Does the 'original' sin,...?
committed by Adam & Eve, have anything to do with sex?
committed by Adam & Eve, have anything to do with sex?
Lori T
Favorite Answer
No, it had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with disobedience.
ms manners
Maybe, in that Adam followed Eve instead of doing what he should have done.
But the original sin was disobedience.
Although i have heard the teaching i am not a believer in this but those who teach this say that when the serpent beguiled Eve it ment they had sex and supposably Adam watched. And that Cain and Abel may have been the product of the serpent and not Adam or that Abel was Adams and Cain was the serpents.
I find no truth in this teaching !
How could it? They were husband and wife, and there was no-one else they could cheat with. All we know for sure is that it was an act of disobedience to God - which all sin is.
It has to do with all sin. When they ate out of the tree of knowledge, their eyes were open to all sin.