If Al Gore would have won the year 2000 elections, do you think that the events of 9/11 would have happened?


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Mr Ed2006-12-08T14:56:30Z

I don't see why not. Am I missing something? The attack was on the USA. Not on a particular president. And the FBI would have been the same.
What might have been different would have been the reaction. Gore would have maintined a sustained effort in Afghanistan, and Bin Laden probably would have been captured or killed. Also, the whole infrastructure of the movement would have been much more seriously damaged. And the USA would have come out with friends and not enemies in the Middle East.
I don't think the whole question has so much to do here with right and left wing politics, but rather the quality of the leader. The people of the USA did not choose as well this time as they have in the past.


Probably not...who can say. There is much evidence pointing to the fact that the current administration was somwhat complicit in the attacks. Many many questiong remain unanswered and every attempt at investigation has been hampered. What are they hiding?

So much ignorance in the world. If you're going to voice an opinion, at least educate yourself about the subject before speaking.

First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak.

"On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
-- Charles Babbage (1791-1871)


The GOP had stable courtroom docket stressful circumstances waiting for the Democratic voter fraud in a minimum of three distinctive States that had extra effective electoral votes than Florida. That grew to alter into the fall-decrease back place. It grew to alter into less demanding to win a sparkling decrease victory in one State - Florida. Gore made the deadly mistake of asking for the re-count style variety of certainly some counties that he had cherry-picked with the help of employing reality they have been controlled with the help of Democrats. Then whilst he lost the case in an incredibly undesirable selection with the help of a Democrat-packed Florida suited courtroom docket which he thought he had below stress, he necessary it taken to the U. S. suited courtroom docket. the call that killed him grew to alter into 7-2 with even the liberal justices balloting against him. the 2d vote grew to alter right into a formality. the worldwide might have replaced for the extra effective severe with the help of employing reality Al Gore shown a checklist of extremely undesirable judgment as a vice-president and as a candidate. God safeguard the U. S. and the unfastened worldwide. there is not any telling what might have handed off if our freedom and safeguard practices had trusted the judgment of Al Gore.

Mrs. Bass2006-12-08T14:54:37Z

Yes, it is more likely than not that 9-11 would have happened. And yes we would have gone to war against Al-Qaeda. There is no president Democrat or Republican who wouldn't go after the people responsible for a tragedy of that magnitude (and ANYONE who says otherwise is incredibly ignorant and needs to study American history and the political after effects of full scale attacks on America). However, all subsequent events would not have happened. We would not have gone after Saddam after dubiously connecting him with Al-Qaeda. We would not have gone to war with a country that posed no immediate threat. We would not have increased the number of terrorist recruits exponentially by the unnecessary war in Iraq. We would not have isolated ourselves from the rest of the world, who now sees our elected leader as a cowboy. We would not have thrown a country into civil war. We would not have caused the potential increased destabilization of an entire region (that has historically already had enough problems without our meddling). We would not have lost the lives of nearly 3000 American servicemen and women in an unnecessary war.

I hope this answers your hypothetical question.

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