why was my answer reported and removed?

I got an email saying my answer was reported to the yahoo answers community and removed. I'd like to know why. I put a link for a site to watch movies on but I see people doing that all the time so are you not supposed to put links in your answers?

jay k2010-11-21T21:45:44Z

Favorite Answer

It is a violation to give a link to an illegal site. Others do it, but it's still against the rules. Be careful about doing it in the future, because that is a ToS(terms of service) violation, which can lead to an instant suspension.

also, they might have mistook you as a spammer and reported you out of error that way


If it was a link to a site which allows users to watch or download movies for free illegally, such as a bit-torrent, your answer would have been reported as violating copyright law. One of the things you're aren't allowed to do here is to tell people how to break the law, and doing so can lose you all your Yahoo accounts (like email) as well as Answers.
It's true that not all violations are reported (altho most are eventually), but that doesn't mean it's ok, it's just that nobody's caught up to them yet.
Better luck in the future.


in case you weren't in violation of the ToS constantly, constantly, constantly charm. i've got an extremely sturdy success fee with appeals. whilst somebody removes a Q or A that become no longer in violation of the ToS they actually do lose effect in the community and that's greater durable for them to do away with something returned. There are some which could get dissimilar human beings to additionally record (and in many situations have different money owed to facilitate this) using fact they are so untrustworthy of their reporting and there are others who're so nicely depended on they could delete with a single click - a privilege they could lose in the event that they record incorrectly. in case you weren't in violation, charm and relax safeguard in the understanding which you have dealt yet yet another physique blow to the hordes of record monkeys that have been these days infesting Y!A.


As Jay said, you violated the Community Guidelines. You can send an appeal.

-There is a link to an appeal form in the email in which you received

Richard K2010-11-22T04:49:23Z

Possibly reported as illegal which would be a violation. In most cases you can add links as long as they aren't spam There are however trolls out there who often report what they disagree with, if you feel you have been wronged you should appeal it.

Go below. Just follow the prompts.


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