I work at a call center we deal with americans and they are so rude. Why do they have to be mean and ignorant. They call us names and tell us how incompitent we are and its just not nice. do people in the united stated ever get tought manners?
im not in a third world country i am ur neighbour
i am canadian and we are a inbound call center we dont sell anything
† Alien Evolution †2006-04-28T15:04:48Z
Favorite Answer
You know what i totally agree, i work at a call center in canada and of all the callers i get...the majority are american..and the first thing they say is "im glad to be talking to a person who can speak english and isnt indian" far be it from them to know that im actually indian...i cant stand americans that are so rude and selfish and think the world revolves around them...mind some americans are nice..the others...and some of the language they use..i really hope they dont use that same mouth to talk to thier mothers
That is a good question. I am an American, ex-Air Force, and have a degree. I worked abroad half of my life, and hanging out with the European crowd, learned that most americans were loud, and obnoxious. They showed me by example. We were hanging out in Madrid, and sure enough, the loudest table in the restaurant came from Americans. Are they rude? Maybe so. Still, the Americans are always the first to respond to tyranny, to mafias, and terrorist issues. Many an American, has given their life to help another country survive. Canada, is a very rich dear friend of America, and the Canadians have more than once come to our rescue. Are Americans rude? Yes. Guilty as charged. But, just know, we are there when, and or if you need us. But why are Americans rude? Our government seems to have forgotten us. Our own brothers starve, most jobs are outsourced to India, Russia, or China. I dare you to find a wire barbeque grill brush that is made in America. Americans have lost a lot of confidence in themselves and have become very defensive. I think our country will have to come to terms with what is required to move forward that will boost economy, and jobs before things settle down. Don't know when that will happen, but until then, we'll all probably be a little rude every now and then.
I am an American SGT in the U.S. ARMY. No one country is perfect. I worked in tech support(I only dealt with local people so I m only assuming they were Americans). When dealing with rude people, which was about every 10 calls, I found that when they said VERY rude things to me 3 times and I maintained my professionalism(fixing their problem or not) I always found that they ended up realizing that they were very rude and they ended up apologizing. Is it justified that they should be rude? Of course not. I m guilty of being rude myself, BUT, it doesn t justify ruining someone else s day that really did not deserve it. SUGGESTION: Ask for a supervisor or even work your way to the person responsible for your ordeal. At least make an attempt to make the person who is accountable work on the issue, and not the people getting paid chump change to make the millionaires richer. BAAAAAMMMM!!!! BOTTOM LINE: "American s" are rude. PERIOD! We need to stop. No degree needed for that air force guy! Life experiences is all it takes to notice these things. We can and will fix this problem. THAT S AN ORDER!
I work at a call center in America. I'm inbound as well, I've talked to plenty of nice Americans and have gotten cussed out by Canadians. You'll find jackasses anywhere, especially if you work at a call center. You'll meet plenty of nice and considerate Americans (believe it or not, I find that most of them live in the South) and you'll meet rude and inconsiderate Canadians. I love getting calls from other countries who automatically think that because I am American I am stupid, rude and have no idea on what I am doing.
There are so many different people in the world, and some are going to be more rude and ignorant than others. Just because you met some of those rude people does't mean they represent their country. That's a couple people out of billions and they happen to be American. I'm not the same as people living thousands of miles away and I'm not the same as people living ten miles away. I'm a person, not "one of those arrogant americans". I'm truly sorry that your first impression of Americans was a couple of rude people, but meet a couple million more before you can judge.