Sexless Marriage/Kill Female Sex Drive?

I'm in a sexless marriage and my husband does not find me attractive. Is there any kind of herb or drug that a woman can take to kill her sex drive permenantly? I'm frustrated and am determined to stay faithful in my marriage for God. Please help me out. I think if all natural desire to be with my husband is killed I could cope with life and this sexless marriage a little better. Also if he cheats on me or leaves me it probably won't hurt as bad. If there isn't anything to kill the female sex drive forever I will also take any temporary quick fixes that are not harmful to one's health. Thank you!


Favorite Answer

you can lure your husband to have sex with you. Woman has the tremendous capacity for that thing. you know that if you want to have sex with other person, you can easily do that. So make your husband find you attractive. do what he would normally expects from other woman.Be in less dress in bed so that his dick get erected and arouses his sexual desire. Then also if his dick doesnot get erected so you can better understand, what to do with this kind of person.I do not call him a man.
why u wat to kill your sex drive? Make good use of it.


I understand you wanting to stay inside God's will by remaining married.
Maybe you and your husband should seek counseling, either with a Pastor or a professional counselor.
He may be having a male problem that he doesn't want to admit to. Has he said he does not find you attractive? Or do you just think that because he isn't interested in sex?
Some people, especially devoutly religious people can have overwhelming feelings of guilt when they have sex. Maybe this is an issue that needs to be addressed.


I cant even begin to imagine your frustration. I dont know how much or how strong your drive is but for myself, I have had the same woman for many years, and just the sight of her turns me on and I feel a physical response almost immediately. This is an honest answer I might add, not just one to be "cute". If I didnt get enough, it would be very, very, difficult for me not to stray regardless of the rest. I really dont have an answer, but unless he has a problem himself, or he is running down his battery someplace (which is what I suspect), the only thing left is viberators. A poor substitute but nevertheless available. I also suggest some arousal preperation to make it total and complete. Zestra comes to mind and can be bought at walmart. Any device you want can be purchased over the internet.

If nothing else works.......well life is short at best.....and we were made to be sexual beings. So take it from there.


Hmm, that might be more of a persaonl choice, some people like to play with sperm, can't fig out why lol I don't think it has an effect on the sex drive itself, maybe just the enjoyment of who they are with and where he puts the sperm know what I mean? hope this helped. :)

Salacious Crumb2009-04-25T08:37:57Z

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors - anti-depression drugs like Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, Celexa) all have a major side effect - they pretty much totally KILL your sex drive. I mean you will absolutely feel like not having sex at all.

If this is the route you want to go, see your physician and tell him you are depressed.

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