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  • Is Dividend Trading As Easy As It Looks?

    Having looked at a couple graphs of companies when they pay their dividends, I notice that the stock price rises and falls but not particularly quickly. I would have thought that maybe it is very difficult to buy and sell quickly enough but in fact the rise and fall of the stock price happens over a number of days giving an investor what looks like plenty of time to pull out.

    But despite this I doubt it can be that easy? Like you can't be telling me that I can simply buy shares of a company 5 days before the dividend payment, receive say 3% dividend + 3% increase in share price then pull out? What's the catch?

    Side Question: When do most companies pay their dividends? Do each of them have their own random dates or is there some specific dates that most companies pay on?

    Personal Finance14 hours ago
  • Why do some UK universities have more international students than others?

    Why is it that for example Sheffield seems to have few international students but LSE has about 70% international students?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 day ago
  • What happens to released prisoners in the US?

    I live in the UK and I know when prisoners are released in the UK, although it is very difficult for them to find a job with their criminal record, I imagine they still manage to find a place to live due to the benefits system in the UK. 

    However I just clocked that in the US there's no such thing as benefits. So do all released prisoners end up homeless or what?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 days ago
  • How can I sign into Windows without entering a password?

    When I set up windows I created a 4 digit passcode. Then I set up Microsoft Teams with my university login and without thinking I checked the box to "allow my organization to make changes on my device". Then another time when I came to sign in I found my computer saying that my organization requires me to have a 6 digit passcode. Now I have a 6 digit passcode but I want be able to sign in without any authentication. 

    I tried unchecking "users must enter username and password" in netplwiz but that didn't work either

  • How do domain name brokers find domain owners?

    I've been trying to find the owner of a domain name I want but I can't find their information anywhere. They don't have their information on whois, apart from the fact that they are somewhere in Lebanon. The only option I can seem to find is using domain name brokers but I am confused as to how the domain name broker is going to be able to find the domain name owner? Like do they have some secret alien agents or something or how exactly do they find the owner?

    Other - Internet2 weeks ago
  • Day Trading?

    I have been thinking about day trading but I just want to know what the limitations of it are as I'm new to investing. Like what stops people from making say 0.2% gain per day? As it is very likely that A stock will fluctuate such small amounts.

    Personal Finance2 weeks ago
  • How to get Ctrl-F to highlight all instances of a string on Google Chrome?

    I find that when using Google Chrome to open a pdf, if I Ctrl-F for a string, it only highlights one instance at a time and you need to press the arrow key to go to the next word. I find this quite annoying as I often want to see all the instances highlighted. Is there a way to change this so that all instances are highlighted?

    3 AnswersGoogle3 weeks ago
  • Headphones only connect to one source on laptop?

    my bluetooth headphones cannot connect to multiple sources. While im in a discord call, I can only hear the discord call but not a youtube video at the same time. My wired headphones used to allow for this. Is this normal? How can I change it?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment3 weeks ago
  • Why is computer processor related stock price falling?

    I've noticed that I think maybe just in the past month or so, the stock price of AMD, NVIDIA, TSMC and intel are all falling. Is there a particular reason for this? 

    3 AnswersDesktops1 month ago
  • Attachment image

    Etoro grey trade button?

    I'm not sure why the button is grey. I want to trade TSMC and Etoro seems to have it but it won't let me trade. What is the reason that it is grey? I want to know so that I can know whether it is a minor temporary thing or if I should go to a different broker

    1 AnswerInvesting1 month ago
  • I need a cheap skateboard deck, preferably £20 or under with a graphic?

    It would need to be a proper deck too, not one of those fake ones for kids. Preferably not used as well. I've found some just under £25 but idk if I can get down to £20

    Other - Sports2 months ago
  • General Investment Account?

    So I'm thinking of opening a General Investment Account but I just want to make sure that I won't be taxed. I'll only be investing around £3500, so essentially it will be the same as if I had invested in an ISA right?

    4 AnswersInvesting2 months ago
  • How fast can your internet actually get?

    Even if you have 1GB/s internet speed, will you still have to wait for the other end right? Like if you do a Google search then you need to wait for the webserver. So you can only really get the speed down to a certain limit but I'm just wondering if maybe servers that handle lots of people are usually incredibly fast to the point that the time you wait is negligible. Like say I had 1PB/s internet speed, how long would I expect to wait for say a google search after I press enter? And how long would I have to wait for a webpage to show after I press it?

    1 AnswerGoogle2 months ago
  • How bad is it to skip a night of sleep?

    So basically recently I have become very busy. Or more particularly, busy + procrastination (as is evident ^) = very busy...

    Anyway in order to resolve this problem, I skipped a night of sleep and I found this was very helpful in reducing my workload and now I'm thinking maybe I can do this from time to time. I just want to know what the effects of this might be?

    2 AnswersMental Health2 months ago
  • I'm gaining weight but not visibly?

    Recently I gained like 5kg going from like 59kg to 64kg. I'm a 19 year old male. I've noticed this gain in weight but I don't see any gain on my body at all. Could I be gaining internal fat?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness2 months ago
  • What online broker should I use to invest?

    I asked this question recently and was recommended Trading212. I have requested to open an account with them but they are taking some time so I want to see some other options. Note I have tried Interactive Brokers as I heard that they have the stock I want but I think I found that they require you open your account with a minimum of £20,000 or something I think.

    My requirements:

    The broker must allow me to open an account from the UK

    The broker must have Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSM) stock(And correct me if I'm wrong but I

    1 AnswerInvesting2 months ago
  • Bluetooth headphones only connect to once source at a time on laptop?

    I recently got some bluetooth headphones and when I connect them to my laptop, I can only hear one source of sound at a time. e.g. If I am on a zoom call then I open youtube and for some reason want to be able to hear both at the same time, I am not able to. I can only hear one of the two sources.

    Is this normal or do I need to change a setting or something?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks2 months ago