Is this Considered Child Abuse? Bottom Line by Definition, Yes or No?

If a mother/father tells her child that other mother/father does not love him/her, or make the child feel unwanted by other mother/father, is it considered child abuse?

This can turn into a serious considering the reality of the matter in which it may do to the child in the future.


Thank you to everyone that answered to the question. It is interesting to know the majority answer vs a court's answer.

get a grip2007-12-12T14:26:23Z

Favorite Answer

It is emotional abuse. When I was 14, my mother told me that she wished she'd had an abortion rather than have me. It has profoundly affected my life and relationships with others. The effects of something like that don't just go away. Those words have haunted me for 25+ years.

swtz69drmz2007-12-12T14:34:59Z is. Here is the day this will come to bite her/him back. This is also a form of alienating a child from the other parent. By doing this, the other parent does not have a is just as bad as keeping the child away from the other parent. I got custody of a young man (family friend's son" when he was 13 because the judge didn't see that the child should live with either parent at the time based off of the fact that they were doing silly stuff like this.

ashley m2007-12-12T14:39:48Z

Yes. It's called verbal and mental abuse. It makes a child feel unwanted when they hear these sort of comments. This feeling tends to lead to depression, anger issues which can escalate to the thought or even action of suicide. Whoever is telling their child this, does not deserve to have children. It is mean and uncaring to manipulate or damage your child emotional being in this way.


its definatly a form of abuse its emotinal abuse.. if this sort of behaivor is a pattern that the mother or father repeats.. on a on going basis.. then it can definatly shatter the childs self esteem and make the child wonder him or hers self worth or value.. later on in life.. I think its something to look into and see if like i said it goes on for a long period of time... if not then maybe some family concelling or some parenting concelling for those parents would be sugested..

A more advance sign of emotinal abuse is..
1] Rejecting -- Parents who lack the ability to bond will often display rejecting behavior toward a child. They tell a child in a variety of ways that he or she is unwanted. They may also tell the child to leave, call him or her names and tell the child he or she is worthless. They may not talk to or hold the young child as he or she grows. The child may become the family scapegoat, being blamed for all the family's problems.

2] Ignoring -- Adults who have had few of their emotional needs met are often unable to respond to the needs of their children. They may not show attachment to the child or provide nurturance. They may show no interest in the child, express affection or even recognize the child's presence. Many times the parent is physically there but emotionally unavailable.

3] Terrorizing -- Parents may single out one child to criticize and punish. They may ridicule him or her for displaying normal emotions and have expectations far beyond his or her normal abilities. The child may be threatened with death, mutilation or abandonment.

4] Isolating -- A parent who abuses a child through isolation may not allow the child to engage in appropriate activities with his or her peers; may keep a baby in his or her room, not exposed to stimulation; or may prevent teenagers from participating in extracurricular activities. Parents may require the child to stay in his or her room from the time school lets out until the next morning, or restrict eating to isolation or seclusion.

5] Corrupting -- Parents permit children to use drugs or alcohol; to watch cruel behavior toward animals; to watch pornographic materials and adult sex acts; or to witness or participate in criminal activities such as stealing, assault, prostitution, gambling, etc.

read this it tells you all about emotinal abuse and things to look out for it will help you!


there's a distinction between spanking and beating. I say a spanking is basically self-discipline whilst beating is abuse. Abuse is once you have malicious reason or in case you harm your new child in a fashion that still hurts an prolonged whilst later. A spanking hurts for a minute notwithstanding it hurts their delight greater. A beating hurts and retains hurting.

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