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  • Pain on right side of head accompanied with dizziness and lightheadedness?

    I am 17 year old male. I've been experiencing random strong pains on my head for like 2ish years now. It just started with a random pain always on my right side and it hurt and it startled me whenever I got them lol. They were scary. And also since last year, whenever I would lay down and get up I would get really dizzy and my vision were blurred. Then probably since October, it has been getting worse. I wake up with a headache and only for like the past 2 weeks have I been feeling lightheaded and dizzy. The dizzy spells from getting up to fast have not been present but I constantly have the dizzy feeling every time I turn my head. It's bad but it's not bad. I ran cross country from August to October and I also drive to school. These symptoms are minor but to me they are scaring me. I will be going to the doctor soon.

    Also I have like no history of ear problems just like maybe 2 ear aches when I was a kid. Could this be an ear problem? I don't know anymore lol

    Thank you for your help!!

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • I got hit in the head with a softball!?

    Okay so it is kind of funny how it happened because my friend was hitting the softball on the tee into the practice net and the minute I walked out of the house she missed and the softball went straight to my upper left forehead. It hurt obviously but that is about it. I drove home a half hour later and put ice on where I was hit. I have no symptoms of a concussion expect I have a headache but it is a different headache it feels like a concussion headache even though I have never had one. I feel fine besides my head and the head ache is just somewhat annoying. I took pain relievers when I went to bed but I haven't took any since I'm scared to. When I've been occupied I haven't noticed the headache. Should i go to the ER or urgent care? What would they do? I'm just scared I'll die lol!

    3 AnswersInjuries6 years ago
  • Research paper on child abudction. Help!?

    I m going to try and keep this short. I need to come up with a problem and solution research paper on a topic. I chose to do it on children abductions because it is a really fascinating (and scary) subject. The cache is that it needs to be disagreeable.

    I have some ideas, which do you think are really good ones.

    1. Does media cover abudctions correctly?

    2. How can we rehabiliate victims of kidnappings.

    3. How can we prevent abductions from happeneing?

    I apprectiate everyone who answers! Thank you so much.

    1 AnswerHomework Help6 years ago
  • I need help with my English Research paper topic?

    Hello everyone! So I have to come up with a topic for my English research paper.It is suppose to be like 8 pages so I am worried. My teacher tells us she wants not a broad topic so I am having trouble of coming up with something.I m trying to do it on something that is intruiging to me and would be an intersting topic. I am really starting to lean towards child abduction. Now if you are doing the research paper on a "modern" topic it has to be a problem and solution paper. So how should i present it? should th problem be how can we prvent less child abductions and then ....? Any ideas would be helpful. I m not sure how many books here are about child abduction and the history of it.. thanks! (:

    2 AnswersHomework Help6 years ago
  • Sometimes I feel stupid.? I don't know what I'm feeling.?

    I've asked this before but I need reassurance or some answers. so I had a CC meet today and I was in art class so I didn't hear the announcement that I CC runners need t leave early. members of da team came to the art room to tell me and my friend to hurry up. I had to rush to the lockeroom to change and then I had to go all the way back to my locker to pack my bags. I know the bus wouldn't leave without me and my coach told me they would wait but I wasn't going to take my time in the hallway. So the janitor (who I had an akward confrontation with him before) told me to slow down politely and I'm like "I have cross country meet, my bus is going to leave right now!!" I said while breathing kinda heavily cause I had a backpack on my back plus all my other bags. I can't remember but it was something like " I said no running in the halls unless you want a DHALL!" so I stopped running and once he was out of my sight I ran to the bus. I started thinking about it and felt immature.any advice?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Rolled my ankle at Cross country no swelling?

    So I was on the trail at cross country and I rolled my ankle but I didn't fall over and I continued on. I did a 5k with the pain and it was bearable. I iced it when I got home and the pain went away a little. I'm having trouble though because it is not swollen at all but I hurts to put walk on it. This injury is by no means life affecting because I just walk with a small limp. I want to go to the doctors but I feel I should skip practice today just so it won't get worse... I want to go to the doctors But I don't know what they wil say because nothing looks wrong with my ankle maybe the muscle is bruised and the bruise will appear tomorrow... :/

    Okay so what I am asking is should I go see a doctor or should I just be careful with my foot when I'm running and ice it and take Motrin or what???

    THANKS (:

    1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago
  • Will the U.S. be getting a Pokemon XY 3DS XL bundle?

    I really want a 3ds XL for games like Animal Crossing and Mario Kart but I also really want to wait for a special edition Pokemon one because I missed out on the pikachu and animal crossing one.

    I know they are confirmed in Japan but is the blue XY even coming here or is there still a chance they will announce it?


    1 AnswerNintendo Wii8 years ago
  • Had a seizure after Gardisil?!?

    Hello everyone!! I just need some advice or whatever.

    Im a 15 year old BOY. I got the gardisil shot today at like 1:30 PM and I was already feeling nervous about it but I got it anyway. My mom was driving me back from the doctors and my vision started getting blurry and my ears started ringing. I told her to pull over. The "seizure" lasted for 3 minutes? I don't even remember! my vision got better and my ears stopped ringing.

    Im fine right now but me being gullible believed almost everything here on the Internet. Let me back track again and say I have anxiety issues too. After I got the shot I looked it up while walking out and it said like people die from it blah blah.

    my mom called the office again and they just said moniter me and that sometimes happens.

    Im really scared guys I don't know what's wrong..

    Remember I'm a boy

    I know this vaccine was introduced to boys recently so idek.

    all the seizure questions are from girls not boys.


    thanks (:

    4 AnswersSTDs8 years ago
  • I don't really like my drivers ed instructor?

    Okay I've asked a question on here before but I feel this is my problem.

    I had my first drive on Friday the 12th. My friend went first while I was in the backseat. The driving instructor (Ill call him DI) made me schedule more drives for him and then asked me on the spot if I could drive. I had to lie to him because I was already nervous to drive without my friend who understands me. Okay now back to my driving. I had to do figure 8's in the parking lot and I couldn't seem to grasp the push pull and the hand over hand. He got a little frustrated and told me to get in the passenger seat so he could show me. I'm a slow learner and it's hard for someone to show me what to do on the spot and just expect me to get if after some time.

    he made me pull out into the side streets. I did not know how to work the turn signal so I kinda panicked but I stopped at the stop sign and some old guy passed me. DI made me pull back into the parking lot and yelled at me claiming he was angry at the old guy who passed me. DI was like "ILL TELL U WHAT TO DO WITH THE TURN SIGNAL LISTEM TO ME"

    I could have cried right there. call me a wimp but it really discouraged me. We continued to drive down the side streets and he occasionally would raise his voice a little when I would turn wrong.

    I now made all my future driving appointments with him and it will be my first time driving on the road with him tomorrow. Im feeling scared to drive but also scared of him because he already doesn't like me and I know he is going to get angry at me.

    I know you might say switch instructor but he teaches my drivers ed class so he would hate me even more. In class he says if I won the lottery I wouldn't be hear tomorrow which is kinda funny but it's sorta stupid to say in front on new drivers. Now I know he doesn't like his job. He has 15 Years of experience doing driving but that doesn't matter.

    any advice??

    I'm just going to stop being a pussy and haul my *** through his class and his DI drives.


    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • I'm really scared to drive for drivers ed?

    I'm not really good at explaining but hopefully y'all understand

    drivers ed started for me on July 8th and I had my first drive with my instructor on the 12th.

    At first I was confident but when my friend was done driving for the hour it was my turn. We did figure 8's and I just suck at them. Then he made me turn out of the parking lot into the streets. (side streets.) I didn't know how the turn signal worked and some old person passed me because I wasn't doing good. He yelled at me and said he was angry at the old person who passed me which I understand, but sorta discouraged me. The driving instructor has been teaching for driving for 15+ years so I know he is good but I'm just not good at driving.

    I was on the verge of tears when he yelled at me. My friend who drived before was better than me as a beginner so I'm just scared to drive again.

    I have to drive on the 17th Wednesday and I'm scared because it is the main roads now and I can't even turn well. I want to quit drivers ed because I am not ready or maybe my anxiety and doubt are getting to me.

    I hope this all makes sense.

    I have 2 more weeks of drivers ed and 5 more driving with my instructor appointments too.

    after my dad picked me up that Friday I cried the whole way home. I don't really know why. I have anxiety and it's killing me. One side of me wants to just get it over with but I'm scared to drive on the main roads.

    my dad took me driving today but I hate it. I have improved obviously but not main road material. My anxiety is killing me. sometimes I hit the break instead of the gas. I have trouble focusing on more that one thing. And now I have to drive on the main Road with crazy angry drivers?? No thank you

    Please help.


    4 AnswersSafety8 years ago
  • Sometimes I just feel stupid and regret doing somethings...?

    Okay this is a dumb question but let me try to explain..

    So I'm a freshman in high school. I'm a guy. It's a private school. Let me tell you the two scenarios that happened this week. So I was getting lunch and I took the little basket of chili cheese fries. I decided I just wanted one with cheese so I put the one back and tried to pick up the other one. The ladies serving the food were like" you can't do that. Once you touch it you can't put it back its for health reasons" (which I understand) So they are like are you gonna take and I said no and apologized. (They have to throw it away because I touched it) I felt stupid. Next situation: so I need to ask someone out to homecoming. And my friend's older sister and her friend are really close to me. The girl "Z" (not saying names) was going to tell the girl I like and ask about homecoming. I didn't want her to. So I was stopping her and my hands were on her shoulder area, because I was trying to stop her. And the janitor who is really nice to those comes up to me face to face and tells (I forgot what he said) me "don't touch her, and apologize". So I did and us 3 knew he was just jokingly "threatening" me doing it. But now I feel embarrassed to be around him. So can anyone give me any tips to just get over these things?


    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Braces wire keeps slipping/falling out!?

    My wire in my braces got loose in like August, and was poking my cheek. So I had to go in to the ortho and make them snap it. This happened again. And again it was like November 17 when they put a thicker wire in my mouth so it wouldn't fall out. After about two weeks it got loose, not as loose but some of it is still sticking out. I have been chewing on different sides of my mouth but that never helpe and the wire still becomes loose! And it is always on the right side. UGH HELP.

    Sorry if this is confusing and thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • How to convince my mom to not cut my hair short.?!?

    so I have "shaggy" hair, it's like this and I don't want to get it short like very other boy, I go to a private school and she says it makes her look "bad" but whatever, Anything I should tell her to convince me to keep it, and my principle Hates it cuz it's against the "dress" code.


    ps. I'm a 13 and a boy. :P

    5 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • How to get rid of pimples!?

    so I have this "big" red pimple on my right cheek and it's really big and I put toothe paste on it last night and that did nothing, then I tried to use the hot water popping technique but that did nothing, but I don't know if I have a whitehead... and then I put toothpaste on it for like 40 minutes then washed it off gently, and that barely did anything. PLEASE HELP I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL LN THE FIRST DAY WITH A BIG RED PIMPLE..):

    Thanks so much In advance!!(:

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • Flip ultraHD 4GB or 8GB ?

    i was wondering because it says that the 4 has 1 hour of recording and the 8 has 2 hours of recording so is it worth it to pay extra for more GB ? Or is there a better camcorder around the same price? Thanks in advance. (;

    1 AnswerCamcorders10 years ago
  • Rate my pokemon white team ?

    my team isnt the greatest... suggestions ? XD i am currently on victory road.

    Samurott lvl 44- waterfall revenge surf ,grass knot

    chandelure lvl 44- flame burst, inferno, flame charge, shadow ball.

    Eelektrik lv43- spark acrobatics thunder wave crunch(i know he learns thunderbolt in one level)

    sigilyph lv 44- air slash fly whirlwind phychic

    liligant lvl47- leaf storm leech seed petal dance(own temo ability!) giga drain

    and a plan on capturing a deino, or should i capture something else?

    thanks in advance! (:

    4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation10 years ago
  • My xbox keeps disconnecting from xbox live?! please help!!?!?

    ok. so i tried looking up a solution without asking a question, but none of them were similar to my problem. i keep disconnecting from xbox live probaly every 5-15 minutes for no reason. i have a wireless connection. i do not know exactly what my router is, but it is a cisco linksys. i have comcast phone internet and TV. In my house the only thing that requires internet/wifi is my computer, but it usually turned off but my connection keeps dropping anyway-___-. i also have an ipod that uses wifi. but i dont hink that matters. my router is in my kitchen and my xbox right below it, in the basement. PLEASE help i tried to give all the informationi could. any suggestions ? such as a new router?

    ps my computer is old its an hppavilliona820n. idk even know if that is what its calledXD.


    THANK YOU!!!

    2 AnswersXbox10 years ago
  • Mom keeps on yelling over stupid stuff.?

    Ohkay so I was home alone today and she left me a note to feed the dog as soon as I woke up but instead I fed him at twelve because he was hiding under the bed, and I was suppose to do dishes but I forgot, and then she freaks out on how I never show her respect and gets into some long half hour lecture on EVRYTHING and how I "hate" her, I don't know where that came from, and now I can't go on the computer after 8 I'm like WTF ? Because i want to talk to my friends because there usually on and my stupid dad says well your home all day to talk to them, but I'm like their not on because their doing something, and he goes well were going to put you in some camp because you do NOTHING at all and waste your life sitting on the computer blah blah blah. How do I handle this ? Sorry this is so long/:

    3 AnswersAdolescent10 years ago
  • I bought plants vs zombies for xbox 360, but can i download it for free from the game marketplace on xbox ?

    i sold it because i wanted to buy another game): and i was wondering if i could download it again for free. even though i didnt download it, i bought the disc for it. help ?

    4 AnswersXbox10 years ago
  • Why does BLACK OPS keep lagging? HELP!!?

    please help me for about a week now every game I play keeps on saying "connection" interrupted even when I'm in or not in party and it is ruining it for me. And my bars like in a match are perfect but then all a sudden I have a single red bar. PLEASE HELP!?!? WHAT IS THIS LAG?

    5 AnswersXbox1 decade ago