Do you have any phobias?

I have two - dentists and moths.
Yes, moths. I don't like they way they flap around.


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People watching me eat ----weird I know, but I hate it.

Smiles (derailed)2010-05-29T12:20:47Z

Acitophobia (or Acytophobia...somewhat like that..)- fear of failure. It's true. I go around depressed for ever if that happens to me. Thing is, my family expects me to be the one with the shiny gold medal, and not the silver one. They don't mind if I don't win, but I can see that they'd prefer the gold one allll the way. It's sad sometimes times.

Claustrophobia- fear of enclosed places.

When I go for vacation to India, and meet my extensive family of uncles and aunties, and great-aunts and what-not, they have a serious problem of hugging me--choking and suffocating me, more like-- like I'm an orphan. Then all I can smell is their grizzly sweaters, their bosom and their (in some cases, their lavender perfume). It drives me nuts.
I also read this Famous Five book once where Julian had to squeeze through a tunnel. When I slept, I dreamt that all the walls in my bedroom were closing in. (that sort of stuff happens in Power Rangers to the green guy in SPD-- if anyone watched those..). My chest just feels all heavy.

Yes, dentists do scare me-- especially when I had a molar problem and the big tooth at the end wouldn't come out. The dentist had to get this pair of tong-like things. It was enormous-- and scared the hell out of me. Luckily, I don't go to that side of the world much.

I'm pretty much terrified of every insect in existence, including butterflies. :) So that doesn't count..


I have several...

#1 Spiders- probably one of the most common fears. They creep me out so much! Even the little ones... I can't stand the way their legs move when they walk/run. Even thinking about it scares me, although I can't say I've had any overly bad experiences with them...

#2 Toasters- I'm not sure if I'm actually truly phobic of them, but I don't like them at all. They scare me when the toast (or whatever it is that's in there) pops up. No matter how ready I think I am, it scares me every time!

#3 Death- I'm not scared to die. I'm scared that I'll be the last one left, that all the people I love will die before me and I'll be the last one left with no one to care for me. I guess I fear being alone... But really it's the death part. Because once you're dead, you're never coming back (at least not as the same person to the same life with the same memories).

But yes, those are my top 3 fears.
Not necessarily in that order...


Yes I do and it's all part of our condition. You almost can't be human without being afraid or insecure of something. Especially if it pertains to something you care about the most in the world like your loved ones, your circumstances, or in some cases your own survival. More importantly, you can't let a fear of something guide your life ultimately limiting your full potential. Perhaps with time, maturity, and or sheer willpower you can overcome or at least tolerate what your fear. But don't take what someone's word for it just live your life.


Hate doctors and dentists, moths bugs in geeral including spiders!! Don't like blood either

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