teeth, I have this red spot on my gum, very small, that doesn't hurt whatsoever. It only hurts when I brush that part and is very sensitive to the touch. It doesn't bleed just very sore when touching it with anything. I know I have really bad teeth.

    The dentist said that it isn't anything and that I just need to brush my teeth carfully and use mouth wash and it should go away. Well, it isn't going away at all. Still there. Still hurts. Still doesn't bleed. I don't know what this is and it's freaking me out.

    I tend to be a worry freak about the slightest thing and this may be nothing, but then again, it could be something serious and that's what scares me if it is something serious.

    Normally, it doesn't hurt. Not even one bit. The pain doesn't linger after I brush my teeth just hurts during the brushing in that certain spot. The Listerine doesn't make it hurt either.

    And the pain feels weird. It isn't any normal pain. It feels like the toothbrush is going inside my gums and feels just weird is the best way I can describe it.

    Anyways, I didn't mean for this to go on for an entire story book. I'm just worried as to what this might be. Thank you very much.

    3 AnswersDental6 years ago