How do I politely explain to my girl that I would rather play video games than spend time with her?
I've offered to play games with her, and that would count as a 'date' but she isn't accepting my compromise. I even bought Ratatouille so she'll have something to play.....
To clarify: I am an adult, not a kid living with my parents, although I do have exams coming up...........
Matt C: Good answer, but you are wearing my hat and I cannont consider you for the best answer.
Favorite Answer
You say honey I love you but I also love Mario and in all fairness I known him much longer. However, Mario is married to princess Peach and she is very open minded maybe we can all do something together. Then smack her on the butt and tell her you would be finished leveling up if she wasn't bothering you. Then tell her to think about that house party.
There is NO polite way to explain to your girl that you would rather play video games than spend time with her. OK were you playing this game before you got with your girl? Are you playing the game as much now as you were before she came along? If the answer is YES! Explain to her this is something you like to do and have been doing it for a long time. But also take into consideration, you do have feelings for this girl and obviously you want her around or you wouldn't be with her to begin with. So you both need to come to an agreement on the appropriate time you will be on the game. Find out some things she likes to do, other than video games. And take some time to do those things too.
It takes two in a relationship. She has to do some of the things you like just like you have to do some things that she likes. it works both ways. You can't make her play video games all the time without doing things that she wants.
Do some things that she wants for a while and put your video games on hold. After a bit tell her that you want to spend time kicking her but at Ratatouille. If she complains, say "hey the past two weeks we've done this and that and it was all stuff that you wanted to do and I happily joined in even though I didn't particular like it but I did it so that we can spend quality time together, now its my turn."
Go out with me instead. 8D I'd love that. Just kidding.
For the jokey way, just mention that you're a nerd or something? You know, even if you're not. If you want it to be more serious, well, she's going to be hurt either way. Maybe just limit the amount of dates you guys have ("sorry, I've got exams coming up. Much as I love you, parents are making me study more...") or just tell her. Straight out. It's not that you don't want to spend time with her (unless you'll be tormented by the lie) it's just that you've wanted to try out this new game for AGES...?
That is, if you still like her. Otherwise, ending the relationship seems the best option. Maybe you're not quite ready for the commitment yet.
EDIT: Sorry! I assumed there. Well, then my only option is the nerd thing. :|
it shouldn't matter what gender you are,your playing a game to have fun or relive stress or what ever.i don't play online but from what i have read and heard girls/women get treated like crap most times which there is no reason for.i personally think its HOT that girls/women play video games and would prefer to be beaten at a game by girls/ ex wife always thought video games are for little kids,and she was wrong.i would love to date a gamer girl/women,i think it would be great.hope this helps.keep playing and having fun.