Do you believe that pastors who are caught in sexual sins should remain pastors of the church?

Pastors who have been caught up into sexual sins, Many have failed in this area. Do you think that they should be restored and came back to teach and preach? What kind of accountability to be taken when a pastor commits sexual sin such as porn? Should the pastors came back and lead the church? Can they be trusted to lead the church again?

A F2008-11-06T08:52:17Z

Favorite Answer

No they should not remain pastors. They should be helped or if need be required to resign. However if there is real repentance and evidence or a changed life there should be a path back into ministry if the Lord is leading them back. someone who has sinned and knows they have and has really repented and found the grace of God not just to forgive them so they don't go to hell but to give them the strength and desire to lead a righteous life with a good attitude may an excellent person to help others see the wrong of sin,the grace of God in Christ Jesus,the need and the possibility to receive and live in and by that grace. I personally would find it easier to believe and follow such a pastor than one who says I have never and would never do wrong so I don't need grace and daily correction and protection in Christ,

Galatians 6:1 "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. "

John S2008-11-06T08:58:46Z

Well, if the church is based on the teachings of a MAN, then NO.
BUT.. if the churches dogma is separate from the man..then Maybe.

There is an issue of trust..therefore and if their sexual sin is against a minor, then there are definitely grounds to error on the side of caution and not take any chance that he/she may slip up again.. therefore, resigning from Pastorship would most definitely be reasonable.

Otherwise, the Pastor may simply be asked to take a less direct role in the leadership of the church.

In either case, the church and the pastor should fully cooperate with authorities and accept whatever legal action is required by the law.

I think it is odd that although sexual sins amongst Pastors is just as prevalent, if not more, then those amongst Priests... the outcry and media attention when a Priest commits a sexual sin is MUCH more scandulous and public.
Reverberations are heard across the GLOBE, where as a pastor's sin is likely to only make the local news, if that.

In both cases...they should be forgiven, but considerable measures should be taken to ensure it never happens again, especially when it concerns children. MOST of the time, the Pastor or Priest should resign and take a lesser role in Church leadership.

In the Catholic faith, the teachings of the church are not based on any 1 individual (not even the pope can change church docturine) where as in many SMALL non-denominational churches..the docturine is very much based on 1 man's interpretation and leadership....this is merely a difference, that I find interesting, having attended BOTH Catholic and Non-denominational churches


What kind of accountability to be taken when a pastor commits sexual sin such as porn?

**Man watches porn in the privacy of his own home? None of anyones business. He is just a man.

Pastors who have been caught up into sexual sins,

**If he has broken the law, or abused another than he needs to be removed at once!! Hopefully put in jail for ever!


Any overseer, whether a priest, bishop, reverend, or pastor; the overseer must be blameless. He should have fortified in him the discipline to keep himself from deliberate sin, and should have the integrity to know that he may be on the edge of failing, that he may remove himself from being near to the forbidden. It is a very sobering matter to represent the Lord Jesus Christ, and if it be done in sincerity, then his sincerity must include honesty.


I personally would not go to a Church knowing that there is a pastor that is continuing his sinful ways.
But we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God.
I do have a big problem with pastures that say do as I say do not as I do. Practice what you preach is my way of thinking.

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