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Lv 616,971 points

Andrew M

Favorite Answers8%

.Have a nice day! See ya on Mars! Ooooops! What's that?? HaHaHa!! Sucks to be you! I O

  • Where did Summer go?.........?

    Too Quick

    Andrew M

    Happy Harry’s having a day

    Chased away clouds of Grey

    A summer wind be a blowin’

    Pretty soon it will be snowin’

    The mere thought is a bummer

    Knowing it’s the end of summer

    Winter feels eight months long

    Only hope that I am wrong

    Before long cold Grey days ahead

    Hard to leave the comfort of our bed

    Snow turns into a winter wonderland

    I’d rather be playing in the sand

    Either way we’re going to play

    Shorts and tee’s are put away

    Jeans and heavy coats a must

    Pulling out shaking off the dust

    Summer sunsets which I’m so fond

    All year long if I had a magic wand

    Not ready to hear Something I fear

    Those dreaded words Wait till next year

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What of an Earth poem?? A triggee?

    While we still can

    Andrew M

    People……………..Six Billion…(5.7)


    Things…………….Going fast

    How come?………..Nobody listens

    Why………………No-body cares

    Answer………….Live for the moment

    Better……………..Start listening

    Action…………….Work together, Or

    Re-action……….Earth, What Earth?

    Then what………

    Are you listening?……….

    Helllllllllooo…………….Echo, Echo, Echo


    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What of this Triggee?? Does it work? Or not?

    Mind Games

    Andrew M

    Here I sit............All alone


    Mind racing........Deep in thought

    Getting anxious.......About everything

    Nervous twitch........Muscles tight

    Pacing the floor......Waiting

    Expecting .........The unexpected

    Delivery of one.......Not two but three

    Shockingly ...........Triple Girls


    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Who is Listening to natures best?

    Natures Best

    Andrew M

    Showers on a warm spring night

    Spring night on the porch sipping

    Sipping White Zinfandel watching

    Watching the fire flies hanging

    Hanging in mid-air floating

    Floating setting the stage

    The stage for natures symphony

    Natures symphony beautiful

    Beautiful music and light show

    Light show perfectly performed

    Performed and choreographed

    Choreographed to natures best

    Natures best free concert live

    Live playing outside your window

    Your window window to the world

    The world and all it's glory

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Just Thinking about things?

    Another one needs work ,but here it is anywhere

    “Just” Thinking

    Andrew M

    Just a thought while sitting here,catching up It needs help & it will…Later

    With each new day brings another yesterday

    Yesterday seems to have flown by too quick

    Too quick for us to enjoy it seems but a memory

    A memory that will be forgotten if much of nothing

    happened to keep in our memory “another day”

    Another day we should have made the most of

    Most of besides work,doing the little things the

    simple things in life that we take for granted

    Granted,We should smell the flowers for one

    For one, another is to scratch off the “bucket list”

    Bucket list to enjoy the things you should be enjoying

    Enjoying all the Todays so that there is a reason to

    Reason to remember yesterday at all instead of

    Instead of having “Just Yesterday” in our memory

    Our memory is full of yesterdays Are our Todays

    Filled with the best to remember? Or “Just” another day?

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What of a Trigee? Will it survive?

    While we can

    Andrew M

    People……………..Six Billion…(5.7)


    Things…………….Going fast

    How come?………..Nobody listens

    Why………………No-body cares

    Answer………….Live for the moment

    Better……………..Start listening

    Action…………….Work together, Or

    Re-action……….Earth, What Earth?

    Then what………

    Are you listening?……….



    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How about a little ramblin'?

    Ramblin' on

    by Andrew M

    Left and right I see the night

    In front bright as daylight

    Casino to casino Vegas style

    Walking that last mile

    Might take a while with that smile

    Winners winning So much grinning

    Too much booze He did lose

    Not so funny Lost all his money

    Wife is waiting Hubby’s fainting

    End of the line Nothing is fine

    Divorce of course

    Will face the boss with the loss

    Empty pockets Bulging eye sockets

    Did not step away Has to pay and pay

    Sign on the line Nothing is fine

    Gotta go with the flow you know

    Bad choice The inner voice

    Gamble in vain ramble in pain

    it’s no use She cut him loose

    Starting over with rover

    Sanity not vanity wins

    From the heart a fresh start

    His past caught up at last

    Without fail He did go to jail

    With no bail he began to wail

    Deflated his sail no tall tale

    See the judge who has a grudge

    Through the tears he got years

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How about a couple of whatcha-macall-it....Ku's?

    Someone should have listened ..If you feed him He'll keep coming back...Someone should have listened.... Hello Everyone Long thyme no read


    Andrew M

    Nuclear Meltdown

    On the brink of disaster

    Three Mile Island


    Toxic Waste

    Andrew M

    Illegal Dumping

    Industrial Terrorists

    Polluting the Earth

    Me thinks I'm a little late for Earth Day .....

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How this....?? for a nap?

    Night - Nite

    Andrew M


    Slumber Party

    Dreaming of better days

    Peacefully resting with nature's


    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Survey>> Is anyone else having problems<<?

    >>with getting mail from contacts ? Yes or No

    For a couple of days now I haven't been ,,,,,Thanks

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How's a little Phobia ,,A Poem..?


    Andrew M

    A neurotic's nightmare,a Felix

    Unger companion Phobophobia

    is a phobia that's afraid of other

    phobia's or the fear of having

    a phobia I do beleive having

    this one will cause the patient

    to have a nervous breakdown

    This would lead to other phobia's

    like Iatrophobia fear of Dr's

    Then Nosocomephobia fear of hospitals

    And finally when he's calmed down

    He's scrubbing his hands raw Cause

    he also has Mysophobia fear of germs

    How does one go about getting help

    for this person and others like him?

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Thinking of taxes..What say you ...A Cinquain?

    Payment Due

    Andrew M


    Hooded figure

    Weapons at the ready

    Demanding payment nothing new


    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What of the last of cinquains ...Twenty....?

    ....Years ....Infamous

    Infamous IV

    Andrew M



    Apology useless

    Damaged pristine eco system



    Last of

    Infamous V

    Andrew M


    Tanker Captain

    Working paralegal

    Maritime consultant fines paid


    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What of a cinquain,Twenty....?

    ....Years ago an accident

    Infamous III

    Andrew M



    Commands Supertanker

    From Billions to Millions in fines


    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How about part two Cinquain,Twenty......?

    ....Years in the making

    Infamous II

    Andrew M


    Crude disaster

    Alaska’s liquid death

    Slowly killing nature’s beauty


    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How about a Cinquain, Twenty years.....?...?

    ....In the making??

    Infamous I

    Andrew M


    Oil tanker spills

    Ten million gallons oil

    In Alaska’s Prince William Sound


    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How is this cinquain?

    First time trying a butterfly cinquain,,,,


    Snake bites sheriff

    While chasing criminal

    Turning around seeking doctor


    Venom coursing thru his body

    Crashing outside doctors

    Barely made it


    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Here comes the Snow?,,,,,,Again?..........?

    It's snowing now!!

    Another 8 to 14 inches expected Today !!! Enough already

    Snowed Again

    Andrew M

    Snow softly drifts down,blanketing

    everything it touches.A wonder-world

    of white, piling up, adding inches

    where one needs not. Awaiting the

    shovel as temperature falls, as the

    snow builds up so does our frustration.

    When will this winter be over?

    I keep hearing the songs of spring

    always in the distance. So close

    and yet so far. Even now I hear a

    Blue Jay as I'm putting on boots

    to shovel the walk. Wishful thinking

    on my part, I suppose. Here comes

    the first of many shove-lings. What comes

    to mind is my snow blower, She fought a

    valiant death, and is now a paper weight

    in the garage Where o where is spring?

    Allergies be damned. I want to see some

    flowers blooming, grass turning green.

    Trees popping, new buds spouting tiny

    pieces of life. Snow,and more on the way.

    A child's delight, an adults nightmare.

    Imagination fills both young and old. As

    the snow piles up, One could only dream

    of that beach in the Bahamas. As the kids

    man there forts with snowballs, soon I say

    Soon is not quick enough for me though.

    12 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How's this for a Cinquain? .....?

    .....First attempt

    When TD asked a question and did a Cinquain I knew I would have to try try it. So here it is Thanks


    Andrew M


    Silky weaving

    Sinful fibers ballet

    Smoothly sliding around mistress


    9 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How about an Acrostic for a.......?

    .....Rapscallion....Word of the day!!

    Andrew M

    Rotten to the core

    Any reasoning gone

    Pushes beyond limits

    Socially unacceptable

    Categorized a misfit

    Attracts unsavory types

    Leaves behind a bad taste

    Lost can't buy a clue

    Only that life for him is

    Null and void of anything good

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago