Somali based pirates are threatening to kill the Danish citizens they unlawfully captured and kidnapped on the high seas if a rescue is attempted, the country is allowing these criminals to operate out of their ports with impunity, and with the "governments" support, although we all know that there is no real government there, just a loose affiliation of gangs and pirates who prey on unarmed ships and hold them for ransom. Is it time to invade Somalia, and stop this aggresion? If they will not stop this lawlessnes, should they be stopped by military intervention? Is this a job for the UN?
FAYE: So your answer to the Somali's priracy on the high seas is for the US to retreat and leave the area alone...are you by any chance French?
Jimmy: So, your answer is that everyone should stay out of the 300 or so miles of ocean that the Somali's have been pirating in...of course, you realize that it includes the entry to the Suez Canal, so you want everyone to stop using the Suez Canal because that part of the ocean now belongs to the Somali's...interesting idea, are you French also?
Favorite Answer
It's not necessary; just change the rules of engagement. Everybody in the Gulf of Aden needs to start actively hunting down these pirates with same passion that the French are (Yeah, this a bad place for the French jabs. They're the only ones really taking the pirates head-on: ). They are only surviving because we view the monetary losses due to ransoms as tolerable. But this will only embolden and further arm our adversaries, and is not a viable long term strategy.
Maybe it's time for idiots to stop taking pleasure cruises in that area.
I don't think we (the U.S.) should invade Somalia. We tried that once before in the 1990s to help protect the starving people from the warlords. But once our military started getting into firefights with the gangs people around the world started getting mad at the U.S. again. Then when we decided to pull our military out it encouraged radicals around the world because they said "Hey look the U.S. military will run from a fight!"
Edit: I'm talking about the people who take their personal boats out there in that area. Everyone knows there are pirates out there? Why would any rational person go out into a dangerous area. 4 Americans who took their sail boat out there were just killed. I live in Texas. I don't cross the border into Mexico because there is a lot of drug violence down there. I don't think invading Somalia is the Answer. Maybe a bigger Navy presence to help protect the merchant ships and oil tankers.
Ah yes, invasion. The American answer to every problem. Aren't you guys broke from your other three invasions? Here's a cheaper, less violent idea. Stop creating unrest in these areas and piss off. The amount of terrorist actions will decrease exponentially.