Should the President do something about the price of gas? Would that be socialism?
If the government controlled oil, that would be socialism, but we could have much cheaper oil. Maybe it is a good idea for oil. Maybe medicine also?
If the government controlled oil, that would be socialism, but we could have much cheaper oil. Maybe it is a good idea for oil. Maybe medicine also?
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He can do something by imposing tighter regulations on wall street speculators. Unfortunately the Republicans are blocking him.
Mike: you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Do you really think they would lower their prices and make less money voluntarily..? Get real idiot.
Your question is not about the high price of gasoline, it's about the lower value of dollars. Aside from the downward correction in the value of items that had been artificially overinflated prior to the current situation (housing for example,) everything is going up in "cost" because more and more money is being injected into the economy. Oil is simply particularly sensitive because, it's always in demand and is a global, readily consumable commodity that moves everywhere and in high volume.
The price of everything will continue to rise until the dollar stops eroding in value. It's almost impossible to take money out of the economy, but the authorities could at least stop creating more of it; no more quantitative easing and higher interest rates for a start. However, the belief is that this would trigger another big downturn in the economy, and so they don't want to do that. Even if they did take such a difficult step, it would be quite some time before prices stabilized because there's usually a delay in widespread effects, and prices would probably level off well above what we're experiencing now because of that delay.
He should announce an all out effort to support domestic oil exploration, lifting all geographic restrictions. Government control of oil and medicine would and already has made both much more expensive, less available, and lower quality. Do you think the government has a track record of running things efficiently?
interior the 70's then President Jimmy Carter placed a cap on at as quickly as increasing gas fees. OPEC had cut back production and raised the cost of crude thereby slicing the availability. The oil agencies have been reporting checklist revenue and the government replaced into getting checklist tax money from them. everybody moaned and groaned. So Carter and the democratically controlled congress placed a cap on fees, put in a providence revenue tax on the oil agencies and customarily made themselves a nuisance. the effect, fees persevered to upward thrust, shortages stepped forward, rationing replaced into then instituted (you ought to in uncomplicated terms by gas on the two even or ordinary numbered days finding on your registration code),OPEC returned cut back production and gas stations robotically ran out of gas and the cost persevered to upward thrust. All of that's to tell you that the President can not administration the marketplace. If on the time of the final oil disaster the president and congress had made an oil coverage that blanketed drilling and making particular our refineies have been modern and arranged to supply the gas we desire we would be okey now yet they did no longer. instead the democrat majority listened to a minimum of one small team and not in uncomplicated terms did no longer something approximately capacity yet blocked the very issues that would help us now, drilling, modern refineries and nuclear capacity. you like something finished do no longer vote for the persons now serving in congress. look and learn the hot human beings working, in case you like their concepts, help their campaigns and get them elected. we at the instant are not likely to get coverage exchange from the standard faces. the common restoration will now no longer paintings.
No socialism is an economic system. The government regulating the oil market is not socialism.