I feel so guilty! Bursted my friend's bubble...?
One of my closest friends and I are at a horror film convention where he's attending for the second time to see his favorite actress. He's 45 and in the 8 years I've known him, I've come to believe he has autism. He wasn't diagnosed (which is amazing to me) but his identical twin has Aspergers and trust me, my friend has it also. He is sooooo drawn to this woman that I cringe. He'll point and kind of yell "There she is!" each time she's near.. in the hall... in the restaurant... at her table. Last night we were passing her in the hall and he just stopped walking and stood there to watch her and her friends talking. He's taken up her time several times this weekend left a lot of fans waiting for a long time. People in the line started whispering "He's being weird!" I let them know he was with ME! Once he realized that she was sitting across the aisle from us during a documentary about her, he changed his seat to one sitting nearest to her in the row as soon as it was available. She saw him and immediately left. He has to approach her every single time he sees her and stay for awhile. I noticed that she was escorted from place to place. No other actor has escorts here. I thought she was weirded out and told him about himself. He feels soooo bad. He thinks he can't like her anymore and was going to apologize and say "goodbye" to her forever which thank God I was able to talk him out of. I feel horrible. He's sulking and slinking around and is only motivated by thoughts of her and talking to her. What should I do?