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Why do and how can people believe in fate?
I had a long conversation with pastor, who went on and on about gods plan, and how we all play a role in it. I was only their to support my brother, who's new thing is going to church and not getting wasted all the time. He doesn't really believe in God, but he is doing it so his daughters mother thinks he is turning a new leaf. Anyway... This pastor really took a liking to me, and while he was going on and on about abunch of non-sense, I just smiled and listed to everything he had to say, about fate, and how everything in my life has already been decided by god.
I didn't have the heart to tell him, that I don't believe in god or fate. I find the idea of everything already decided, to be very depressing. It's similar to what alot of liberals believe. That people are just what society made them. It's the idea that none of us have free will.. We are just acting out who we are suppose to be. No hope.. No change... No purpose... No Goal.... I don't want to live in universe like that... I want to live in a universe where human beings are the masters of our own destiny. Where when one human being helps another human being, not because he/she was meant to, but because he/she chose to.
I have heard believers in god say how they couldn't bare the thought of living in a world with no god, because what would be the point of anything, if we aren't apart of something. Well they're already apart of something, they have just chosen to believe in a very arrogant belief system, that is holding us back from a true purpose.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoWhy did this womens comments bother me so much?
I work for a landscaping/construction company, and last week end, one of my co-workers asked me if I would help him with a side job, for a women that didn't have the money to clean the moss off of her roof. He told me that she is a really nice person and she works with the homeless, so I said sure. I do alot of bad things, so I need to do good things to make up for them. So, while I was on her roof, working for almost nothing, I over heard talking to my partner about me. She told him that I looked like a total creep, and she told him to not leave her alone with me. Now, I didn't even say 1 word to her the whole time, I just smiled and kept my head down and focused on what I was doing, So when I heard that, it took everything in me to not spit in her face. I also came to find out, that the reason my partner was helping her, was because he is screwing her (She is married). He told me don't worry about it, but I am sorry, that isn't good enough. So... In the middle of the night, i went to her house, and I threw a brick through her window, and on it, I wrote "your wife is a whore that F**ks other men", and for good messure I also keyed her car really good. But it still bothers me what she said, I want to hurt her..... Not in a phyiscal way, but I want to make her suffer.... I have always been this way, I just don't like it when people get away with treating me unfairly. Let other people be the better person in a bad situation, because I am the type of person that will always throw gas on a fire, and see who gets burned worse. I think tommarow I'll go back and set their trash cans on fire. Anyway... Why does this bother me so much, why can I just brush off what some stupid b**ch says?
5 AnswersPsychology8 years agoHow can I start a relationship with this pisces girl?
about 4 mouths ago, I met Megan, when I was landscaping a persons front yard, and she lived next door with her parents. She is 25, as am I. I started talking to her because she is super hot and I am a Gemini, so I am good at braking the ice. Anyway we hit it off, and we ended up going out to the bar later that day. We ran into a friend of mine, and we were all having a good time. Later on, My friend and I both ended up screwing megan in my car, than again later back at my place. And later that week end, she came over when I had some people over, and she ended up blowing 6 of us. Like I have never met anyone like megan, she is just totally shameless about things, and We have been friends with benefits for awhile, but lately we have been spending alot more time together... And I would like to be in a relationship with her. She is a double Pisces, and I am a Gemini with a Leo moon. It doesn't bother me that my friends and I have all banged her, I like her, I like someone thta doesn't judge other, and is happy with them selves...
3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoIs it wrong to wish I was gay?
I am just so sick of dealing with women. I don't understand them, I can't read them, and I can't pick up on the body language they so enjoy communicating with. growing up I had a horrible relationship with my mother, who ended up dying of drug use. Of all of my friends, my gay friends seem the most happy. Whenever I see gay people they always seem happy, while I am always miserable. I am not attracted to men, but sometimes I wish I was. It would be great if my lover could be someone who understands me, instead of just some dumb girl that is only interested in what you can provide for her.
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoHow do women always know?
I have been with my girlfriend for almost 4 years, and we have a son together. Now, I am no saint, and there have been times I have hooked up with other women, I can't help it at time, some women are just so sexy, and most of them don't even care that I have a son and a girlfriend. But whenever I do fool around, my girlfriend always knows... It's so weird... she always knows, no matter what I do. THe slightest change in my behavior, and she always says, "who are you f**king now?". I always deny it, because I would rather have her think she is paranoid. But that doesn't seem to work, because whether I cheated or not, she will just go into Angry Cat mode. Anyway... HOW DO THEY ALWAYS KNOW WITH NO PROOF!!!
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoHow do women always know?
I have been with my girlfriend for almost 4 years, and we have a son together. Now, I am no saint, and there have been times I have hooked up with other women, I can't help it at time, some women are just so sexy, and most of them don't even care that I have a son and a girlfriend. But whenever I do fool around, my girlfriend always knows... It's so weird... she always knows, no matter what I do. THe slightest change in my behavior, and she always says, "who are you f**king now?". I always deny it, because I would rather have her think she is paranoid. But that doesn't seem to work, because whether I cheated or not, she will just go into Angry Cat mode. Anyway... HOW DO THEY ALWAYS KNOW WITH NO PROOF!!!
5 AnswersGender Studies8 years agoCan I go back to work the next day after a sun stroke?
I had or think I had a sun stroke. I got tunnel vision, my arms and leggs cramped up, my head was pounding, and I threw up. I went home and drank alot of water, and cooled off. I couldn't drive though my friend had to take me home. Anyway... I feel better now. I smoked some pot and that took my head ach away alittle, and my vision seems to be normal again. Is there anything I should be aware of? I hope i didn't cook my brain too bad, but it really felt like I was super drunk... you know how when you drink way to much and you feel sick, thats how it felt....
1 AnswerHeart Diseases8 years agoIs Justin Bieber a b*tch?
Serious question, I really don't know who he is, but my brother's daughter loves him, so i looked him up, and he looks like a b*tch. Is he?
10 AnswersSinging8 years agoDid I make the right Decision?
So, I have wanted to date my friend Megan for years. She knew I liked her from the get go, but told me she just thinks of me as a friend, and "i'm not her type". Whatever the hell that means. When we first met, I was a coach surffer, and going from job to job. It's funny how that saying goes, everyone is your friend untill you need them. BUT!!! I was able to get my life together, and I am doing pretty well for myself now, however, that whole time I tried to go out with Megan, but than she got married, so I gave up, and finally accepted we will just be friends. However, she got divorced, and over the past few mouths we became closer friends, and Last weekend she layed a bomb shell on me, telling me how much she loves me, and she is sorry for not giving me a chance before. And now she wants to be my girlfriend.
How does that saying go, The shoe is on the other foot?
I told her I just wanted to be friends for now, becasue in my mind, I only think she wants to date me becasue she can't find anyone better. You know having a girlfriends support would have been great when i was homeless and poor, but now that I have a good job and my own place, now she wants to date. I am affriad if things go bad, and I have to rebuild again, she will just bail on me. I did sleep with her of course..... But I also banged her when she was married. ~~HI OH!!!~~
1 AnswerEtiquette8 years agoDid I make the right decision?
So, I have been wanted to date my friend Megan for years. She knew I liked her from the get go, but told me she just thinks of me as a friend, and "i'm not her type". Whatever the hell that means. When we first met, I was a coach suffer, and going from job to job. It's funny how that saying goes, everyone is your friend untill you need them. BUT!!! I was able to get my life together, and I am doing pretty well for myself now, however, that whole time I tried to go out with Megan, but than she got married, so I gave up, and finally accepted we will just be friends. However, she got divorced, and over the past few mouths we became closer friends, and Last weekend she layed a bomb shell on me, telling me how much she loves me, and she is sorry for not giving me a chance before. And now she wants to be my girlfriend.
How does that saying go, The shoe is on the other foot?
I told her I just wanted to be friends for now, becasue in my mind, I only think she wants to date me becasue she can't find anyone better. You know having a girlfriends support would have been great when i was homeless and poor, but now that I have a good job and my own place, now she wants to date. I am affriad if things go bad, and I have to rebuild again, she will just bail on me. What do yall think?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoDo I look like a freak?
Just wondering what yall think.. I have had a dead right eye since I was 15, my friends and I liked to play rough ;)..... But since my other eye is brown, the contrast between the two can be unsettling for some. So I am thinking about getting it replaced with a glass eye. Here is a link so you can see me better.
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoDo I look like a freak?
Just wondering what you guys think. I am thinking about getting my right eye removed and replaced with a glass eye.
My avatar is a picture of me. I have had a dead eye since I was 15...... Boys play rough ;)
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy do people assume Gemini's are cheaters and lairs?
With the exception of the time when I was 16 years old, and in High School, I have never once cheated on any of my partners. I dunno if it is my Scorpio moon that gives me integrity, but I would never betray my partners trust. I have broken up with alot of women though..... If I start having feelings for another, I will be honest about my feelings to my partner and let them go, so we can still be close even outside of a romantic relationship. Gemini's are kind by nature, and I understand some don't understand how their actions hurt others, but I have never met a vindictive or cruel gemini.
I have a couple of Libra friends who are both married, and OMG, those guys are cheat like there is no tomorrow. And they are totally shameless about it.
I may at times disappointed my lovers in the past, by not fully understanding their emotions, but I have never betrayed their trust, and have always treated them with respect, even though, someone of them may want me dead after I broke up with them to date their friends and even at times, Their sister >_<
But I was still honest to them about it, and I didn't cheat.
So if you had a bad time with a gemini let me know, or if you agree with me let me know. Just looking for insight.
3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoWhy is scaring people so fun?
Why is it so fun to frighten the light hearted. Girls are the best to frighten, because generaly they can never fight back, and they usually have the biggest freakouts. Why is that?
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoI don't know if I am being shallow or not?
I found out that my Girl friend of 4 mouths, used to do porn in Cali for anumber of years. She told me, and showed me one of her video's. I was abit shocked, and somewhat disgusted. I looked her up on my own time, and some of her video's were really hardcore.... Like.... she literally got run through.
I just don't respect her now. And being with her makes me feel dirty. She is going to school now to be a teacher, and find that also very disturbing.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoHow do I break up with my friend?
So I have known my friend Megan for almost 2 years. We met in an elevator that got stuck at a lawyer's office. She was there to finalize her divorce, and I was there to talk to my lawyer about some legal issues i was having, anyway... that following week end we went out together, and we really hit it off, and we ended up fooling around. She told me she didn't have any friends, and that most guys just want to sleep with her. I myself have attachment issues, so i told her I will be a friend to you. And I ment it. I gave her my word that I would be a true friend and i wouldn't abandon her. Now over the past 2 years she has tried to find a man online, but it was just one disaster after another. She gives her heart and body to easily to these men she meets online, who usually ditch her after they humped her afew dozen times. I keep telling her if you are too easy men will never respect you. But she doesn't listen. The type of men she goes after are so Douchy, and they usually hate me. I have even gotten into fights with afew of them over nothing.
However, its always the same cycle, she goes out and gives it up, and the next week she calls me crying, and I am always there for her emotion support. But i can't do it anymore. She doesn't follow my advice, and I love her. Not in the sexual sense, but in a different way. Its hard to explain, but it's just too painful to see someone you care about continue to hurt themselves.
I can't do it anymore, but I am conflicted becasue i think I am the only friend she has that she trusts. She isn't from the city we live in, and when she is not out at the club when some john from the internet, she is at work or at home on the internet. She has 5 dating website accounts. I have tried to introduce her to my friends, and to good men i know, but it never worked out. All she does is complain about men, and she tells me its their fault, but i tried to get it through her head that is her fault. The men she goes out with are the wrong type of men, but she won't listen. So i want out of this. Like i said it just hurts when someone you care about keeps sabotaging themselves. Advice please?
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoHow do I break up with my friend?
So I have known my friend Megan for almost 2 years. We met in an elevator that got stuck at a lawyer's office. She was there to finalize her divorce, and I was there to talk to my lawyer about some legal issues i was having, anyway... that following week end we went out together, and we really hit it off, and we ended up fooling around. She told me she didn't have any friends, and that most guys just want to sleep with her. I myself have attachment issues, so i told her I will be a friend to you. And I ment it. I gave her my word that I would be a true friend and i wouldn't abandon her. Now over the past 2 years she has tried to find a man online, but it was just one disaster after another. She gives her heart and body to easily to these men she meets online, who usually ditch her after they humped her afew dozen times. I keep telling her if you are too easy men will never respect you. But she doesn't listen. The type of men she goes after are so Douchy, and they usually hate me. I have even gotten into fights with afew of them over nothing.
However, its always the same cycle, she goes out and gives it up, and the next week she calls me crying, and I am always there for her emotion support. But i can't do it anymore. She doesn't follow my advice, and I love her. Not in the sexual sense, but in a different way. Its hard to explain, but it's just too painful to see someone you care about continue to hurt themselves.
I can't do it anymore, but I am conflicted becasue i think I am the only friend she has that she trusts. She isn't from the city we live in, and when she is not out at the club when some john from the internet, she is at work or at home on the internet. She has 5 dating website accounts. I have tried to introduce her to my friends, and to good men i know, but it never worked out. All she does is complain about men, and she tells me its their fault, but i tried to get it through her head that is her fault. The men she goes out with are the wrong type of men, but she won't listen. So i want out of this. Like i said it just hurts when someone you care about keeps sabotaging themselves. Advice please?
2 AnswersEtiquette8 years agoHow do I break up with my friend?
So I have known my friend Megan for almost 2 years. We met in an elevator that got stuck at a lawyer's office. She was there to finalize her divorce, and I was there to talk to my lawyer about some legal issues i was having, anyway... that following week end we went out together, and we really hit it off, and we ended up fooling around. She told me she didn't have any friends, and that most guys just want to sleep with her. I myself have attachment issues, so i told her I will be a friend to you. And I ment it. I gave her my word that I would be a true friend and i wouldn't abandon her. Now over the past 2 years she has tried to find a man online, but it was just one disaster after another. She gives her heart and body to easily to these men she meets online, who usually ditch her after they humped her afew dozen times. I keep telling her if you are too easy men will never respect you. But she doesn't listen. The type of men she goes after are so Douchy, and they usually hate me. I have even gotten into fights with afew of them over nothing.
However, its always the same cycle, she goes out and gives it up, and the next week she calls me crying, and I am always there for her emotion support. But i can't do it anymore. She doesn't follow my advice, and I love her. Not in the sexual sense, but in a different way. Its hard to explain, but it's just too painful to see someone you care about continue to hurt themselves.
I can't do it anymore, but I am conflicted becasue i think I am the only friend she has that she trusts. She isn't from the city we live in, and when she is not out at the club when some john from the internet, she is at work or at home on the internet. She has 5 dating website accounts. I have tried to introduce her to my friends, and to good men i know, but it never worked out. All she does is complain about men, and she tells me its their fault, but i tried to get it through her head that is her fault. The men she goes out with are the wrong type of men, but she won't listen. So i want out of this. Like i said it just hurts when someone you care about keeps sabotaging themselves. Advice please?
2 AnswersFriends8 years agoWhy do women frighten so easy?
Sometimes I feel like its an act. Like women pretend to be frighten or scared when they really aren't, for attention. I work at a fast pace job, building bicycle's, and I do swear alot, because I run the bike shop and I am responsible for getting orders out on time and right. We got a few new girls working in the bike shop, and at times they really drag their butts, and make mistakes that slow everything down. I was very patient and supportive of them, when they started, but its been 8 weeks, and they are still as green as when they first started. So now I just swear and yell at them. However, one of them told my boss, that She is affriad of me, and i found out the girls call me angry bunny. Personly I am pretty pissed off, because my boss was gona fire them, but i told them they will get it down, and now i think they have gotten into his head. Or maybe i really do scare them, but I really tried to be nice, and it didn't do anything. So if they arn't going to respect my kindness, I will be the "angry bunny"
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoIs the idea of trying out cannibalism really that bad?
The other day while hanging out with my friends and girlfriend, we started talking about things, and things we would like to try. And I admited that I have always wanted to see what its like to eat human meat. Some what funny since my girlfriend is a Vegan. One of the reason why i like eating meat, is that i know i am eating something that was once alive, and I am absorbing that living beings energy. I just like the idea of eating human, and making that human apart of myself. I really don't think its that strange, but that wasn't the reaction i got from my friends and girlfriend. They are all making Cannibal jokes about me now.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago