Can thee God contradict himself?

God is a title, we give to what we believe is the most supreme being.
Can thee God, assuming there is only 1, contradict himself?

Self-Contradiction is a flaw -- RIGHT?

The most supreme being would by sheer definition be perfect... right?
If a god can self contradict, go against his own principles, then he is by definition not perfect and thus not truly God -- something else might be, then.
Stated another way, If there exists the possibility of something else greater, either in mercy, internal consistency, knowledge, love, etc. then by definition the being we use the title of thee God on, is in fact NOT god. -- RIGHT

So I ask you, under what circumstances can thee God (assuming there is just 1) ever contradict himself or do anything which is not perfect and still be God?

Remembering that: If he is not perfectly good, then something else might be slightly better,... in which case there then exists the possibility something else, perhaps on Earth is better. But if that's the case, then by sheer definition that immediately becomes God.

Argue this point ad-infinum until you arrive at a point where you concede that WHOEVER thee God is.. he HAS TO BE, by sheer definition, perfect, incapable of self contradiction, perfectly loving, just, merciful, everything good. OR he simply fails the definition of being "the 1 God."

Which would then mean we most likely have multiple gods (or no god if none of us are any better then the rest of us in any way shape or form, which we know is not true) These multiple gods would then be beings, either entirely human or not, which represent the best examples of each character trait, area of knowledge, etc.

I know this must sound terribly circular, but to those which continually try to enlighten theists by showing how depraved or screwed up their God is.. your examples, interpretations of scripture, or what-not, seems to ignore the very definition of what those theists believe GOD is.

So the argument fails to convince because it violates the definition.

Do you agree? If not, under what set of circumstances can the 1 true God be less then perfect?


Sorry for the length, I cut it down as much as I could. At least I broke it up so its not a wall of text.



See this is the type of thinking I was hoping to get more of.

YES, obviously I am talking about something that none of us can truly even comprehend and so there are limits.
I agree

However, we know that self-contradiction would not be possible by this theoretically perfect being, as we define God to be.

This is why many attempts fail to convince theists - because it violates the definition, even if we can not fully comprehend it.



Thanks for giving me text book definitions of the same in the box literalist thinking which proves my point that pointing to contradictions will break the definition and thus not convince anyone.

1 thumbs down each.

You're welcome!

james o2010-07-09T14:03:36Z

Favorite Answer

Problem: "perfect" is an abstract concept we have invented, much in the way of "infinity."

Nobody has ever seen or touched or otherwise dealt with perfection. It's a notion we invented.

God, being the creator, has created all that we are. Naturally our invention of perfection would tend toward God.

However, it is our invention. Much like it appears that there are more than the standard three dimensions in the world (but we can only comprehend three of them with the senses), it is not unreasonable to suppose that there are aspects of goodness, justice and mercy far beyond our powers of perception and understanding. Thus, our notion of what we call perfection cannot be perfect, because it is limited by our very limited nature.

So, while we certainly can talk til the cows come home about perfection, and how perfect is God, etc., the discussion is meaningless, since we don't have a grasp of the basic terms.

We are finite beings, creatures, attempting to comprehend a deity beyond our perception. God need not be perfect or infinite to be beyond our ability to fathom, since we are Her creatures.

Just as a pot cannot comprehend the potter, we cannot comprehend God.


God, being Holy Supreme Original Father God Creator, does not contradict. Humans contradict. I would go so far as to say that the bible contradicts, according to how you read it. Our interpretations contradict. The human mind, yes, all the time. We are human filters, even of inspired writings. Define perfection. In the human world being perfect does not mean never improving. Bright can get brighter. In terms of the Divine, Father God, where everyone and everything originated, no contradictions except in the mind of men. Although I greatly honor the Bible, I do not equate it with being God. A lot of truth for sure. Decipher for oneself. I am not into convincing anyone or proving. It is my belief, that the Supreme God will not nor has ever will contradict. If you differ, that is ok. Blessings to you.

James O2010-07-09T15:58:03Z

No, but texts can if not rightly interpreted

God cannot contradict Himself

There are mistaken attitudes and the like ascribed to God contrary to His attributes( All Good, All Perfect, All Just, All Loving, etc)but any sacred text needs to be intrepreted in the light of God's attributes

There is also paradox which is apparent but not real contradiction


have you ever been at against the regulation scene and asked the varrious wittnesses what occurred. there is actuality this is obtrusive, then there is the enter from the minds of the visitors seprate factors of view. each and each is precisely genuine. The esentals are there. The data are there. The personalities of the writters are additionally there performing as a interpeting ingredient. The Gospels are basically that. there is the actuality, and there is likewise the presentation of the factors of view of the wittnesses. The overriding actuality in Judaism and Christianity is that God is One Lord. hear O Isreal, the Lord our God is One Lord. The team spirit of God is unquestionable. God can not disagree with himself. Any interpetation of scripture or narrative that asks if God disagrees with himself disregards the 1st principals, or primise of the Bible. All else is obtainable in the sunshine of that one single theory


Biblical contradictions, never derive from the Bible itself but from the interperters. We as humans have the freedom to perceive anything we see, read, taste, or touch, as we please.

Now lets begin with your break down of God. In the beginning of the Bible God was never referenced by name. Adam and Eve never called out the name God to speak to or hear from him. Cain and Abel were raised to worship and Sacrifice to God continuously but even as Cain and Abel gave they never saught a name to call him. It was understood he was the "Supreme Being" therefore a name to assert his position was never necessary. Continuing on throughot the chapters God began to be known, as "Father", "Most-Hight", these are adjectives describing a person of a certain status or worth. Traveling further you will see God being called "Jehovah" or other foreign words that translate into God.-The point I am building up to is that man sought to create a name to call this "Supreme being".It is a fact that man must see or hear something to call it factual.{Is this not our principles of "evidence"}The term God then evolved into a more generalized "text" term for an exhaulted being, as you mentioned above. Thats when the people began worshiping other entities and called tem God.

Society has somehow taken everything that was created out of pure praise to GOD the father of Christ and made it into and earthly term. In the Bible God has never contradicted his self, if so name an instance. God does change life for his creations though. God has made more allowances and allowed us more room for decision out of love to grant us our desire.{That excerpt isn't factual but my belief}. Now when you say contradiction, think of it like this. Did he go agaisnt somethimg "You" believe he was about. Or are you drawing from his only guidline on Earth the "Bible".

Too often humans are ready to persecute the beliefs of other or disapprove what they cannot see, touch, understand, or control. I f you have any further statements or arguments I am more then willing to discuss.

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