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  • Why did God allow the Muslims to take Constantinople?

    It was definitely in a state of weakness, it was difficult to conquer the city even then,,,,yet with bad omens, and some terrified Christians joining the Ottoman conquest, Constantine's city fell, and it's been occupied ever since. There was an opportunity to retake the city in the Greek-Turkish war of 1919-22, but Western allies who betrayed the Greeks helped the Turks retain the city. Why has this tragic loss happened and continued to present day?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why are Christians so reviled on Yahoo Answers?

    What have they done to deserve so much contempt that you come here to mock, troll, blame, and hate. and barely ask any serious questions? What have they done to you? DO you feel threatened that your house is going to get blown up? Are they such horrible people? If you were in a crisis, would you turn down the Red Cross, a soup kitchen, or help from the Salvation Army?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why is God not protecting Egyptian Christians from Muslim violence?

    Is it an inconvenience for him? Perhaps people would actually be a believer if he helped.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does Political Correctness embrace Islam?

    or just ally itself with anything that wants to destroy Christianity?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Should the Apocrypha be in the bible?

    I agree that the Apocrypha is a valuable source to learn the culture and some of the history about the Greek speaking Jews during the times "between the Testaments," but what is it's value from a divine perspective. How does it actually stand as divine scripture when connected to the NT? Would it perhaps be appropriate to put deuterocanonical literature in a separate section? For example: OT, Apocrypha, NT

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christian women, does your husband rule over you?

    The bible clearly says from Genesis to Revelation that the man is to be an authority figure over his wife, and that it is best for them. Yes, it does mention that a man should love and take care of his wife, but ultimately the man is appointed by God to be the leader and decision maker of the family. Does that seem like a good thing to you?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why d Christians believe Jesus is coming back if he never existed?

    Most of the evidence suggests that was a patchwork of old pagan folktales to create another passive Super Hero for their time, rather than an actual person. Why would people think that someone who never existed to begin with is mystically going to reappear one day, thousands of years after the comics were made?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How do you deal with masturbation addiction, even if you have a hot girlfriend?

    I have a cute girlfriend I've been with for three years, and I love her very much. We have a healthy sex life, we get along, and she does pretty much whatever I want her to do in the sack. I don't sleep with other women, I'm perfectly sane, and we have a good relationship SHe's completely devoted to me. There's a problem, though. I'm an asshole because I'm addicted to pornography and masturbation. Even when I'm getting Grade A fellatio, I think about masturbating. I also think about other women when I do it. I would never act on these impulses outside of masturbating, and I feel disgusted with myself afterwards, but it's still very relieving, and it hurts when I don't do it. Maybe monogamy is just difficult. Think about it, a lot OT heroes had multiple wives and concubines, and God never complained at that time. What should I do to get rid of these urges and thoughts?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What is the easiest degree a dumb person like me can get?

    Hello! I am part of the "You're screwed" crowd in college. I currently have a 3.0 grade average, majoring in Sociology, and minoring in Anthropology and Political Science. I have my major complete, my minor in Political Science complete, and I'll probably squeak by to get my minor in Anthropology. I'm one of the officers in my Anth club, and I consistently make high grades in my upper level classes. Get this! Straight A's in Anthropology, and I have to go back and take my prerequisites. I am currently making a C in itro, when I made As in all of my upper classes The reason for this is, I ABSOLUTELY SUCK at taking multiple choice tests, but I excel with essays and things that require thought. My memorization for terms are freaking pathetic. If I can't get passed my basics, I don't I don't qualify for remedial classes, but can't get passed my basics if I can't memorize the basic terms for an hour. SO, I'm p[art of the "Your screwed" category in college. I hear Education is an easy degree for the broader academic failures who try, such as myself.

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • What do you think about the book of Mormon?

    I have to do a book report on it, and it keeps putting me to sleep.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Who would win in a fight, Batman, Jesus, or Captain Planet?

    Captain Planet wields the earth elements, Batman is a genius ninja with infinite technology, and Jesus has super carpentry powers. I would have to say Captain Planet if the weather is good outside.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why does my history teacher speak of Jesus like he's a real person?

    There's absolutely no evidence that he ever existed.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does the standard definition of marriage end with the legalization of gay marriage?

    If we legalize gay marriage, should we limit marriage to monogamous couples, or do we open it to the next contenders down the line? Polygamous families have sought for their right to be recognized as legally wedded. Should incestuous partners be allowed to be married (like brother and sister, brother/brother) etc. as long as they are not having children? Is there a concrete definition or is marriage just up in the air?

  • Do you think the fat guy who threw a temper tantrum about The Rock winning last month will make another video?

    A video went viral after the Royal Rumble where this fat guy went berserk over The Rock beating CM Punk for the title. Do you you think he plans on making another one?

    5 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • Anyone else picking CM Punk to win on Sunday night?

    I was surprised that CM Punk didn't have the energy to kick out of the People's Elbow at the Royal Rumble. He was probably overwhelmed when the match restarted, thinking that he already won. I think he'll be more on his game going into Elimination Chamber. I can't see him not wanting to be in the Main Event at Wrestlemania, It means too much to him.

    3 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • Did you see the Illuminati hand shakes between Obama, Boehner, and Biden at the State of the Union?

    After Obama was done speaking, you could see Obama, Boehner, and Biden giving each other cult like hand shakes, then the cameras immediately turned away? You could see Boehner struggling not to grin a sadistic smile when Obama was speaking all of his collective rhetoric meant to make the government larger, and the people smaller. Boehner is a horrible actor, and you could see it in their eyes and nodding their heads that they were all on the same page. Another thing that was suspicious, this Dorner guy who killed four people died RIGHT BEFORE the State of the Union address. It seems a little too convenient to be coincidence.

    6 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Did you see the Illuminati hand shakes between Obama, Boehner, and Biden at the State of the Union?

    After Obama was done speaking, you could see Obama, Boehner, and Biden giving each other cult like hand shakes, then the cameras immediately turned away? You could see Boehner struggling not to grin a sadistic smile when Obama was speaking all of his collective rhetoric meant to make the government larger, and the people smaller. Boehner is a horrible actor, and you could see it in their eyes and nodding their heads that they were all on the same page. Another thing that was suspicious, this Dorner guy who killed four people died RIGHT BEFORE the State of the Union address. It seems a little too convenient to be coincidence.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago