I started playing RS last week and so far I'm enjoying the game, but I have a lot to learn. I'm trying to concentrate on mining and Runecrafting but I think I really need to get my combat level up first. I've heard that I need a set of Runecrafting gloves from the Fist of Guthix to boost my Runecrafting but since I'm a low level noob, I have no hope of winning a duel there.
2 questions.
First, whats the best option for getting my combat level raised to something competitive? Is it more efficient to keep pounding away on the level 2-5 monsters or attack something closer to my level? Current Stats: Combat overall: 20 Attack: 18 Strength and Defense: 15 Range: 7 Magic: 15ish (not sure) Prayer: 16 Constitution: 21
Second, I'm really confused about armor and weapons. What armor is the best to get? I'm mainly fighting with magic and a sword (Silverlight sword from a quest). I use the fire attack spell when I can and switch over to the sword once I run out of runes. The heavy warrior style armor is good when wielding a sword but it hurts my magic. The magic robes help magic but don't protect me from that guard that's pounding away at me.
Should I have 2 sets of armor and constantly switch between them? I know inventory space is at a premium so I usually just pick something out of the bank and stick with it. What armor sets should I be working to eventually get and keep? (Non-member, only care about stats not style)
Craig S2010-04-23T06:49:45Z
Favorite Answer
If I were you, i'd go to Al Kharid, and get your levels up on the al kharid warriors, while buying kebab's from the guy beside the furnance. Also, this is 10 seconds away from a bank, which makes it more convient to switch from mage gear, to combat gear.
For you i'd recomend just some basic steel armor, which you could aqquire easily from the grand exchange, then steel will do you untill mithril (don't worry about black, it's hard to get sometimes and 10 defence level's isn't worth it) and then to addy, and finnaly rune. Rune is the maximum armor for non members.
For weapons, that's a personal prefrence. I love using scimitars (scimmys) , which are fast hitting and moderate damage weapons. which can be bought either at the grand exchange, or at a little tent on the way to the al kharid warriors. once again steel-mith-addy-rune. If you prefer high hitting, the battle axe would be my recomendation. You can wear a sheild while still hitting almost as high as the 2H.
If I were you, while i was at the grand exchange i'd also pick of an amulet of str, defence, attack, or mage. whichever you prefer !
I have not really played Runescape that much in a while but, the Silverlight really blows in my book. If I remember correctly, you can now wear steel armour. Just keep one set of armour if you go with melee. The magic robes don't protect you because, hey it's a robe... Just hide behind a rock or something and cast your magic.
As for the training, attack monsters that are higher or close to your level. The harder the enemy, the more exp and better loot drop.
LASTLY, if you have any questions, check runehq.com It is an unofficial strategy guide online that gives you the stats of everything from monsters to items and helps walk through quests.
Well for fist of guthix if you want those gloves, i suggest training as mage, because you get a ton of free runes when you play it and it gives you a chance to level it really fast on other players without the cost of buying the runes. As for the armor you should wear, my suggestion would be the mystic lava staff, and full mystic. It may take you awhile to acquire these items, but when you find a talent for money it should be easy. Just do woodcutting, fishing, or some other high profit skill suck as mining pure rune essence to make money. My fishing is about 60 and i make really easy money fishing lobsters and selling them in the grand exchange. As for combat armor, until you get rich i suggest you beat dragon slayer and you use a g maul, or a rune long, and full rune, once you get to the level. For now you should see if you can wear full black or mithril. I hope this helps.
I guess that first off you should get ur level to at least 40 so you can start making money, the best way to level up at ur lvl is by going to Alkharid warriors. Do a lot of quests and eventually finish dragonslayer. by then you will be at least lvl 50. then you can start making money. I dont recomend that you raise both your warrior and mage stats, because you can much better in combat if you go either pure mage or pure str or pure archer. If you decide to go pure then you might want to make a new char...it doesnt take you long to get back to lvl 20. When you are pure it will be easier to know what type of armor you should wear. If you do decide to make a new char and need some money right away try selling cow hides they sell for 100 gold each so if you can get 1000 then thats 100k... remember Alkarid warriors...
i haven't played runescape in such a long time so i might be rusty but here it goes. this information will be accurate for non-member players. and is mainly for combat leveling purposes only.
attack level is the level of weapon you can use (same for defense just for armor). at level 1 you can use bronze or iron (bronze<iron) ... level 5 you can use steel ... level 10 is black (or white for members) ... 20 is mithril ... 30 is adamant ... and 40 is rune. rune being the strongest (for non-members).
strength level is how high of a hit you can hit for melee weapons. the higher the level the higher the hits per swing
both rune-crafting and mining/smithing take a LOT of time to level and in the end are practically not worth the time you wasted.
for leveling combat it is faster and easier to level as a melee class because of the price for runes will get really high. when you can farm gold as a high level you can work on your mage at a quick pace.
now to answer your questions in order: 1. carry an inventory full of food with your best melee gear on. kill the highest monster you can without using food for 3-5 monsters. then farm away, ideally you will always attack something with a yellow color level that will indicate that the monster is around your level. 2. for leveling its is best to put on the best armor you have so you can take more hits. i wouldn't waste the space carrying two sets of armor, i would instead leave the runes in my back and with until i wanted to level my mage and trade armor sets.
*important: for casters you always want a staff of the main rune your using... example: fire casts i would use a fire staff (red staff, i cant remember whether they named the staffs after the runes), water casts with water staffs... the reason for this is the staff you are carrying you automatically have an unlimited amount of that rune.