Any activity ideas for my mom and grandmom?

A little background info...My grandmom is having a hard time emotionally right now. My granddad passed away nearly 2 years ago after being married 54 years. She has gotten into a bit of a funk since and doesn't get out to do anything fun anymore and its put her into a fairly depressed state. I was just talking to her and she was saying she would like to try some things but just doesn't know what to do.

She will be turning 80 end of June so it needs to be somewhat age appropriate. No jumping out of planes or similar. I'd like my mom to go with her (she's 53) also. The last few years were completely consumed with caring for my grandfather. If I lived closer I would go too but I'm 500 miles away. I'd like to give them a list of ideas and help get them involved in something.



Oops. Sorry. They are in Florida about 1 1/2 from the Ga border. Days trips to Ga would be fun though.

Its a little hot out right now so indoors probably is best. I suggested a stained glass class but she's already tried that years ago.

courtney t2009-05-25T13:22:05Z

Favorite Answer

well it kinda hard because we have no clue of what state you live in but if ga you could go to the:
world of coke a cola
baseball game
for more things to do go to this website:
i have been to all the ones i listed
hope you have some fun