Applying to out-of-state colleges?

I live in Virginia and am looking to apply to UMichigan and UNC. I am qualified for both colleges, but does being an out-of-state candidate help or hurt my chances of getting in?

Donald B2011-07-21T15:25:56Z

Favorite Answer

Actually in many cash starved states it helps your chances because you have to pay out of state tuition and the states like the extra money. Generally you will not get scholarships from a state school if you are an out of state student. If you have the money it is fine. If you do not have the money go to the University of Virginia which is a great school.


living out of state doesnt hurt your chances at all. colleges have to have a diverse student body, so you may even meet people from all over the world. As long as you have the grades and the SAT scores then you should be all set.

Good luck!!